Wedding & Wheels

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July 26th 2010
Published: July 26th 2010
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Dear Brethren,

We are so thankful that many of you were able to attend the wedding of Julia and Lee. So many gave gifts and wonderful cards. Thank you all for your support, help, prayers, and love for the new couple, and for our entire family.

I was so thankful to be able to keep my emotions from flowing over during the ceremony itself. I was very honored to be asked by Lee and Julia to perform the ceremony. Joy and I are particularly proud that Julia and Lee conducted themselves in such a godly manner during their courtship. During the ceremony when I declared: "Lee and Julia you may now kiss one another for the first time!," that was literally the first time they had enjoyed the special privilege. I pray their example will inspire others who are yet unmarried to be serious about conducting themselves in purity.

We are to arrive in California on Tuesday the 27th. The cost to rent a vehicle for our use during our approximately one month in the state is going to be far too costly. We are calling upon our brethren to help if they are able. If you have a vehicle which you would be willing to loan to us during our stay, please let us know. My cell number for while we are in the states is 405 795-7839. There is only need to seat 5 people, since Julia is now married (that will take some getting used to).

Thanks again to all who are praying for our safety during this busy traveling and reporting time.

In Christ's service,


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