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May 19th 2006
Published: June 6th 2006
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Well this is a very delayed blog cos i haven't had internet access in a month!

When we got back from teaching English at Mariazell we met up with a lady called Liz who runs an orphanage called Crossroads. We arranged to help out at Crossroads for the next week. Liz gave us 3 babies that really just needed some 1 on 1 attention - their names were Boy-boy, Supileule and Lutando. Boy-boy is 3 yrs old and had only come to the orphanage about a month ago. He has been severly abused, neglected and mal-nourished so he actually looked like a 1yr old. Kelly spent most of the time with him. the 1st day we went to the orphange he wouldn't even look at us but Kelly loved and played with him and by the end of the week there was such a huge difference- he was sitting up by himself and interacting with us - which was amazing!

I spent most of my time with Supileule who has Aids and T.B. he had the cutest cheakiest face. We took them out in the prams everyday, with some very dodgy looks from the locals. But it was quite amazing seeing how 1 week of some attention can progess a baby so much. It was difficult leaving them so in the end we just had to go and not say goodbye.

That week we stayed with this crazy girl called Sharon who was friends with Andrew and Dierdre from the farm! She lived really near the orphanage so it was very convenient. We got on so well with Sharon and had such a laugh. She kept us busy every evening with horse-riding, tennis, squash, running and even more horseriding. She owns a butchery that was just down the road so we'd pop in with the babies and say hello and then go for a milkshake round the corner, at her sister Marlene's milk depot - these were the best milkshakes I've ever tasted...mmmm.


11th June 2006

wow- its amazing what a difference tender loving care makes and just how imporant fresh milk is to milkshake! Look after yourself and of course others too where you can. Take care. Me.

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