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February 28th 2009
Published: March 9th 2009
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Planning the tattoo layout

Tattoo Day

1st Tattoo of the year!

Saturday, 28 Feb

Their appointment was for 11am on Saturday in Weltevreden Park (Randburg)

Lots of searching the net for similar tattoo's to what Girl pet wants. Not only does it have to be the kind of thing she can commit to for life, but also cover a tattoo that was an epic FAIL!

Seemed to be a bit more painful than bumping your toes on the curb (or hiking with boots that is a size to small)

The whole process finished at about 12:30pm with healing cream for the gorgeous looking wound.
Even with a R200 discount voucher, this was an expensive outing.

Girl pet always wanted wings and it seems that the bug has finally bitten and she is all systems go for at least one more before the end of the year.

Boy pet seems to think anything that lasts longer than permanent marker belongs on other people...but you never know!

After the tattoo was done, they learned that the skin on human feet is much tougher than the skin anywhere else on your body, and girl pet has to

Ready, bite your lip, set......
go pack in a few weeks for a touch-up! Not the best news ever, but at least this gives her one more chance to go look at the wing design she fell inlove with!

Boy pet is taking very good care of girl pet while the painfull picture heals.

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Here comes the pain!

All done, what do you think?

The healing commences

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