Shanzi was not being very lady like!

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August 8th 2012
Published: August 12th 2012
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Hyena day! I got to walk Ed! Its the first time I've walked anything so it was exciting! He's not a very good walker but we eventually made it through. He just had to sniff everything! The zebra poop, the bushes, my shoes, everythingg! At one point Shanzi got really excited and since she has a faux penis it became erect and she started licking it....quite a sight seeing a hyena give herself a blowjob....

Anyway....once we got back to the restaurant, we made breakfast and then got a talk from Tams. Nothing really, just reminders and stuff. After that, a bunch of people went to the school and to the boardwalk, I was gunna go but there were a lot of people who wanted to go and since I've already been, I decided to stay. I'll go next weekend.

For project time we had to go around the walking circle and pick weeds. There are these little bushes that will grow to have spikey flowers so we have to get them when they are little so we don't get thorns in us. We went around the circle twice because the first time we were preoccupied with the big ones the first time and we had to get all the smaller ones. Once that was finished I walked around the boardwalk, which I haven't done since my first day here so that was pretty cool. There was no other project to do, so a bunch of us were all sitting at the restaurant and Ashley sat down and started telling us stories. For example, he helped a cow give birth and had his hand all the way up her vagina. A guy raped a girl once and they released their dog on him and it bit his penis off, but they didn't know so when they got to the hospital, they were like, umm you're missing a piece....and other stories like that.

Nothing really exciting happened today with the animals. There were a bunch of handlings. But I did manage to go in with the lions, tigers and hyenas! We legit sat with each of them for like an hour. We went in with the hyenas, and someone stole Ed from me, so I cuddled with Shanzi instead. But I have noticed that Ed responds to my voice which is really cool 😊

I had a cheese toastie for dinner, basically the only thing I have here unless Katrina is cooking...and then I called it an early night! I know how lame that is, but its hard work here and I'm always tired. I can't wait to go home and actually sleep in one day.


Thursday was much of the same again. I was on lions so I had to do meat prep but I was feeling nauseous so that didn't go over too well. I feel like I'm getting a cold which just really bites the big one. I talked to Tams and she said I didn't have to go down but I don't think it's fair for someone else to do meat prep when its not their day. Instead I went down with three others and taught two of them how to do it. Its not like meat prep is that hard but finding the joint can be a little difficult if you aren't used to it. I couldn't touch it without puking so Paul came over and helped them find it. After that, it was pretty much smooth sailing. Now everyone in my group knows how to do meat prep! Yay!

Today is a public holiday (Women's Day) so we had a ton of handlings, which basically took up the whole day. I did meet these guys from Sydney though that were really cool and I was talking to them about the animals and eventually on to me possibly studying abroad there.

That's pretty much it, like I said, boring couple of days, well more exciting than what most of you are doing, but not too interesting by Seaview standards. At night we were going to watch 21 Jumpstreet, but it wouldn't work so we watched Harold and Kumar's Christmas.

Jacob leaves tomorrow 😞 I'm gunna miss my American buddy!


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