Blogs from Malawi, Africa - page 34


Africa » Malawi » Central December 2nd 2010

MZIMBA We stayed in Mzimba for a couple of nights; not a town visited by many tourists. The hotel was about a quarter full, mostly of working Malawians, some from the blood transfusion service and others from Save the Children charity. In the evening the bar is very quiet and Derek is able to play pool on a wonky table with challenging cues! One has no tip and the other has a tip like a burst thistle. We did a lot of walking, making enquiries about the whereabouts of a friend. Amazingly, but not surprisingly, Richard calls us 2 days later as the messages have got through to him! We meet Arthur in the internet cafe and he comes to find us in the evening to talk about the nature of democracy and world leaders and ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Northern » Nkhata Bay November 25th 2010

Hello from Mzimba. We left Nhakata Bay yesterday where we have been staying at Butterfly Lodge where they have chalets for the tourists but also support the local community through some good projects including an H.I.V support group, a single women's support group and a youth project. It is a very relaxed and creative place to stay. Weve met so many people including those who met Derek last time he was here. It's hard to remember everybodies names! Much of our time was taken up with meetings in connection with SUPOCHO. They are a charity organisation setting up a computer school for orphaned, vulnerable young people. We have been to the building which Derek has been sponsoring, to have a meeting with around 12 people from the community. There were many speeches.... all translated so everyone ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe November 16th 2010

Hi to everyone, well we arrived yesterday after a very tiring flight to nairobi and then to Lilongwe. Getting used to the heat and just chilling out for a few day's before heading to the lake. Jim met us at the airport and got us through customs with a few handshakes, he knows them well!! Be in touch soon Love from Derek and Gill... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi November 13th 2010

The first stars of the night were starting to shine as the boat set anchor. Not nervous but unsure of what to expect. I was about to dive into a giant black hole with only a torch and a diving instructor to guide me around. As we reached the bottom of Playground Point a large school of dolphin fish start following us using our lights as a better way to find their prey. In an incredible display of what life is like as a freshwater fish. A night in Lake Malawi was the perfect tonic to escape the bus rides of Malawi. Malawi didn’t do much for me and in the end I spent 40% of my daylight hours on a bus of some description to in the end (apart from doing my first night dive) ... read more
Shore of Cape Maclear
Children playing at Cape
Kid smiling for the camera

Africa » Malawi October 16th 2010

You should go there once in your life... read more
Use your head
Our selfcontaied room - without water of course!

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach October 13th 2010

trip along the shore of the jewel lake... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Kandi Beach October 5th 2010

Our big event for today was a visit to the Kande Beach village next to our camp. This included a tour of the village manual water pump, the hospital and school all supported by funds from the Canadian Government. Our guide for this tour showed us into his home where he lives with two younger brothers and a sister - brick walls and thatch roof and cement floor and two windows with glass with three rooms in a total floor space of 20 x 15 feet. He built this home himself. We walked to the main village area and Kayla bought a cold soda from one vendor. Outside on the street, all the day's produce and all manner of other goods were laid out and displayed for sale. Kayla went over to one woman selling maize ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Kandi Beach October 5th 2010

This is to be our last day in beautiful Malawi, and after a relatively short road trip through many more interesting villages and street markets, and a stop in one village for water and snacks in the local Superette, we arrive at the most beautiful beach we've seen so far. Two people events to remember: 1. the butchery was chopping sides of meat on a wood stump in front of his shop while other sides hung overhead in the sun, 2. A mother was waiting for transport with two small children, three suitcases and a large blanket when a bike "taxi" stopped and after some negotiations the three suitcases were tied to the back of the bike and all walked off along the busy roadway. We have mentioned before about the street scenes, but it's worth ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Kandi Beach October 4th 2010

Up a bit later this morning, breakfast of pancakes and sausages at 7:30, departure at 8:00. We didn't have far to go, just a few hundred kilometers. Surprisingly, Malawi has a lot of hills and high rocky mountains that start right from the lakeshore.  Lake Malawi is the third deepest lake in Africa, and is 75 km across and about 750 km long, part of the Rift Valley system. From our campsite, we can't see across it. We drive through the hills, covered with all kinds of crops, from rice in the low marshy lands, to bananas, cassava, sweet potatoes, potatoes, red onions and tea plantations. This is quite a rich farming area compared to the southern highlands of Tanzania, and is much greener, even though this is the dry season. On the last few days, ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach September 27th 2010

These two days we traveled over 1,000 km along the Tanzam HIghway, finally crossing the border into Malawi in the afternoon of the second day. Here are some of the impressions from our travels: The Tanzam Highway is paved, but that doesn't necessarily mean smooth. This is Africa, after all. Some of the tar roads are worse than the gravel ones, full of potholes, bumpy patches, and construction underway. Our big orange truck took the worst of it, but it's passengers suffered through 'back massage' on most of the journey. It was tiring and after 10-12 hours on the road, what with all the stops along the way, we were well and truly tired at the end of each day. At one stop, we saw another overlander mobbed with touts six deep beside the truck windows ... read more

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