Egypt-Travel Talk Tour

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Africa » Egypt
January 8th 2011
Published: April 22nd 2013
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This was my first Travel Talk tour. I did the 15 days Ultimate Egypt tour. Here is the link for the itinerary

Egypt has always been on my list to visit so this was a highly anticipated trip. I booked this with a friend to get the 2 4 1 deal. We booked for over the Xmas/New Year period to escape cold and snowy London in 2010.

The trip started and ended in Cairo, it was by land so all travel was by an air conditioned coach. The tour guides are great- this particular trip had a tour guide who travelled with us from Cairo, Hurghada, Luxor, Aswan, Edfu, Komombo and back to Cairo. We then were introduced to a new guide who took us from Cairo to Dahab. The water is clear and it has the famous Blue Hole to go snorkelling and diving where the water is full of tropical fish. The accommodation for the tour is in lovely 4* Hotels.

Highs of the trip? Seeing the Pyramids and my first camel ride. Snorkelling in the Blue hole in Dahab.

Lows of the trip? I got really sick through the trip and ended up with Bronchitis L but that has nothing to do with the tour. But as another high, the chemists sell antibiotics and pain killers over the counter for cheap so I was fixed in a flash!

When did I go? Departed Christmas day from London. Cheap flights (booked in advance).

Weather? Average of 27 degrees (Celsius) during the day but cool in the evenings. No rain and clear blue skies.

What to wear? Covering up your shoulder and legs is appropriate for visiting museums etc. There were plenty of tourists in short shorts and dresses so it really is not a problem if you have a scarf to through on top.

Overall I recommend this trip for someone who would like to see a lot of Egypt in a short space of time, also if you are into snorkelling or diving.


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