Blogs from Miraflores, Lima, Lima, Peru, South America - page 14


South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores August 30th 2011

Well I caught the flight without a hitch came via Madrid to Lima, now for those who havent travelled with air Iberia there are pluses and minuses, the flight was packed and there were loads of kids, I also had some gross twat behind me who for some reason thought it would be a good idea to sneeze through the gap between my seats... not happy! The food was shite, because I´m a vegetarian they seemed to want to deprive me of all happiness, my main meal was rice and peas... not kidding just rice and just peas. No whilst the non vegetarian lady next to me was tucking in to her desert of treacle pudding next to me I was chowing down on 1 small piece of melon... nice. So a few hours later they ... read more
Copia (2) de ellie 053
Copia (2) de ellie 032
Copia (2) de ellie 033

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores August 26th 2011

Nachdem wir nach unserer Machu Picchu-Anstrengung wiedereinmal etwas kraenklich wurden liessen wir uns beim besichtigen Cuzcos 2 Tage Zeit. Die Stadt ist wirklich mit Abstand die schoenste Perus! Danach ging es mit dem Luxusbus "Cruz del Sur" in 20h nach Lima zurueck wo wir seit der Ankunft wieder im selben Hotel wie am Anfang unserer Reise hausen. Hausen deswegen weil wir das Haus nur zum essen verlassen weil wir eben nicht ganz gesund sind... Unser letzter Reisefuehrer bat uns am Ende unseres gemeinesamen Abenteuers auf einem weissen A4 Zettel ein Feedback ueber "everything" zu schreiben. Ich werde in diesem Stil versuchen die Reise ein bisschen zusammenzufassen. La comida: Peru ist das Land der Erdaepfel. Mehrere tausend Arten soll es hier geben. DAS peruanische Mittagessen besteht daher immer aus einem gebratenen Stueck Rind oder Huhn, das je ... read more
The Captain
Inkawand mit Koloniebogen

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores August 22nd 2011

I arrived Friday night, July 22nd. Wait, let me back up. I boarded the plane for Miami a little before 8am. It was an uneventful and extremely long 5 hour (or so) flight. As we approached, though, I began getting quite nervous. The captain kept announcing over the intercom that we were being put into yet another holding pattern before landing and eventually we were going to be landing well after my plane for Lima was supposed to begin boarding, and shortly before the plane was supposed to leave the ground. This didn't sit well with me, especially as I remembered my travels through Philadelphia a few years ago. I don't remember if I was coming or going, but I do remember arriving at the airport and spending the next hour and a half going through ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores August 15th 2011

Hey friends! There is so much I want to write, and you all know how bad I am at telling stories so I'll try to keep it short and sweet, but we know how well that will go. I just want to write about some Peruvian ways of life before I dig into the juicy stuff: 1) whenever you greet someone you have to go in for the kiss on the cheek even if you don't know them, it's a little awkward at first but I'm getting used to it. 2) you can't drink the water from the faucet or you'll get sick, it has to be boiled first. 3) you can't flush the toilet paper so their are garbages (covered!!) where you can throw it. I'm starting to become more accustomed to getting around in ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores August 11th 2011

HELLO FRIENDS I'M ALIVE!!(I hope nobody is sad about this) Lima is a crazy city! I got here on Tuesday night at 2 a.m., so technically Wednesday. I had orientation Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. so I had to wake up at 7a.m. to get ready and get the bus at 7:45a.m. to make sure I got there on time. I live in Miraflores, which is a district in Peru that is supposed to be one of the safest districts in Peru with lots of entertainment like restaurants, bars, and shopping, but the downside is it's far from the university (up to an hour long bus ride if there is lots of traffic). I live with a Sra. who is older and acts just like a mom, telling me, and another person staying with us (his ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores August 4th 2011

On the morning of my intended travel to Aguas Calientes, in the foothills of Machu Picchu, I awaken with a gloriously bad headache. Being in the land that brought us the ¨Pisco Sour¨, I can hardly blame myself, though I was pleasantly surprised at my own ability to stomach so much egg white in an alcholic beverage. Trudging down to the restaurant, I decided on a light breakfast- less for the altitude issue and more for my distrust of my own stomach. My lift to the train station arrived pretty late. We then had to pick up a couple at another hotel before arriving at the station. On the way, after some small talk chatter with the couple, who asked where I was from, I made the comment that I was from England, ¨Which was an ... read more
We're shown how to dye clothes with natural materials, including an insects blood.
Our train at Aguas Calientes.
Aguas Calientes nestled in the jungle.

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores July 15th 2011

Hey all, we´ve arrived in Peru safe and sound, no baggage lost and unfortunately none of the group lost!! It was one heck of a long day, 30 hours travelling. Lots of new films to entertain us eventhough everyone got 10 minutes into a film then woke up for the credits. The food wasn´t too bad except for the veggies (we received a nice bag of carrots and a bread roll...if we were lucky enough) . The hostel is very nice, better then half the hotels in Rugby. Apart from the strange footsteps we keep awakening to at 2am and no'ones there :/ We had a cup of tea and bread and butter with jam for breakfast, however at 1am this morning a group of 7 decided to explore Peru and purchase 160 sol´s worth of ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores July 8th 2011

Once I had my baggage I went out some doors and there were loads of people there with signs waiting for people. I had to look for my name and lighthouse B&B on it because that's where I was staying for the night. Despite the amount of people it didn't take me long to see a little man wondering around through the crowd with "Karla Sheppond, lighthouse B&B" written on it. Sheppond did make me laugh....he was really nice and helped me with my bags. At one point he stopped and signaled for me to wait there. I was a bit confused - not knowing Spanish but he soon came back and helped me with bags again. It was really weird being in Lima, so different to home, and a bit scary. Coco (PoD coordinator) did ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores July 7th 2011

Places visited: Arequipa (Peru), Chivay/Colca Canyon (Peru), Nazca (Peru), Huacachina (Peru), Paracas (Peru), Huaraz (Peru), Huanchaco (Peru), Mancora (Peru) & Lima (Peru) So, here we are, my final blog - I know, I'm sure you are all gutted. So I write this from my final destination of Lima, struggling to believe that it was just under 6 months ago that i left my job and began my travels back in Oz. Anyway, i can reminisce later on, first i must tell you about the final leg of my journey that got me from Cusco to Lima.... Well, from Cusco I headed south to another of Peru's major cities - Arequipa. Yet another town with a stunning backdrop of a snow covered volcano (I am becoming a bit blase about these sort of things now). Some of ... read more
Colca Canyon
Colca Canyon
Colca Canyon

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores July 2nd 2011

We arrived at Lima, Peru from Toronto very early this morning. There were a few storms along the way, so our flight was a bit longer than estimated but overall it was good. We watched kind of nervously through our little window as we flew through some crazy lightening storms! Scary but pretty :-) By the time we got through customs and picked up our bags, it was about 2am. So we set up camp under some escalator in the airport and slept there until the sun came up. There was really no way that we going to hop in a cab at 2am in a city that we have never been to, with no place to go, so it seemed like the smartest idea. There were a few other families doing the same so it ... read more
Yay! Here we go!
Sweet airport digs

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