Blogs from Ancash, Peru, South America - page 15


South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca June 10th 2008

Hola a todos! Ons avontuur in Peruaanse Andes zit erop! We hebben onze laatste week gevuld met het beklimmen van 2 prachtige toppen in de Cordillera Blanca ("witte bergketen"): de Pisco (5752m) en de Vallunaraju (5686m). Pisco (5752m), 3 dagen. Vanuit het "base"camp (4650m) vertrekken we s´nachts om 02u en worstelen we ons door de chaotische morene (nooit zo´n hoop ellendige rotsen en puin bij elkaar gezien) naar de gletsjer. Tegen zonsopgang bevinden we ons op de gletsjercol tussen Pisco (5752m) en Huandoy (6356m). De rode en daarna goudgele kleur op de loodrechte gletsjerwanden is "loco". De tocht naar boven is zwaar wegens de felle oostenwind die de sneeuw- en ijsdeeltjes tegen ons doet slaan. Om 08u30 zijn we boven, het is helder en het 360-view is "out of this world": alle belangrijke 6000-ers rondomons (Alpamayo, ... read more
Pisco (5752m)
Pisco (5752m)
Pisco (5752m)

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 1st 2008

Hola que tal! Huaraz (3091m), een stadje gelegen aan de voet van de Cordillera Blanca (de hoogste bergketen in de wereld buiten de Himalayas), is het "basecamp" voor ons 5-weekse avontuur in de Noord-Peruaanse Andes. Deze extravagante, 180km lange bergketen herbergt juwelen van meren en blinkende witte bergtoppen. Dit gebied is het trekkers-en klimmersmekka van de centrale Andes. Gedurende de eerste week acclimatiseren we tijdens een 5-daagse in de bijzonder rustige Quebrada Quilcayhuanca. Op de 3e dag beklimmen we de 4800m hoge Cerro Choco Chico en worden verwend met een circus van 5000- en 6000-ers rondom ons: Andavite (5518m), Huapi (5421m), Rurichinchay (6309m), Cayesh (5721m), Ranrapalca (6130m),... Op de laatste dag belanden we op het erf van onze ezeldrijver Oscar Milla (geconta... read more
Cordillera Huayhuash in de morgen...
Cordillera Huayhuash
Cordillera Huayhuash: Siula Grande (6634m)

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 31st 2008

Amazing things happen in the mountains. After writing my last blog entry in Lima, I waited a few more hours before catching my bus to Huaraz, 8 hours North-East of Lima. Naturally my bus took 10 hours, but I didn´t seem to mind so much because I ended up having an amazing sleep - I don´t even remember half the people getting on the bus. I arrived here in Huaraz on the Monday morning, quite early, and found myself a short time later at a family run hostel, down the road four blocks, down a flight of steps, down a side street and right down the alley. I know it sounds pretty bad, but the guy who approached me at the bus stop was right - apart from about the hot water. The family that own ... read more
Santa Cruz Valley
Santa Cruz Valley

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz » Huascaran National Park May 23rd 2008

Huaraz is a city nestled in the Andes mountains from where a lot of travellers set out on various types of treks, from 3 to 10 days or more....depending on time & adventure! For me this was to be my last trek......the Santa Cruz trek over 4 days...although in retrospect I probably would have done it in 3 days because it isn't very hard...there is only one pass to cross & after that it is a walk in the park!! What I have found in Peru more than any other country is that the people are much more opportunistic & will always try to make a few extra nuevos soles out of your other words they are always trying to rip you off which at times, isn't a nice feeling. I met one such man ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 14th 2008

From Cusco we took a bus to Peru's capital city Lima. This was just a quick stop off for 2 nights before moving on for more trekking. Lima is a massive metropolis and we weren't there long enough to get to grips with the whole place. Instead we spent most of our time in the posh Miraflores district next to the Pacific Ocean. We went shopping, sipped pisco sours by the sea and cooked ourselves amazing meals after we found a supermarket with gorgeous fresh produce and plenty of European treats (proper cheese and ham!). We also took an afternoon trip into Central Lima where we visited the Cathedral, ate a picnic in the Plaza de Armas and saw lots of important-looking Government buildings. They also sold excellent watermelon on the streets of Lima so we ... read more
A very good question, Lima
Camping, day 1
Snow settling

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 13th 2008

Isn't the rainy season supposed to be over? One of the joys of camping is the escape from everyday life: no email, no mobile phone, no TV, no cafe lattes! The luxuries of city life are quickly forgotten and, instead, what occupies your mind is finding shelter, making a home, stopping for the the next break, reaching the next pass or sometimes even just completing the next 20 yards! There are often nice views to divert your attention but in general camping is all about getting back to basics: survival, food, shelter. Nowhere was this more true than on our recent Santa Cruz hike in the Cordillera Blanca. We didn't see the sun until the third and final day, and what's supposed to be one of South America's finest hikes turned into a difficult trudge through ... read more
Trying to stay warm at 4250 metres
Ruth at Vaqueria
Huaripampa Locals

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 6th 2008

So Trujillo was BEAUTIFUL ...but didn't end up being the volunteer opportunity of my dreams. The "school" ended up being a room in his aunt’s house with a couple desks where he charged Peruvians for English lessons. The room I was to rent was in this same house - which was, by the way, completely concrete. Foundation, floors, ceilings, stairs, counters...everything. Have you ever tried to get comfortable in a cement house? Not impossible, but difficult. So yeah - charges them for classes, gets me to teach those classes for free, and then charges me for this kid ( can't tell how old someone is over email...he was 24) was getting paid on both ends. Sweet deal...for him...I on the other hand, was quite unimpressed. The "cherry on top" were the roommates he never told ... read more
A nice little concert
Big Mama
I wonder if she´ll be into sharing my mango breakfast with me...

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 4th 2008

Hola, bon petit resume des dernieres semaines. Regulierement promenade le dimanche. J´ai ete a Honcopompa avec Sandra, tres jolie et en plus 3 chiens adorables nous on accompagne pendant 5 heures. Dimanche d´apres; Bosque de pierdras avec Hiltje et des amis. Magnifique!!! un seul petit probleme: on a perdu un des garcon dans la montagne. Mais bon plus de peur que de mal. Apres 4h les autres l´on retrouve. La semaine derniere; Churup avec Hiltje. Assez difficile par moment mais nous etions fieres d´arriver a la laguna. Et dimanche dernier, Llanganuco. Assez special le retour, accident entre 2 camions. Un des hommes etait coince dans son camion. Hiltje a aide pour les premiers soins les autres accidentes. A part ca: J´ai passe un samedi entier chez coiffeur avec Sandra pour me faire des tresses. Tres jolies, ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Huayhuash April 28th 2008

April 11-20: After eventually leaving Lima a night later than originally planned we got to Huaraz early the next morning and got talked into taking the 'free tourist bus´ to our accomodation. Only catch was they had no intention of taking us to where we wanted to go, but instead they took us to where they wanted us to stay. Eventually checked into a place that was further out of town than we would of liked but at 5 Euros for a double room who could complain. We then had to fight off a concerted effort to sell us a tour there and then by agreeing to talk to them later after we´d had a few hours sleep. A few hours later and there´s a knock on the door to let us know that our tourist ... read more
Brother and Sister, Joel and Freddie
Start of Day 7
Mountain in the Mist

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz April 22nd 2008

Hola, Enfin un petit plus sur le travail ici, Nous travaillons dans 3 endroits differents: le comedor a Los Pinos, le foyer de jeunes filles (hogar) a Los Pinos et le comedor a Ichoca. Le comedor de los pinos et le foyer sont sur le meme terrain. Tout les matins nous aidons Magda et Elita dans la cuisine du comedor de Los pinos. Il faut preparer a manger pour environs 80 personnes. De 10h a 11h l´une d´entre nous monte a la maison des filles pour aider la plus jeune a faire ses devoirs. Le mardi et jeudi nous restons au comedor de los pinos. Apres le repas nous faisons une activite avec les enfants. De l´anglais, du sport, activite manuel.... Le lundi, mercredi et vendredi nous partons du comedor de los pinos vers 11h30 pour ... read more

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