Blogs from Ancash, Peru, South America - page 17


South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 29th 2007

So I´m here. Here being the town of Huaraz in the Northern Andes, which is bed partners with the Cordillera Blanca home to the tallest tropical mountain in the world. The people here are warm and relaxed, and I´m figuring out fast that I won´t have any issues immersing myself in the language here. The town itself isn´t the most aesthetically pleasing due to a series of earthquakes and avalanches that have more or less wiped it clean not too long ago. The mountains here are amazing and reminiscent of home, except much drier and higher. Huaraz is at 3091m but elevation quickly rises from here and the tallest peaks are well over 6000m. So that explains the breathless part. The rest of the title is related to the fact that my pack is floating somewhere ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 28th 2007

I'm back. Sorry for the silence, been busy living life, it's not that I can't be arsed with this thing at all... Anyway, there's a lot to catch up on. The night out referred to on my last entry (I think) was OK, nothing special. It could be easily divided into 2 sections. The few hours we spent at Club Extreme, which played a mix of Bob Dylan, Oasis, Fatboy Slim, Euro techno music, RnB, Hip Hop and pretty much everything else was interesting purely for the fact I had a toilet roll scam going - due to my dodgy stomach I took some loo roll with me and the girls came a begging when they found out the bar had none on its premises. From Club Extreme we went on to a club which played ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 28th 2007

De nieuwe vrijwilliger, Sabine is gearriveerd. Dus nu zitten we met z´n drieeen in het vrijwilligershuis erg gezellig! En omdat Sabine op zondag door Ine zou worden rondgeleid, kozen Marleen, Ramona en ik ervoor om na ons weekend-avontuurtje paardrijden om te gaan Raften! Dus wij de volgende ochtend met twee volle rugzakken, schone kleren, zonnebrand en lunch op pad naar het trekkingsbureau van Paulino. Even later komt onze taxi aanrijden, beladen met de spullen voor het raften. Wij stappen in de taxi en beginnen onze rit naar Yungay! Halverwege stopt onze taxi naast twee mannen en wij met z´n drieeen maar wenken dat we door wilde rijden. Maar nee, de twee mannen staptte in en wij nog steeds maar denken dat er twee mannen met ons meegingen rijden. Wat bleek was het onze gids met een ... read more
Onze boot oppompen
Na instructies

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 27th 2007

Left Lima yesterday morning ane had an 8 hour drive back into the mountains to Huaraz. The drive was notable for being the second occasion I've had to drop the kids off at the pool out in the wilderness and this experience was no less pleasant. Huaraz itself seems like a bit of a dump, but we're here for 2 full days so will make the most of it. Actually managed to find a curry house last night and though not up to the standards of Curry Mahal, it wasn't too bad. There's supposedly quite good night life here too, so will check that out tonight, presuming everyone gets back from their mountain biking trip OK (I'm feeling lazy I'm afraid). FYI I've posted al photos up now, so go have a gander. Not sure when ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca October 27th 2007

Peru, Peru, Peru .... South America is unquestionably the land of superlatives. It appears that around evey metaphorical corner is the world´s highest lake, volcano, deepest canyon, wonder of the world etc. Mick met me at the airport in Lima at the start of September and from the momement I landed I was delighted to be here. Even fog-ridden Lima entranced me. The colours, the sounds and the feel of Lima was different to anything I have ever seen, but at the same time, unlike India, it felt comforting and homely. The latin American beat coming from every shop, the laid back attitudes of the people, old battered cars and brightly painted buildings made me want to never leave. Cusco We flew to Lima from Cusco two days later, firstly having discovered that we had been ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 24th 2007

After conquering Cotopaxi, Trevor and I decided we had sufficiently experienced Ecuador. We spent a couple of recovery days in Baños and Cuenca, and then spent 36 long hours on three buses to Peru. We even passed through Cañon del Pato, where our bus teetered on the edge of what could be the second most dangerous road in the world (another in Bolivia already claimed the title) and passed through 32 man-made tunnels. It wasn´t pretty, but luckily there was a deliciously tart and frothy pisco sour and the first dark cerveza of the trip waiting for us in this little mountain town of Huaraz, Peru... One guide book about South American customs claims that foreigners are seen as ¨very special people¨ in Peru. So when three indigenous people in a row pointed at us saying ... read more
The massive Nevada Alpamayo
Our Death Transporter
A Standard Load

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 19th 2007

We are now back pedalling in Peru after two weeks with our good friends Elie and Mathieu and a long side trip back to France. I´ve got a lot of catching up with the blog to do so here is my first effort describing our time with Elie and Mathieu and our journey to Cayenne. Last time I wrote the blog (quite a long time ago!) we were awaiting the imminent arrival of our friends. Well, they met us as planned in Arequipa and we had a fantastic two weeks together in Southern Peru. Our first trip after a day in Arequipa was to the Canon del Colca which is the second deepest canon in the world. It’s a very picturesque area with small typical villages with stone houses and dusty streets in the cultivated but ... read more
 The Cañon del Colca
Little cactus bugs farmed for red dye
After a hard mornings walk in the Canyon

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 17th 2007

I will start off with a bit of our own amateurism. We walked for about an hour in Trujillo trying to find the bus office to buy a ticket. Unlike Ecuador, northern Peruvian cities have no central terminals. Instead, each bus company has its own mini-station. Our map of Trujillo was pretty terrible and we had to ask about 5 people how to get there. Everyone was really nice. It was actually a nice opportunity to walk around a part of town that most tourists never see. Every 15 minutes or so someone would yell, "Que Pias" (in english "what country") as we walked by. We would respond "Estados Unidos" and then a friendly conversation would insue mostly revovling around their bewilderment with why we were walking around there. They would tell us that Machu Pichuu ... read more
Trujillo "Fixer"

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 10th 2007

Hellllllloooo! Well I just finished up my volunteering position at The Way Inn Lodge in Huaraz. It was an incredible month, but I am excited to get back on the road and do some traveling. During my month stay I worked mostly with Natalie and the Manager Pete (a kiwi (New Zealander)) along with two Peruvians. Rosa, the cleaning lady, and Ilario the cook. We all got along very well. Most of our days were spent waking up at about 7 am to enjoy the amazing mornings that the place had to offer. The mountains surrounding the lodge are indescribeable. They just tower over the area and they call your name every day to climb them. During my stay I only climbed 1 of the two mountains named Churupita, but it was to a height above ... read more
Lima Water Show

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 8th 2007

Our stay in Ecuador ended in Loja (a busy, not very attractive transport town). We arranged transportation with a bus company to leave Loja, go thru Ecuadorian and Peruvian border checkpoints and arrive in Piura, Peru. The trip isnt that far but when the driver stops for breafast, drinks and snacks, lunch, and more snacks it makes for a long, tiring, boring ride. The trip took about 8 hours but we reckon 3 could have been shaved if the driver didnt have such an affinty for taffy. After spending an uneventful night in Piura (also, a busy, dirty transport hub) we boarded another long distance bus to Trujillo. We spent two days in Trujillo because the only buses to Huarez were night buses...information that we didnt know until we went to the bus company. Three days ... read more

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