Blogs from Ancash, Peru, South America - page 16


South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz April 22nd 2008

I got to Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru, early in the morning and landed at Paola's house, a cool girl from couchsurfing that hosted me for the next 2 days. After resting and talking to Paola a little, I went to the center to see the city. It has some nice building, but my general impression was that it is too urban for me - too many cars, too much smog so you can't see the volcanos that are around it... So after that half day in the center I decided that I don't have much more to do over there, but stayed another day because I wanted to go on a tour to the nearby Colca Canyon (one of the deepest in the world), and wanted to rest a little before I get ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz March 15th 2008

Pisac After getting back from Machu Picchu, i had one day free in Cusco, which i spent going to see yet more Incan ruins. This time in Pisac, around an hour North of Cusco, in the Sacred Valley. The ruins at Pisac are actually larger than those located at Machu Picchu and they are spread across a hillside in another spectacular location. Most of them are made up of agricultural terracing. Above are 3 separate sets of building ruins - a military complex, a temple area and a small collection of houses. I spent a couple of hours wandering around the ruins, which i was really impressed with. Particularly the temple area which is much larger than that seen at Machu Picchu. The stonework in this area is really perfectly finished. Also, the views down the ... read more
Laguna Llaca in Cordillera Blanca
Laguna Churup after a tough scramble to get there
The clouds clear briefly to give a view of the mountains above Laguna Churup

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz March 15th 2008

I entered Peru by the same route I had left in November, using the Macara border crossing and heading to Puira. This time however I didn’t get stuck in Puira, instead I took another bus to Chiclayo and yet another bus from Chiclayo to Trujillo, which put me in Trujillo at about one in the morning. So I had a cabbie take me to the closest cheap hotel and got some rest. Now for some reason there are no buses from Trujillo to Huaraz during the day, only at night, so I had a day to kill in Trujillo. Luckily the ruins of Chan Chan and other smaller ruins of the Chimu culture are accessible close to the city. So I found a convey going the direction I needed and went to go see some more ... read more
Chan Chan

South America » Peru » Ancash » Yungay » Yungay February 23rd 2008

Day 7 - Lesmahagow to Peru Another early start saw us head off to the airport for our flight up into the mountains to the Cordillera Banca mountains. Nestled in the shadows of Huascaran, the highest mountain in the range is the Girasoles Boys' Centre - Kusi. But first we had to get there - in our 20 seater plane, which would only be able to take 14 on the return journey due to the altititude! The area was a stark contrast to the areas around Lima and further south at Pisco, and also Ica. Now we were in the mountains, where the air was clean and the landscape stunning. You could see how people fall in love with this country. The flight was super - now that I indulge in extreme sports, then a one ... read more
It's Showtime

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz » Mount Huarascan January 22nd 2008

Hi Folks, Up v early (6am) this morning for a flight on a very small plane - Vicki - it was the wee tiney LC Busre plane. We were headed back up into the mountains again to visit another SU Girasoles sight called Kusi near the village of Huaraz in the Ancash area. The Ancash area is close to the area called the Cordillera Blanca in Peru - the only area in the Andes where you will find snow on the mountains. It comprises a range of mountains all in excess of 20,000 feet. Needless to say, that during the time I was there, I never saw the mountain from the land as it was constantly shrouded in cloud. The only time I got to see it was on the flight back out when we saw ... read more
Raising the Scottish flag
At the School
The dancers

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz November 23rd 2007

Après que la famille soit repartie (10 jours, c’est vite passé!), nous avons pris plusieurs jours très relax à Lima. Dimanche 22h, nous avons replié bagages, maintenant plus légers grâce à un petit envoi via les valises familiales, à 8 h au nord, à Huaraz. Huaraz bénéficie d’un emplacement exceptionnel : à 3 100 mètres d’altitude, la ville et les environs sont entourés des Cordillères Blanche, Noire et Huayhuash. La Cordillera Blanca est la plus haute chaîne de montagnes au monde après l’Himalaya. On y retrouve plus de 50 pics enneigés de 5 700 mètres et plus, dont le point culminant du Pérou, le Huascarán à 6 768 mètres. Bienvenue au paradis des randonnées en montagne, pour tous les niveaux! Ce magnifique paysage a eu par contre ses revers pour la région. La pire catastrophe fut ... read more
Rivière à Huaraz
Huaraz et la Cordillère
Ben, rivière, chandail rose...

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz November 18th 2007

As always I seem to meet people as I go and so continues Peru, from Cusco I took a very long bus to Lima, stopped, wandered and found my ticket to Huaraz. Proceeded to eat a nice seafood lunch and met a local with just enough time to visit and get on my bus to Huaraz. I arrived in Huaraz at first light more or less, and again followed the trend of finding lodging through a tourist agent at the bus stop. This time I struck gold with Hostel El Tambo I found very friendly staff, good clean rooms, and a very affordable price. I also found myself heading for a half day of rock climbing, which I set up the same morning through the travel agent roamer. At the rocks I found another guide with ... read more
Hatun Machay
Hatun Machay
Hatun Machay

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz November 5th 2007

For those that are in an inquisitive mood I can now report, thank jah, I am a million miles away from the desert Metropolis of Lima. While the beach neigborhoods of Miraflores where I roamed are worth a look I was awestruck as it took my bus an hour to reach the ends of town though a backdrop of continuous and mind numbing poverty. The overnight bus ride to the mountain town of Huaraz initiated my next bout of packie syndrome and I arrived with enough energy left to get a cab to a hostal and pass out for 30 hrs, minus toilet time. But hey, no worries, I awoke from my dehydrated state just in time to party through the Halls of Ween with a seriously deranged mix of kids. My memories include running down ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 33

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz November 4th 2007

So all this and only for a few gallons of tap water? Well, ultraviolet light ¨sterilized¨tap water, but I´m getting ahead of myself. The last week has been good, necessarily incredibly long, but good. I ended up getting my luggage on about day four post-departure and headed straight up to the hills for some day "treks,"¨aka hiking between villages dodging hairy livestock and a spattering of alpacas. Both the mountains and the people here are beautiful; never have leather-faced, toothless smiles been so appealing or more fitting. The high Andean dress is amazing too, I´ll try to snag some pictures (finally found a charger). I valiantly fought the urge to kick it gringo style for all of 4 days. My excuse for crossing over was that I was trying to find some people to do some ... read more
Beginning of the Santa Cruz Trek
Lakes on the way to the Vaquarai

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz November 3rd 2007

Trek Number 1, Halloween Day: Wednesday morning started off promising. Local transport took us nearly three hours outside of Huaraz, into the Cordillera Blancas. My friend Rachel and I, along with a guide, took a 3 hour trek (and 2 hours back down) to an absolutely stunning lake (called Laguna 69 for anyone who knows the area and/or may have been to this area before). We hiked up a total of 700 meters in some light rain, which, on the final 1/2 hour assent to our destination (and the hardest!), we actually got hailed on! The mountains surrounding this turquoise lake were snow-capped and stunning. We ate lunch by the water, but because it was about 5 degrees, we only stayed about 20 minutes so as not to freeze to death! A quick bite to eat, ... read more

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