Blogs from South, Ecuador, South America - page 58


South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca May 30th 2007

Well it has been a few weeks since we updated this blog which means that we now are at least 7 weeks behind, aaagh, where has the time gone? As we are using this blog to keep in touch and also as a diary for our own benefit (you see not just to brag to our working class friends) we will endeavor to catch up. Bear(no, not the naked kind) with us as you may receive the catch up blogs over the next week. This will certainly be a walk down memory lane for those who have been luckily(or unlucky) enough to be sharing some of these experiences with us. To catch up we will also leave out all the trivial detail and just mention the places that made an impression. After all our physical ... read more
Another one bites the dust!
Mad as a Hatter!
Cool or what?

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca May 28th 2007

After an arduous journey, in which we travelled by local minibus from Mancora to Tumbes and then by local bus from Tumbes (stopping to change bus in Machala), we finally arrived in Cuenca absolutely exhausted. Having done our research on the town prior to our arrival we knew where to stay - Posada del Angel - which didn´t disappoint - a great place in the heart of town. With not much daylight left we dropped our things and headed out to get our bearings and for dinner. It wasn´t long before we were back in the hostal with Av suffering mildly with altitude sickness - nothing a good night´s sleep didn´t fix. With only two nights in Cuenca we wasted no time in seeing the sights. Apart from being a lively, colourful city, Cuenca is ... read more
Cuenca Cathedral
Rafael Parades & Hijos panama hat factory
Mad hatters!!

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca May 28th 2007

Gracias todas por your comments! Im V. surprised so many people are reading this, which has spurred me to try and carry on with this, a little better than i was doing before......! I realised that although Ive been going into great detail about my travels, I havent really shared much about my daily live in Cuenca, and my two jobs, or even if i have the dynamics have changed a little now anyway. So here goes.... ...My morning job, the reason that I have to get up a 630am every morning (which you will all know is unheard of for me!), and go and catch the school bus, which you will all be impressed to hear, I have never missed! Yus, anyway, I work at a small school for children and adults with learning and ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba May 28th 2007

I just can´t believe my luck. My journey just keeps getting better and better. I mean, how can you top my Galapagos adventure? I left you in Guayaquil, right? In order to search for Horse Heaven. Well, I found it in Vilcabamba! A friend looked up a description of Vilcabamba and sent it to me. I can´t describe it any better. It is described as a small corner of paradise, where the mountains hold a magical mystical quality with their arid ridges and lush ravines, dramatic skies and rich colours and the only sounds are those of nature. It is also called the Valley of Longevity. I should tell you that the 'sounds of nature´ include roosters that begin crowing at 4am in the morning! But, it is true. This is one of the most ... read more
Trail to El Palto
El Palto

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca May 25th 2007

We have been at altitude several times and here it was no easier to get used to. Cuenca is about 2500 meters above sea level. We get to our Hostel and the room is 2 floors up. This means we get to our room and have to lean over the furniture gasping for breath for several minutes. The first day or so if you walk on the flat really slowly you can survive without looking like a real cardiac person. Any hill or hard work and there we are puffing away. I tried this time without altitude tablets because the last time I got side effects, tingling across my face (I thought I had some sort of food poisoning) and then the tingling moved to the tops of my feet and fingertips. Altitude also has another ... read more
Building methods
Metal work art

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba May 22nd 2007

We stayed at a nice Hostel called the Secret Garden Hotel. It did have a secret garden with a banana tree, also lemon and grapefruit trees with fruit on them. Hammock for resting on and completely surrounded by a wall that you would not know there was such a garden inside. We were surprised at how clean the countryside and towns are and how modern the cars are, to the rest of South America. As we traveled here we thought the countryside looked very much like New Zealand and the local National Park is called Podocarpus after the trees that are Kauri, also toitoi and tree ferns and other ferns. We felt like we were at home except for the different architecture, roading, horses and donkeys. The weather was cooler but the sun was hot. This ... read more
Off on the trek
Saddle bags.

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba May 21st 2007

We had a choice of a 3,4,or 5am start, we had decided on the 5 am, but because of the heat and inability to sleep we caught the 4 am collectivo to San-Ignacio. This is a small Toyota van that they jammed 17 people into. We were traveling along a really most excellent road an I saw a sign saying 53 km to San Ignacio and we both commented on how good the road was. This was a mistake because it deteriorated rapidly. It was passed corrugations and I felt they were moguls, with the bus going all over the road to try and keep to the small potholes, which were axle breakers and diff ripper outers. We had 52 km of the fastest rally driving we had experienced so far. But keep on reading. This ... read more
The truck we got bounced around in
The road to Vilcabamba

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca May 19th 2007

Getting over the border to Ecuador was not much fun. There is this really dodgy town sitting in no mans lands where we had to wait while the truck immigration was sorted. For security were did not get off the truck, kept the door locked and windows up. And it was a very hot day. There was some definite melting going on inside. There were people everywhere outside selling dresses to puppies, and carts full of garlic or potatoes. Some had luggage in them as buses would generally turn around at the border, forcing people to walk through the dodgy town to the immigration office on the other side. Cuenca is a lovely town. Not too touristy, a working town. The tourist information office couldn´t even be bothered to open. The main square is filled ... read more
A beautiful building on Calle Larga
A beautiful church on Calle Larga

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca May 18th 2007

So this weekend was spent at home in Cuenca! On Friday afternoon, we went for some truck fun to Charros (our GAP representatives) hacienda in the mountains some where! Spent afternoon going on a little walk and then drinking a bit of good old canalazo to warm us up afterwards. Had a nice starter of cookies and the dinner...which was INCREDIBLE and one of the main reasons we went I think! Had red wine (granted from a carton), roast chicken, mash, CARROTS! and apple crumble!! Wohoo! Watched a couple of films and then curled up on the sofa..after having some cold chicken and mash although Kat was the main culprit there..! Went back to Cuenc on Sat morning and then back to bed for the afternoon! Saturday night we had a party at Sophie B´s house ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca May 18th 2007

Good day at school and I got to see the video of the kid's performance for Dia de la Madre that I missed last week. Lou's ballet actually looked very good despite her worrying. Met all the others after school randomly at the side of a road where Charo was going to pick us up. The boys went with her while the rest of us piled into her brother's truck for a very windy ride through Cuenca and then an equally bumpy ride up dirt tracks in the hills to Charo's hacienda. Not quite sure why she calls it a farm when the only sign of farming are a few cows behind her house who actually belong to someone else. Chilled out in the most gigantic double hammock ever before most of us (me not ... read more
Truck fun!
Yes, we are this happy over apple crumble and custard!
Lou in the garden

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