Blogs from South, Ecuador, South America - page 56


South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca July 13th 2007

la cajas national park South America » Ecuador » Cuenca By kevin on tourJuly 13th 2007toured through Cajas with just me and a guide, paying solo premium of course. this was a fantastic three day trek and it was mostly above 13000 feet, as can be appreciated by the low scrubby vegetation and lack of trees. furthermore, this terrain continued on and on for miles. i´m posting some photos so you can see what i mean. aside from the cajas trek, i´m now in Vilacamba which is awash in travellers, every direction you look. tomorrow i´ll head south into Peru and see what i can see. ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba July 11th 2007

I did not spend too much time in Guayaquil (just one night - did not fancy being in a huge city for too long- largest in Ecuador) and was not well in Cuenca so did not do much sightseeing there. Vilcabamba was superb and just what I needed - total R&R... I guess it isn't called the Valley of Longevity for nothing - as soon as you come through this place you feel relaxed... it was brilliant looking through my guide book and seeing no sights and activities to do other than take in the view and go for a massage. Sigh... perfecto..... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca July 8th 2007

this is one beautiful city as you may appreciate from the attached photos. been here two days and walked all over this downtown historical district. signed up for a three-day tour of parque nacional la caja which leaves tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. its a private tour with just me and a guide doing a backpack through this national park with some three hundred lakes of various sizes. when i return i´ll head south for Peru and expect to cross the border on saturday.... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Macas July 2nd 2007

After Riobamba I decided to visit a Shuar community, which was located a couple of hours north from Macas. The Shuar tribe is most commonly known for its past ritual of shrinking heads. Many years ago, they originally did this as a form of revenge if someone in their tribe had been murdered. This involved weeks of spiritual preparation and even annual rituals after the deed had been done in order to prevent the dead spirit from harming the perp or his dead ancestors. They are known as a proud people who have long defended their land and community from being invaded by foreigners. More recently, the Shuar are one of the very few Ecuadorian tribes that refuse to give into the oil mining companies. In fact, I learnt that Macas, where most of the modern ... read more
Drinking chicha before heading out into the jungle
Constant companions
Part of the compound where I stayed

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca July 2nd 2007

Well I was supposed to arrive to Ecuador on Saturday, but got here yesterday (Sunday)... Having only a few Soles left (Peruvian Currency) I decided to eat cheap and go for something on the street (which I never do by the way) bad idea... Woke up in the middle of the night very sick and it continued for the entire Saturday, oh well, I guess thats almost expected to happen when you get here, lucky that was the first time. Still not feeling 100% now but much much better than Saturday. So on Sunday after I was feeling quite a bit better than I had been the day before I decided I was fit for a bus ride. I was supposed to arrive in Machala (self proclaimed banana captial of the world, FYI) from Mancora, at ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca July 1st 2007

.....Im sat here, in the house I've been living in for 4 months, but the time has come to leave. I'm so sad! It feels like we only arrived here weeks ago, only we're going already. Cuenca is a fantastic place, and I've met some bloody amazing people here, not surprising, everyone is just so friendly, (apart from idiot man, the rudest man in the whole of ecuador, who works in the immigration office, snarling at people and not looking at documents, then trying to come on to you afterwards.) Anyway, people have already left, like Kat and Louisa headed to Peru a few days ago, so as you can imagine the past few days have been fun filled ecuadorian house party times woop, but I dont want it to end! In about 10 minutes (so ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca June 29th 2007

Hi guys! We had much better luck leaving Puerto Lopez. We took a bus and then a short flight to a city in Southern Ecuador called Cuenca. We really love this city! It's an old colonial city with beautiful architecture and cobblestone streets with a big river running through it. Our luck with the weather has been awful! We went to see the remaining Ingapirca structures and it was cold and it drizzled. Actually, we were disappointed with the whole thing all together. The structures weren't anything special to look at. I guess if you are a history buff it would be worth checking out, but it didn't do much for us. As Dan and I have been saying a lot here in Ecuador, maybe it would have been better if the sun was shining. On ... read more
on our tour
stuff for the orphanage
helping herself to lunch

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca June 29th 2007

Hi guys! We had much better luck leaving Puerto Lopez. We took a bus and then a short flight to a city in Southern Ecuador called Cuenca. We really love this city! It's an old colonial city with beautiful architecture and cobblestone streets with a big river running through it. Our luck with the weather has been awful! We went to see the remaining Ingapirca structures and it was cold and it drizzled. Actually, we were disappointed with the whole thing all together. The structures weren't anything special to look at. I guess if you are a history buff it would be worth checking out, but it didn't do much for us. As Dan and I have been saying a lot here in Ecuador, maybe it would have been better if the sun was shining. ... read more
just peeking

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba June 28th 2007

So, me and Kat set out on our great adventure today! Having said goodbye to all of our Cuenca friends, family, babies and kids at school and of course the remainder of the Cuenca crew, having already said our tearful goodbyes to Matt and Jack - much to their and Kat left Cuenca and headed off for the little town of Vilcabamba! Had two days well doing nothing really! Had a massage and ate some very lovely food, packed and well generated a fantabulous plan of what to do in Perú! Which is where were headed tommorow..very very exciting!... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Loja June 23rd 2007

Things aren´t great at the moment. I´ve been puking up and more for the last two days. To cap things off my first night here I accidently checked into a love hotel, so had to put up with amorous noises all night to boot. I´ve moved now (a traumatic experience in itself when you have precisely 10 minutes between forced toilet visits). Still this afternoon things have come together a bit, I even managed a walk and sat out watching a practice session for some blues concert (how appropriate) going on in La Mariscal the heart of the new town here, so maybe tomorrow I´ll be back to normal. I´m on an all liquid diet now, having made the mistake of a burger last night. Still thats not the worst thing in the world either - ... read more
Very wet!
A first chance to get that poncho out!
Lots of trees...

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