Blogs from Santiago Region, Chile, South America - page 132


South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Ñuñoa March 26th 2007

3/26/07 Happy Birthday Grandma! I just want to add a couple things about Santiago: Micros Piratas and self service 1. self-service. Santiaguinos don't believe in it. I don't know why, maybe they're trying to create more jobs, maybe they don't trust people not to steal things, I don't know, but I don't like it. I think my dislike for it (and the usted/tu dichotomy) is part of my blossoming culture shock which is supposed to hit soon. Supposedly during culture shock, when I'm trying to integrate myself into this culture, I'll start hating things chilean out of frustration. And I hate that they don't let us do things for ourselves. What am I talking about? In the libraries here, you can't browse the books. The books are all registered in the computer, you look up what ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 23rd 2007

ITA - Tutta la settimana, passeggio per le vie di Santiago, alla scoperta dei luoghi turistici, dei musei, e degli angoli più nascosti dove semplicemente sedermi a guardare la gente passare, la città estendersi tutt'intorno, e le foglie degli alberi, che dopo un lungo inverno grigio continuano a colpirmi.. Dopo la prima colazione leggendo il giornale, parto per il centro, armato di piantina e tessera per i transporti urbani (qui è successa una mezza rivoluzione, dopo un cambio radicale dei percorsi degli autobus, la gente non ci capisce più niente, si formano code di ore ad ogni fermata, ed ora si sono dimessi sei minisri, anche se in realtà i transporti sono gestiti da una società privata il cui capo, ovviamente, è rimasto...). Vado su e giù intorno all'Alameda, la strada principale che attraversa il centro, ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia March 21st 2007

So here I am, after far too much neglect of affection towards the computer (i.e. blogging. South America has a way of separating you from the internet). But as I have a hard time with structure as it is, I will try my honest best to keep this updated! I can´t thank you enough for caring enough to read about me life! I´ll try to keep it spicy for ya! So the basics: here I find myself living in the heart of Santiago, Chile, in my first appartment with a 27 year old interior designer named Carolina. She keeps me on my toes with spanish (she doesn´t speak english), and in return I unleash all my domestic instincts (aka. cooking, entertaining, lighting candles...) that have been boiling inside me after 2.5 years in a dorm ... read more
Rarely have I felt so small.
Dry Ice

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 21st 2007

Hello, or as the locals say, Hola, from Chlile. Really hot here as well. and cheap. Right, got a week to do so is going to be brief, and only include details of really notable meals. In fact, should probably say that essentially the food here is brilliant, and really really really really cheap. Christchurch proved to be a bit dull, but did go to bed early so that was nice. However malaria tablets before bed are giving me odd dreams so didnt sleep much and had to get cab to airport at 4am. Flew to Auckland (got three ham and cheese crossaints instead of one by hassling the staff), got in around half eight, and couldnt check in for flight till half three. read a bit and ate a lot. dull. tried to old flog ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 19th 2007

Hey all, No photo´s yet but we needed to say we made it here safe. we´re both very tired. it´s been a 38 our day for us so far and because of the wedding we didn´t sleep much then. First impressions of Chile? Very polluted, lots of stray dogs, but it´s been fun, and very entertaining so far. We´ll post more very soon. Love you all and we´ll speak soon. Lia and Hoc... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 17th 2007

Back To School Hola chicos! And so to our fourth continent. And the first continent with a common language. We refuse to accept that Aussies speak the same way as Kiwis. Since we're going to be here for a while (that's us rubbing it in folks) we figured it would make sense to learn some Spanish to help us along the way. And we're led to believe it's a little easier than Mandarin or Vietnamese. And so we found ourselves in La Escuela Bellavista introducing ourselves to the other students in our best Spanglish. David was feeling so confident at this point that he accidentally introduced himself as a Spaniard. They say that full immersion is the only way to really learn a language so we threw ourselves into it by staying with two of the ... read more
Class act
Choclo chica
Mi casa es tu casa

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 17th 2007

ViajeGiacomoITA - Eccoci qua.. dopo un viaggio piuttosto lungo, iniziato a Bruxelles e con tappe a Madrid, Rio de Janeiro e Montevideo, finalmente arriviamo alla meta: Santiago de Chile. Per fortuna arrivano anche i bagagli, e dopo qualche domanda sospettosa alla dogana posso uscire, e trovare la madre di Felipe, che aveva avuto la buona idea di stampare un foglio con il mio nome... Usciamo dall’aeroporto sotto un sole cuocente (alla faccia dell’autunno in montagna per il quale mi ero preparato ed attrezzato..), e mi accompagna a casa sua, che diventera’ il mio campo base per i prossimi giorni (o forse di piu..). Dopo una bella doccia gelida (per sbaglio, ma ci voleva) ci sediamo in giardino a pranzare all’ombra di castagni che ogni tanto lasciano cadere qualche castagna matura intorno a noi (eh gia’ siamo ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 15th 2007

A few days ago I arrived in Santiago with an ordinary airplane (A340) from Auckland, earlier than the time I left New Zealand. Actually, I thought time travel feels more rough or would be pretty dangerous - Au contraire ! I left Kiwiland at 16.00 o'clock and landet in Chile at 11.00 o'clock at the exact same day. I feel much younger now. Oh well....but never mind. Santiago is a huge city and the streets are pulsing like veins. It seemed to me like an endless stream of people young and old, some stranded on the sidewalk, rattling with a cup of change. Santiago has all the symptomes of metropol, traffic jams, skyscrapers, shopping malls, fast food, subway, pollution, grafitti, markets, homeless, museums, bars and so on. Maybe the whole city just ran over me like ... read more
Madre de Santiago
the pilgrims candles
Zoolocico Nacional

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 14th 2007

Howdy all. I've been getting reports that you´re enjoying fine sunny days back home in England. Perhaps this is the point in the trip where my good weather ends and you all head off into the summer. Boo hoo for me. I packed Phil off onto a plane last night so no deputies today - just me. Deputy blogger Phil did a thoroughly comprehensive job in telling you about our time in Patagonia so there's not much more for me to say. I do, however, feel the need to tell you more about our time in the Torres del Paine National Park. To start with, it´s hard to emphasise just how remote southern Patagonia is. Being a bit of a geography dumbo, I had no clue that I was at a more southerly latitude than New ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 13th 2007

After that nice wee wander in the Chilean Andes, I got a bus to head back to Argentina and the town of Calafate. I booked a tour from Puerto Natales that would cross the border, visit the Glacier Perito Moreno and drop me in Calafate in the same day. The glacier is an impressive 5km wide and 60m high falling into Lago Argentino. It's the most popular and most accessible glacier in South America. Up to the late 80's, the Perito Moreno was the only one advancing but is now receding like all the others. I really enjoyed seeing it but to my taste it was too much of a tourist trap. In the car park there were heaps of tour buses and herds of people standing on the catwalks and vantage points staring and taking ... read more
Perito Moreno Glacier
It's massive...
A chunk of ice falling

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