Blogs from Santiago, Santiago Region, Chile, South America - page 125


South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 6th 2006

I arrived in Santiago after 24 hours on the bus. I had no idea what to expect but it wasn´t nearly as bad as I´d imagined. I sat next to a very nice woman for the first hour who kept talking to me while I tried to write in my journal. She was explaining to me different things about Chile and that if I was going to Calama that I could stay at her house. Since I wasn´t, she gave me her number and the number of a friend in another town in case I was going to go there. Once she left a guy sat down and didn´t talk to me for over twelve hours. In the morning he got off the bus and came back with a Coke for me and chatted a little ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 6th 2006

We finally left Patagonia and felt like we were starting on the next stage of our adventure. And it shall be called the "Hot City" stage. Mendoza was a pleasant enough city, but most importantly we were in beds again. After spending half of our time in Patagonia camping we were saying goodbye to our tent, and hello to space and new clothes. That was the plan anyhow, but the Argentinian post office had other ideas. We tried to post the tent in Bariloche first, and after a mere hour of queing were told that we couldn't post it on that day; only packages of less than 2kgs were allowed. We checked when we could post and if it was the same for the whole country and were assured it was possible the next day. Our ... read more
Tsunami mitigation...
A happy Paul at the tennis
A very old statue

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 4th 2006

Day 1 - Friday 3rd Feb The trip begins in Springsure. To set the scene: Karen has had one hours sleep as she finishes her thesis. Roger is having a last minute nap and packing the bags. An 8am flight out of Emerald gets us to Brisbane in time to finish printing, binding and positing the thesis, and some last minute shopping (we forgot to pack toothpaste!). All is looking good for the trip. Day 2 - Saturday 4th Feb The Facts: 15 hour flight to Santiago Visit to Cerro San Cristobal to get an overview of the city The longer version: 6am out of Brisbane, then Sydney, Auckland and finally Santiago. The lounge area for our departure gate was also if interest as we spotted one South American with a big sombrero, shopping trolley ... read more
Santiago city
La Moneda
Cathedral in Santiago

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 4th 2006

So here I am in Santiago. I love it here. I already met two Canadians (from Vancouver Island, Ryan and Christian) at the airport so I am hanging out with them tonight and tomorrow I am goin to southern argentina to go further in my far I have been walking around the city and now I am sampling some seriously good Chilean wine...yum. Tonight I will try to go to a good night club...we´ll see how it goes. I will download some pictures from Argentina. talk to you later all.... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago February 2nd 2006

After the termite episode, and another practically sleepless night on an overnight bus, we arrived bright and early in Santiago de Chile. We decided to leave the sightseeing for a another day though and carried on to Valparaiso, a seaside town 75 miles away. Valparaiso was once a very important commercial town for business transactions with Europe and the USA in the 19th century. Indeed, it prospered more than any other town in Chile after independence from Spain in the early 19th century. It had already been an important port for trade with Peru during the colonial period (c. 1548 until 1818, year of independence), though it was raided by pirates on several occasions and whatever survived from these raids was later wiped out by other disasters such as fires, earthquakes and tempests. A couple of ... read more
Viña del Mar: Pelican(o)
Viña del Mar

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago January 31st 2006

The 24th I bought a bus ticket for an overnight bus from Mendoza (argentina) to Valparaiso in Chile...and when I woke up the next day I was in Vina del Mar..... Missed my stop from an hour earlier but...met some good people on the bus so I decided to spend at least a day here with them. It turned out to be an super expensive beachtown for the posh people in Chile and Argentina.....not a backpackers place!!! I took of next day and gave a quick visit in Valparaiso before I went to Santiago to meet up with my friends Alwin and Bob. Always good to meet friends while traveling and the result was 2 great fiesta nights (and lousy days as a result)! Since I like to surf I couldn't miss to go to Pichilimu, ... read more
park in Santiago....
Tasting Champagne

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago January 28th 2006

I was surprised how quickly we were out of the mountains and onto the agricultural plains of rural Chile. Just regular, ordinary farmland with some rolling hills, and huge plantations of pines and eucalypts again. Once more the smell of eucalyptus in the air...aarrgghhh always gets me! Some of the locals are a bit sceptical when I tell them all eucalypts come from Oz.....well, that’s what I was told! I’ve seen a couple of massive treatment plants, don’t know if I just don’t get out enough to see them at home, but these facilities are monstrous. The central construction is about 50 metres high and looks similar to the Saturn 5 launch pad, with miles of coloured pipes, matching walkways, chimneys, steam venting from numerous outlets, shiny tin walls, strange chemical odour as I ride past, ... read more
Hollow Spire
Opening a Beer outside the market
See Food Diet

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago January 25th 2006

Santiago De Chile the first stop on my journey. The not so good new is that the city itself is not that exciting and doesn’t offer a lot for the tourist. Luckily I had only one day here while waiting for my flight to the Easter Island. After walking around town and trying the few Spanish sentences I still know on a few shopkeepers, I still had time to visit the Pre-Columbian Museum which has exhibits from various places around central and South and Central America. Quite interesting as far as museums go with a few exhibits for every civilization that roamed the continent at one stage. Thanks to my jetlag I was up at 7am the next morning and spend the most of the day visiting and finding (yes I got lost) Cerro San ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago January 25th 2006

Please let me know if you can see the pictures ok as they seem to be very dark on the monitor here but I suspect that this is more a problem with the monitor not the pictures. Santiago De Chile the first stop on my journey. The not so good new is that the city itself is not that exciting and doesn’t offer a lot for the tourist. Luckily I had only one day here while waiting for my flight to the Easter Island. After walking around town and trying the few Spanish sentences I still know on a few shopkeepers, I still had time to visit the Pre-Columbian Museum which has exhibits from various places around central and South and Central America. Quite interesting as far as museums go with a few exhibits for ... read more
Nice building
New and old
Looks like a DYI job

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago January 24th 2006

Santiago ¡Hola amigos! We arrived in smoggy Santiago last Tuesday and within ten minutes of departing the airport we had our first (so far) and best rip off experience when we paid about $90 AUD for the taxi fare across the city. Totally my fault for getting my mental conversion completely wrong but I blame it on the 12 hour flight and jetlag. An expensive lesson to be ready for leaving the airport building and probably a good idea to just chill out for five minutes and watch who is doing what and it would be easy to see the scammers. Once we made it to our firends´ apartment in Las Condes it was all too easy. The doorman must have been expecting to see two gringos with a surfboard as he handed us the keys ... read more
View of los cordillera
La playa
Nuestro cabaña

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