Blogs from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America - page 218


South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty April 18th 2006

If I had to describe, in one word, the weather conditions during our departure from Ilha Grande yesterday - and you weren't going to let me make up any words - I think that word would be monsoon-tastic. Ilha Grande had shown us everything she was prepared to show us and no more. Luckily, those things had turned out to be pretty sweet... the amazing beach that transcended matter, the swell leper colony/prison ruins, the waterfalls, the redheaded Israelis, et al. Now she was showing us the door (and by "door" I mean "ferry" but you knew that), and she was showing it to us hard. Very effective, too. It gives me an idea to install a firehose for the next time I have guests who overstay their welcome. So we parted ways with Jonathan and ... read more
The Old-Timey Streets of Paraty

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande April 16th 2006

i don't think anyone reading this needs any further details. let me just say it was a far less harrowing experience than one might expect. although i'm sure all the doctors in the family are gonna cringe when i say that two pieces of paper towel under my ass substituted for clean sheets. and also, my "leavening" problem is now under control. kyle wishes he could have taken pictures. i'm fine without them. luckily this was just the morning. there is something sinister about crumbling ruins in the middle of a jungle formerly inhabited by pirates/deranged criminals/lepers...even when those ruins are just an abandoned aqueduct. i mean, everyone needs water, right? even lepers! we climbed up the jungle aqueduct, pretending we couldn't understand the portuguese signs that clearly said "don't climb the aqueduct", and expect for ... read more
jazz hands in jail!
suicide pact
The Actual Aforementioned Waterfall

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande April 15th 2006

He had fiery red hair, which increased the chances that he spoke some English. Indigenous Brazilians do not have fiery red hair. Jonathan and the sixteen tons of cargo on his back are from Israel. We met him on the bus down to Angra Dos Reis yesterday, and moments later, we were all on a ferry to Ilha Grande. Ilha Grande (translated literally, "Big Island") is a big island. At one time, it was a place pirates went to hide their booty. It was later a leper colony, then a penal colony, until finally, now, it's a place Brazilians go to show off their booty. It's also the home of Praia de Lopez Mendez (widely considered Brazil's most beautiful beach), heavily increased Easter weekend prices, and not a single goddam ATM. As a way of both ... read more
Funereal Indeed

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro April 14th 2006

Oi (Hi) from Rio! Presently our adventures have been both festive & fun-filled! This morning we went to the ocean, conveniently located at the footsteps of our hotel in Copacabana. Now we are in Ipanema and we have created a list of top 25 Brazilian moments. The rest will have to be continued. 1. Amazonas (Ah-ma-zone-ass) 2. Caipirinhas 3. (Sans) toucans 4. The swallows are coming. 5. H. Stern & Amsterdam Sauer 6. The kidnapping of Samba the toucan. 7. Our friends: Igor the iguana, Solomon the sloth, Aguar the jaguar, and Murtle the turtle. 8. What happens in Rio stays in Rio. 9. Brasila (Bra-zil-yah) 10. Bob´s Burgers 11. Pao (pow) 12. Steepin Up 13. Blame it on the malarone. 14. Meeting of the waters. 15. Bathroom rating system. 16. Piranha fishing. 17. I like ... read more
A view of Pao from Corovado

Quinta-feira 13 de abril de 2006 Acordo cedo para trabalhar no último dia útil da semana. Mochilão pronto e tudo preparado para minha partida para o Pico dos Marins, em Minas Gerais. Eu deveria chegar em Itajubá à noite e de lá partiria numa van para o início da trilha. A subida seria feita na madrugada e chegaríamos ao cume antes do nascer do sol. Você deve estar se perguntando porque estou falando do Pico dos Marins se o título deste relato é sobre outro lugar. Não, eu não errei o relato da viagem. Eu realmente ia pros Marins, mas uma notícia de um amigo de Itajubá fez meu feriadão quase desabar. Foi então que corri atrás de outro roteiro de última hora. Afinal, minha mochila já estava pronta, com roupas e alimentos para que eu ... read more
Parada pra descanso
1º dia: 1100m de subida em 8Km
Acampamento selvagem a 2.216m de alt.

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Botafogo April 12th 2006

My boogers are still black from that train ride two days ago. Lord knows what my lungs look like. My hands, well, I was finally able to wash them clean once we got back to Rio this afternoon. Previous to that... We checked out of our crappy hotel on the outskirts of town yesterday morning so we could check into a crappy hotel in the thick of the pure awfullery of Vitoria. Our room was tiny, lightless, and already occupied by a twelve-pound cockroach named Thiago. Thiago showed us around a bit - the bathroom, where the light switches were, how to open the windows - and thus didn't take kindly to me trying to smash him flat. Now I know, you shouldn't step on cockroaches. They might be pregnant and, if they are, will scatter ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Búzios April 9th 2006

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro April 5th 2006

About a million things happened since I last posted to this blog, so I’m just going to race through everything. Though a bout of shingles (otherwise known as adult chicken pox) threatened to ruin my Carnival celebrations, I recovered just enough to be able to enjoy myself, and not to have to worry about scaring people away with my open sores. Sounds grosser than it was, but believe me, it was far from a comfortable experience. Anyway, Carnival was everything I thought it would be, although up in Olinda it is a much different Carnival than in Rio de Janeiro. In Rio, there are samba schools, and people wear those elaborate costumes you’ve probably seen on TV (or maybe in person!). But in Olinda, the celebrations are characterized by groups of Maracatu (a type of Brazilian ... read more
Carnival Decorations in Recife
One of the Many Churches in Olinda
The Altar

I've made it to BRAZIL!!!..... After a sad departure from London I made it into Rio de Janeiro and to a hostel by the name of Stone of a Beach, located a couple streets back from Copacabana. I had a few days to settle into the land of sunshine and skimpy bottomed bathing suits before being joined by a fellow seasoned traveller by the name of Owen. I met Owen about 7 months ago at the Okay guesthouse in Phnom Penh and then again for the celebrations that the Full Moon Party (where he initally made an appearance on the blogsite) had to offer with myself and Kym. Having Brazil on my ''2005/2006 world tour'' and the same interests of travelling a good portion of the Brazilian coastline and a little of what the Amazon offers ... read more
maracana stadium
From Sugarloaf - backwards
From Sugarloaf - Copacabana

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