Blogs from Iguaçu National Park, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil, South America - page 2


So after four weeks in Foz do Iguaçu I finally make it to the Iguaçu Waterfalls, the number one attraction in this area of Brazil. And I will tell you straightaway that they were more than worth the wait! They are as amazing as I had imagined them to be and as beautiful as they had been reported to be. The falls themselves lie on the Iguaçu river, part of the border between Argentina and Brazil, as such they can be seen from both countries, although each one offers a completely different experience. My first visit was the Brazilian side, and I have to say my favourite side, although after a enjoyable month here I may be biased towards this country, who can tell. The Falls are wider than the Victoria Falls and taller than Niagara ... read more
Rainbows at the Falls
Quati on the prowl...
The Falls from Brazil

... mehr gibts morgen... Alles Liebe aus Foz do Iguazu! So, hat nun etwas laenger gedauert... Wir haben in Iguazu unsere neuen Liebelingstiere entdeckt: Coatis! (Frage des Tages: Wie heissen die Tiere mit dem gestreiften Schwanz?) Ich glaube, sie wuerden ein 1A Accessoire abgeben, aber leider bekommen wir sie wohl beim Zoll nicht durch.@Andi: passende Kinder haben wir auch schon entdeckt. Wir hoffen, dass dein Gehalt reicht, um 10 davon durchzufuettern! Jetzt aber zu den Wasserfaellen: schoen, gross, nass, beeindruckend ... aber Bilder sagen ja mehr als 1000 Worte! Ein paar grundsaetzliche Reise-Erkenntnisse am Rande: 1.) Wenn man in dem Dreilaendereck Brasilien, Argentinien, Paraguay die Grenzen passiert, kann es vorkommen, dass im Bus unter den Fahrgaesten gesammelt wird, um den Grenzposten zu bestechen bzgl. genauerer resp. nicht genauerer Kontrollen. 2.) W... read more
und von oben...
Panoramablick - brasilianische Seite

Hi everyone, So I haven't done many tourist activities yet here in Brazil as I have been saving them for my holidays in a week or so. However, I did break this pledge on Sunday as I headed to the Bird Park, situated near the Falls. The Bird Park surprised me for many reasons, not least because it houses a variety of animals who aren't birds! Before arriving at the Bird Park, I had received many warnings about the toucans, who reportedly like to stalk you and bite at your legs and ankles. Luckily for me they were happy to just wander around my feet, pose for photos and to attack other visitors instead! Unfortunately the same could not be said for the mosquitoes and wasps who were more than happy to sample me for dinner ... read more
Chilling with a Toucan
It must be love...

Day 115 Friday 3rd February An easy day again today so no need for an early rise. Breakfast was the usual rubbish but we improvised with supplies we picked up from the supermarket. Got our stuff together and headed out the door in search of the “three frontiers”. Had a bit of a glance at the Lonely Planet maps before leaving and thought I roughly knew where to head and of course being male didn’t think there was any need to look at the map again, till of course we got lost in the back streets of Puerto Iguazu. After walking for an hour I realised I had taken the wrong street on the first intersection, (there was 6 streets at this intersection so give me a break). We ended up back on track ... read more
Tres Frontiers
Iguacu Falls
Iguacu Falls

The last week has been our most hectic by far and it seems futile to try and remember every detail after the copious amount of rum consumed. So the following passage may not be entirely accurate or informative; merely what we can remember. Following two days of travel, staggered by nine hours in Sao Paulo bus station, we arrived at Foz with the intention of viewing the waterfalls that, seemingly, everyone that we met thus far had waxed lyrical about. Dumping our bags at the hostel, we ventured off under the morning sun in search of provisions. After an executive decision in the local supermarket (strongly influenced by two days of sleep deprivation), we returned with two litres of rum and a bag of ice. The morning flew by and, feeling invigorated from the premature drinking ... read more

Manaus & The Amazon ... So our journey through Brazil continued as we said goodbye to the beaches and relaxation and entered the Amazon! We landed about 30 minutes late in Manuas and were immediately hit by the humidity, the temperature read 32 but with the humidity we later found it out is was 43 degrees celcius! We checked into our hotel and got ourselves settled and headed out for lunch. We stumbled upon a small lanchette called Sr. Libanese and of course this had to happen! The owner was very helpful (with Liz's allergy) and chatted with us for a while in Spanish (he did not speak English). Later a few of his buddies came around and all we could think about was comparisons to the Zohan... great start to the Amazon! The next day ... read more
Sr. Libanese menu
Meeting of the Waters
Piranha Fishing!

We recently moved to Brasilia, Brasil and took our first trip to Iguassu Falls over the Thanksgiving weekend. On Thursday morning, we boarded an economy flight to Curitiba and then on to Foz do Iguaçu. From our downtown hotel that evening, we walked to a choperia (bar) and watched the beginnings of the city’s nightly Christmas festival. The next morning, we took a taxi across the border into Argentina to view the falls. We boarded a jet boat and zipped up the river almost into the falls, getting completely drenched by the end. Dripping dry in the afternoon sun, we followed a series of walkways right up to the edge of the falls. We stopped for lunch, narrowly thwarting quati (anteater/raccoon) raids on our food. Our journey continued on a small train to the Garganta del ... read more
Devil's Throat
Helicopter Ride
Cultural Show

Olá! We´re finally in Brazil and it´s pouring with rain!! Sitting in an internet cafe in Foz do Iguacu soaked through to our skin. But we´re still smiling because we never have to return to Posadas :-). We´ve met a few Argentinians over the last 4 days and every time we tell them we´ve just spent a month in Posadas a look of horror appears on their face before they ask... ´WHY?!?´ I think it´s like telling an Englishman you´ve spent a month of your life in Stoke-on-Trent. Anyway, since its raining we thought we´d take the opportunity to do a final Argentinian update, which thankfully ended on an overwhelming high. However, before we get onto that we have to give credit where credit is due. After 4 days reflection we have decided that Posadas is ... read more
Ituzaingo Sunset
Yacyreta Hydroelectric Dam
Olie v´s Jaguar

We jumped into a taxi from Cuidad del Este, with the intention of heading to the Paraguayan border to cross over to Brazil. However a miscommunication meant our taxi driver took us across the border and we didn’t get stamped out of Paraguay, however we did get stamped into Brazil safely and a short bus ride later we made it to our hostel. We spent the rest of the day chilling out by the pool, and then went for dinner with Adam and Sarah, the couple we had met in Colca Canyon. The next day we got up early with the intention of going to the Iguacu falls on an early-ish bus. We were offered a private transfer and entrance to the nearby bird park for a reasonable price by our hostel, so took up the ... read more

Wczoraj wieczorem siedzieliśmy na kolacji - Q. wymusza na mnie, żebyśmy jedli jak lokalesi po 21.00 i zastanawialiśmy sie, skąd biorą sie ci wszyscy eleganccy ludzie, których stać na jedzenie w knajpie we wtorkowy wieczór na tej wsi. Jedyne rozsądne wytłumaczenie jest takie, że to argentyńscy turyści, bo miasto Puerto Iguazu absolutnie nie wyglada na siedzibę żadnej burżuazji, choćby najdrobniejszej. Zresztą, podczas takiego wieczoru najlepiej widać, jak bardzo pokutują tu stereotypy - klientela restauracji jest biała, a paciorki sprzedają na ulicy Indianie. I nic nie wskazuje na to, żeby to miało się zmienić. O 8.10 rano byliśmy już gotowi na stacji autobusowej, żeby jechać do Brazylii. To naprawdę dwa kroki stąd, ale przez graniczne formalności droga zabiera ponad godzinę. Lokalni twierdza, że brazylijski odpowiednik Puerto - Foz do Iguazu jest niebezpieczny i żyje tam się gorzej ... read more
Od strony Brazylii.
Prosto z kreskowki.Parkowa maskotka z wscieklizna.
Jego nikt nie chce glaskac.

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