Blogs from Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 11


South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department February 17th 2014

Once having left Lake Titicaca our journey picked up its pace once again. Our next stop was La Paz, followed by Sucre, Potosí and Uyuni. Each city had its unique charm but Uyuni took the price with its blinding crystal desert composed entirely of salt. On the night before our desert excursion however, we found ourselves trapped inside by a violent downpour and an ear-deafening thunderstorm. It left us without electricity (and precious wifi) and when we finally built up the courage to leave to seek out food we were metaphorically and nearly literally struck by a beam of lightning no more than a hundred meters down the street from where we stood. Not only did it scare us out of our whits but if ever I doubted the consciousness altering power of lightning I can ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni February 16th 2014

With an 8:30am pick up and only a 15 minute drive from San Pedro to the border, it wasn't long until we had said goodbye to Chile for the final time and hello to Bolivia. With the Bolivian border being little more than a garden shed with a flag, it was a pleasant five minute border crossing (unlike the 4 hrs Chile/Argentina crossing). Once we passed the border, it was then time to change from minibus to 4x4, which we would be travelling across the arid Bolivian desert in over the next three days. With images in our head of being stuck on a three day tour with a bunch of Argentinians or even worse...Germans, it came as a pleasant surprise when we discovered our 4x4 buddies were two Aussies and an English girl. However, with ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni February 11th 2014

Christmas and New Year... South American style Christmas Eve began with an early start and a spectacular drive across the Altiplano - a vast expanse of bleak wilderness, framed by majestic volcanic mountains and virtually devoid of wildlife and human settlement. Due to some of the dirt tracks of part of the journey and therefore the low speeds we were driving, we were able to sit on the roof for periods of the journey - breath taking. We arrived at our refuge in time to cook our 'Christmas dinner' only to realise that all the meat had been left in the fridge in Uyuni. Vegetable curry it was then!! At least secret Santa wasn't put off the food as he arrived to hand out the presents...but only if we all sat on his knee first and ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Salar de Uyuni December 20th 2013

It’s easy to describe our three day trip to Salar de Uyuni with one word: a-ma-zing. Probably you have never even heard of such a place (unless you are reading our blog to get information about it), and we hadn’t either, until we were planning for this trip. Now that we have seen it, it’s hard to believe Salar de Uyuni is not world famous- it should be. And after all, most of it is only salt. Salt, and a few flamingo filled lagoons in all colors of the rainbow, of course. And oh yea, some geysirs and thermal pools as well. To reach this wonderful place we took a night bus from La Paz to the desert town of Uyuni. It was a rough ride with several hundred kilometers of bumpy unpaved road, so again ... read more
piles of salt
digging and piling of the salt
more of salt piles

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza December 9th 2013

Our 4 day tour began in the town of Tupiza, which is surrounded by mountainous, jagged red rocks. The town depends mainly on agriculture and mining. Due to it standing at 2,950m above sea level the temperature can drop to freezing at night, but was late 20's in the day. We then drove in the jeep up the narrow mountain paths until we reached an incredible view point. The mines can provide minerals such as silver, lead and gold. We then chased some llamas across some fields and headed to a little village where we had a kickabout and some lunch. It was so hard to breath as we were then 4,500m above sea level and the air was so thin. After lunch we headed to the Ghost Town which was used for mining but is ... read more
The Team
Ghost Town
Cheeky Llama

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza November 3rd 2013

Thursday 20 June to Sunday 23 June The trip to La Quiaca (Argentina) took around 2.5 hours through more arid landscapes, spotted with Stipa Grass (or Needle Grass) and a few parched looking bushes. La Quiaca itself was very plain – made up of straight roads, residential property, restaurants, a bus station and truck parks. I got the impression it existed predominantly as a border town. Finding a taxi, I took the short journey across the bridge to the Bolivian border. Despite warnings it could take a while to get through passport control, I crossed into Villazon (Bolivia) about 10 minutes later – simplez! The next priority was changing some money and searching out the bus station to travel on to Tupiza. Bolivia felt immediately different to what I’d left behind. It seemed more authentic and ... read more
Seeing Red
On Track
Cradled by Mountains

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza October 18th 2013

October 15 Was glad to move on from Uyuni, not the most pleasant place I've visited. Almost didn't make it out of town though, as I couldn't get out of my hotel! Everything was locked up tight & it took me a good 15mins of yelling to wake someone up to let me out! Luckily, still made my bus, but not by much!! Uneventful bus ride through great desert scenery with a "breaky" stop in Atocha on the way. Great people watching at the stops too. Arrived mid afternoon and hooked up with a French couple who offered to share a cab with me. For once hadn't done my homework so wasn't sure where I was staying, so accepted with gratitude. Turned out we could have walked in less than 10mins. Joined them at the Mitsu ... read more
Breaky stop in Atocha on the way to Tupiza
Locals waiting to board the bus
Snack Shacks

Well, after nearly 3 years since this trip, I've decided it's about time I finished this blog! (And many more besides!) The inspiration for me finally restarting, came from Sita & Miri, two lovely ladies I met during my time in South America & who are currently back there exploring once again! Now where were we? Ahh San Pedro de Atacama....... Day 1 October 12, 2013 My 3 day adventure began with a pick up at my hostel by minibus at about 8.30am in the morning, where I joined a group of 7 others from around the world, namely: Anna Maria (Brasil), Fabio (Brasil), Kristina & Andreas (Germany), Diederik (The Netherlands via UK), Emma & Lovisa (Sweden). From San Pedro we drove out into the desert towards the Bolivian Border, with a short stop at Chilean ... read more
Day 1 Heading for the Bolivian High Plains
Day 1 Heading for the Bolivian High Plains
Day 1 Heading for the Bolivian High Plains

Réveil au milieu de la nuit, dur ! Mais notre excitation nous aide à pallier notre manque de sommeil. La jeep nous emmène au pied du volcan Licancabur que nous commençons à grimper à 3h du matin sous un superbe ciel étoilé. Jusqu'au lever du soleil, la difficulté de l'ascension réside surtout dans le manque de lumière et les appuis hasardeux, sur une pente très caillouteuse. Au bout de 3h30 de montée, les choses sérieuses commencent, et le froid n'aide pas ! Heureusement, un magnifique lever du soleil rend les choses les choses plus faciles, et c'est finalement au bout de 5h que nous parvenons en haut du volcan, à plus de 5900m d'altitude : vue incroyable sur tous les sommets environnants, ainsi que sur les Lagunas Blanca et Verde, le tout à la lumière du ... read more
Lever du soleil depuis le volcan Licancabur

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza October 9th 2013

C'est à 4 heures du matin que nous arrivons entiers mais épuisés à Tupiza. Après une grasse matinée, nous passons l'après midi à faire le tour des agences pour réserver le tour salar d'Uyuni/sud Lipez. Mais avant ça, une journée triathlon nous attends autour de Tupiza. Au programme, Jeep, équitation et descente en vélo. Nous partons de Tupiza aux alentours de 9h pour explorer les environs. Nous profitons de cette matinée pour découvrir canyons, montagnes et rios. Le midi nous déjeunons dans une très belle clairière au bord d'un village. Après nous être relaxés dans ce cadre agréable, nous retournons en ville où nos chevaux nous attendent pour partir en balade à travers des paysages rocailleux et désertiques. Nous trottons jusqu'à un canyon avant de faire demi-tour pour entamer la dernière étape de la journée: grosse ... read more

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