Blogs from New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 24


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Katoomba August 13th 2019

Our host at the Brooklyn Motel, Keith, told us this morning that someone drove their car off the Peats Ferry Bridge overnight. This is the same bridge that we crossed coming into Brooklyn yesterday afternoon. As at this morning police divers had still not located the vehicle and the driver. After packing the car we headed down to the Brooklyn Public Wharf for our cruise on the Hawkesbury River with the Riverboat Postman. We were so lucky with the weather today as it was a beautiful clear blue and sunny day on the river. Although it was a bit brisk, it was perfect for a leisurely cruise. The first Riverboat Postman started the run in 1910. Today the tradition continues with Hawkesbury Cruises, the current operators of this famous half day trip. Before we left the ... read more
Dangar Island
Sea Eagle
Sandstone Rocks

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Hawkesbury August 12th 2019

This morning we had to do some gift shopping before leaving Newcastle. On the last two nights as we have walked along Beaumont Street on our way to dinner we have spotted gifts that would appeal to Kerry who had a birthday last month, but has not received a present yet! One was in the chemist’s front window and the other was in the newsagent’s front window. After securing a park Bernie went to the newsagent and I went to the chemist. The first person to approach me in the Chemist’s was the pharmacist. I told him I didn’t need anything pharmaceutical; I just wanted to purchase something from the front window. He told me they were short staffed and he could help me. As we approached the front window I joked that he was overqualified ... read more
Swansea Head
Petrified Wood at Swansea Head
Norah Head Lighthouse

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle August 11th 2019

Well, we have travelled south and the polar vortex has blown north and we have met up in Newcastle. It is extremely cold and windy today! We parked near the Surf Club at Newcastle Beach this morning and watched the surfers as we walked towards the Art Deco Ocean Baths. After taking far too many photos of the surfers, we continued heading out towards Nobbys Head via the Surf Club at Nobbys Beach. As we walked out we thought that we were seeing Fort Scratchley on the headland and the ‘lighthouse’ at the end of the breakwater. Very disappointing we thought, as it looked to be only a beacon. About halfway out, Cathy turned around and realised that we had walked around the base of Fort Scratchley and it was actually the lighthouse and associated buildings ... read more
Surfs Up
Between the flags
Nobbys Lighthouse

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Newcastle August 10th 2019

This morning we started heading down the NSW coast in earnest. Yesterday we did a down and back from Coffs Harbour to South West Rocks and back to Coffs so today we travelled straight down the Pacific Highway to Port Macquarie and had a closer (but not too close) look at the fire that is burning in Limeburner NP. Whilst searching for info about the fire(s) I discovered that there are 50 fires burning along the NSW coast! Hopefully most of those have been small outbreaks that have been quickly brought under control. There was a huge plume of smoke blowing out to sea from the fire north of Port Macquarie. Our first comfort break was at the Visitor Information Centre in Port Macquarie. Very posh! The info centre is co-located with the Glasshouse Theatre so ... read more
Shag on a pier, Port Macquarie
The smoke from the bushfire in Limeburner NP
Tacking Point Lighthouse from the car park

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Coffs Harbour August 9th 2019

Bernie was back at Beaurepaires just after 8.00am this morning to have the repaired tyre re-fitted. He thought that if he was there they would be sure to do the Golf’s tyre ‘first thing’. Good to their word the tyre was already repaired when he arrived so the dinky space-saver tyre was taken off and the repaired tyre was re-fitted ready for a big day of sightseeing. Our first stop was at the BIG Banana - not to visit any of the theme-park amusements, just to photograph ourselves at another big thing! With our BIG Banana shots secured we found our way to Tourist Route 18 to make our way down the coast on the roads less travelled rather than motoring down the Pacific Highway. Our first stop was at Boambee Head. The view from the ... read more
Where Boambee Creek meets the sea
Boambee Beach
Towards Bongil Beach

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Coffs Harbour August 8th 2019

This morning we set off from Armidale to drive along the Waterfall Way to the coast. We hadn’t even reached the outskirts of Armidale when the Golf’s tyre pressure warning system alerted us to a change in tyre pressure in the passenger side rear wheel. To be on the safe side we headed back into town to check the tyres. Hmmn, sure enough, the tyre did need some air. With the tyre situation addressed, our first stop was at the Baker’s Creek Falls. There was a little bit of water in Baker’s Creek, but not enough to flow over the falls. Ah well, a short stop was all that was needed because there was no need for Bernie to set up the tripod to take arty photos of the waterfall. A little bit further along Waterfall ... read more
Baker’s Creek
Wollomombi Gorge
Wollomombi Gorge

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Armidale August 7th 2019

This morning we set out on an Armidale heritage walk using the map for the Heritage Bus Tour. We decided against the bus tour because you just cannot take decent photos from a bus! Our first stop was at Central Park right opposite our apartment. The park incorporates Armidale’s War Memorial. Across the street we found St Mary’s and St Joseph’s Cathedral which is only a block alway from St Peter’s Cathedral. Our next stop required a bit more walking to reach the Wool Wagon/McDonald Park. McDonald Park is, like the entire district, dry as a bone and the wool wagon was safely ensconced in a wire cage so neither was particularly photogenic. The Armidale School opposite is using bore water to keep its playing surfaces green so its oval was in stark contrast to McDonald ... read more
St Mary’s and St Joseph’s Cathedral
Inside the cathedral
St Peter’s Cathedral

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Armidale August 6th 2019

Today we started at the Visitor Information Centre before making our way to the Museum of Antiquities at the University of New England. At the Visitor Information Centre we picked up the brochures for the tourist drives that we had already downloaded from the Internet and printed out, but then left in Melbourne! Another useful tip from the staff was that the northern part of Tourist Drive 17 is ‘just a nice country drive’ so we think we might be deleting that from our itinerary. At the university we were impressed with the remarkable amount of material they have managed to fit into a single room ... and a small portion of the corridor outside! Next on the agenda for today was Tourist Drive 19. After a bit of a false start (wrong turn ... or ... read more
Dangarsleigh Memorial
Dangar’s Gorge
Dangar’s Gorge

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Armidale August 5th 2019

This morning we set out heading east from Dubbo on the Golden Highway on another glorious blue sky day. Chilly again to start with, but the sky was absolutely cloudless and the sun was shining. Rather than taking us into Denman to cut across to the New England Highway at Muswellbrook the SatNav suggested a minor road to Muswellbrook from Sandy Hollow. This route took us via Castle Rock which was scenic and the Muswellbrook open cut mine area which was not. What a bloody big hole in the ground that is!! We learned later at the Tourist Information Centre in Muswellbrook that the mining activity is completely unrestricted these days and the tailings are getting higher and higher. Most of the old locals have moved out of the area so there is no-one left to ... read more
The Big Blue Heeler, Muswellbrook, NSW
Eating a scone in Scone, NSW

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Dubbo August 4th 2019

Brrr, it was cold this morning, but the sky was blue and the sun was shining. This made it a bit difficult to decide what to wear - if we started with our puffer coats on we were going to be carrying them before long. We decided to tough it out to start with in just T-shirts and jumpers ... which was fine when we were standing in the sun, but very chilly when we were in the shade! We made a good start and arrived at the zoo right on opening time at 9.00am, with our Melbourne Zoo membership entitling us to free entry at the Taronga Western Plains Zoo through the zoos’ reciprocal arrangements. After driving all day yesterday we decided that we should complete the six kilometre circuit of the zoo on foot. ... read more
Black Rhinoceros
A Tower of Giraffes

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