Blogs from Coogee, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 8


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee October 24th 2007

Have spent the last 2 days doing not much at all. Not sure whether that should be a "hurrah" or a "boooooo". Went to Bondi Junction shopping yesterday which was good - didn't find anything I wanted to buy but it was good to mooch around the shops with Jack, Ollie, Lizzie and Kayla. This morning I have been up to Ozintro and booked my travel stuff - eek on the money - but SO much cool stuff in there, can't wait!!! If anyone is going to Oz, definitely do Ozintro - Lucy is SO helpful and her team are great! I'll be flying up to Cairns on Monday and then working down the East Coast - then back through Sydney, on to Melbourne and Adelaide and up the middle to Darwin, stopping off at Alice ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee April 16th 2007

Oh for gods sake ive just spent about half an hour writing this blog for the computer to loose it all so here it goes again (dont you just hate it when this happens?) spent the first week in bondi and it rained so rubbish and our hostal was also awfull it was like a 15 year old girls bedroom, the floor was covered in crap and was full of 18 year old bockers! We move to coogee thats about an hour and a hald costal walk or 15 mins in a car away, the walk is mint great scenery and i did it most days. Our new hostal was like walking into a circus, it was the weekend when we arrived so everyone that had been at work was really drunk and ther were ... read more
me at the rodeo
the opera house
sydney harbour bridge

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee March 29th 2007

Just a brief update to let you all know that Laura and I are living in a lovely flat in Coogee and both temping at the Government. We've been pretty busy since we got here, we've been to see MacBeth at the Opera House, Swan Lake (with the male swans), had fish and chips at Doyle's, been to the races, walked, eaten, drank and partied quite a bit and enjoyed the beach while the weather lasts! I will revive the blog when I set off round Aus (on my own sniff) in about 4 weeks! Ames x... read more
the girls in the rain
Heidi, Marg, Amy, Jules
Marg and Amy

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee March 19th 2007

Hey guys.. thought it was time for another blog before we leave Sydney for Byron Bay tomorrow evening (Tuesday evening). Tuesday was a chill out day for us, so nothing exciting to report on there, apart from a quick shop in Bondi Junction; home to the surf shops. Wednesday was a bit more eventful. We woke up to beautiful blue skies and so decided it was perfect weather for a recommended coastal walk from Coogee beach to Bondi with many other beach stops on the way. Our first stop during the walk was at Clovelly Cove, which is renowned for snorkeling and popular with the locals. The sea was pretty rough so after being knocked about on the rocks we made our way into the middle of the cove to the calmer water, where we had ... read more
Bar at Coogee beach
The Blue Mountains
Posing by the waterfall

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee March 10th 2007

Well, we're back in Sydney, and we are here for the wedding. For those of you who don't know yet (or who have not guessed yet!!), our friends Zoe (the one with the baby), and Larry got married!! It was a really beautiful setting at Marks Park, on a cliff top (just incase Zoe or Larry said no!!), overlooking Bronte and Bondi Beach. A Civil ceremony, with close friends and family, all went fantistically well, bar a few unflattering gusts of wind, and an inconsoulable baby who was probably feeling a bit left out of the occassion!! Yes it is now official, and before you all ask, I did get permission from Zoe to broadcast this piece of news to you all, and let you in on some pictures. As one of the CHIEF photographers ... read more
here comes the bride
I'm not suppossed to be here am I?
smile for the camera

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee February 20th 2007

Hi everyone, I must apologise for being soooo rubbish at updating my blog..Of course it was inevitable that I would fail to be super organised, because why would that happen to me when I'm travelling of al the places!! Anyway, I have a lot to tell and think that I may as well just tell you a bit and show you some snaps I've taken of the land Down Under! Sooo, I can hardly believe that I've been in Sydney now for three months! How time flies when you're having fun! On arrival here I stayed with Kim and her family who kindly put me up for a week in their house in the run up to and over Christmas. So I got to experience a proper Ozzie Christmas. That was amazing, and Kim has a ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee January 7th 2007

Months ago we booked ourselves on the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb - here are a couple of the pics - which cost us a fortune! The climb was incredible, 1439 steps, we climbed all the way up the bridge to the summit, and then back down the other side - we'll tell you more later we haven't got much time today! (UPDATED) This morning Paul drove us around Botany Bay and took us to Captain Cook's original landing site. Later we met Charlotte and Dyce at 3.00pm for an early dinner in anticipation of our bridge climb. We all congregated at 6.00pm for the climb, first of all we had to fill in the obligatory insurance forms that mean if we fall off, they are not held responsible and we cant sue! and then we continued ... read more
Mr Cool
She was quite excited
The rainbow over Bondi in the distance

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee September 28th 2006

And the second lot from our first few weeks in Oz...... read more
Smelly dog
Coogee Beach
Coogee Beach # 2

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee August 3rd 2006

Have had an awesome week with the Godfather aka JD in sunny Sydney before he heads back to Queenstown. Highlights included boozing with Garr, JD, the Wallaby rugby squad. JD and Lote Tuqiri are now an item!!!... read more
Ben's 1st Day at Work in Oz
JD and Stephen Larkham
JD and Lote Tuquiri

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Coogee February 13th 2006

How ya going? Well we are back in Sydney. We've had an insane last few days. But before I tell you all about that I have just one thing to say. I am currently in the house of a true Aussie family (possibly one of the nicest families I've ever met) and I get to sleep on a real mattress, and eat homemade food, and watch TV, and use the internet whenever I please (without paying), and wash my clothes in a real washing machine, and use real towels (my towel for the last month has been the same one i use on the beach, no worries, i do wash it from time to time, possibly not as often as is hygenically favoured but I'm living out of a knapsack people, leave me alone). Now how ... read more
Our Mission Beach

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