Blogs from North America - page 9709


North America » United States » Louisiana » New Orleans March 25th 1990

So, our hiatus from traveling drags interminably on. Meanwhile Ali is back in the UK visiting relatives and my co-blogger - for a carp fishing magazine – has just written an introduction to the up-coming “season” with an article detailing our back stories (reasoning that if Marvel and D.C. Comics can get away with it, again, and again…). Thus what’s a bored frustrated wannabe traveler to do? Seems a back story… Somewhat smug with 25 years of backpacking experience behind us it did make me titter (and cringe) to re-read our old diaries and see quite how clueless we once were: December 1989. Vicar Lane bus station, Leeds. Brian called over his shoulder as he waddled towards the Skipton-bound bus that he’d be driving. “Manager wants to see you int’ office”. Shit. I slid off the ... read more
A mere corner of my old domain: Vicar Lane bus station (long since demised).
The Chemic, Hyde Park Corner in Leeds: where backpacking first reared its magnificent head
Same packs twenty three years on but much, much lighter

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan March 5th 1990

We were due to arrive in New York in the late evening, so again we were taking no chances and we’d booked ahead. The hostel was on the 24th floor of a hotel on 43rd Street. Finding it was a doodle, once we’d worked out in which direction the street names go up and in which direction they go down. Anywhere else, the view from that high up would be fantastic, but in New York all we could see was the side of the higher building opposite. We loved New Your, despite the fact that everything was almost 50% more expensive than on the West Coast and being constantly asked whether I wanted to buy any drugs started to get extremely annoying. Obviously I had been travelling too long and I looked like someone who took ... read more
World Trade Centre View
World Trade Centre View
World Trade Centre

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles » Anaheim March 2nd 1990

Again we decided that we were not going to get ripped off by an official tour, so we made our own way to Disneyland. That was however a big mistake as there was a drivers strike and the Greyhound busses were not running. We managed to get there on the local buses, but it took a total of four hours with a lot of farting around down-town. It was a good job we hadn't planned on travelling over the States by bus, as that would have been knackered and we'd have been stuck in LA. Nightmare! Disneyland is not a place for nerve shattering rides. They tended to be very nice and very pretty with lots of moving characters and nice tunes. The place was clearly aimed at kids. There was one notable exception in the ... read more
Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland

The manager at Jim's Place told us that they had another hostel in Venice, so he booked ahead for us. It would be infinitely better than that German hippy commune. Despite booking ahead, the hostel itself was still full, but they would let us stay in a camper van that was parked out back. It was great and we had it all to ourselves. Greg went off to the gym and I went along with him. I was basically the smallest person there, including the women, and the looks of total disgust when I walked in were a bit disheartening. We were there for about an hour, taking it in turns to do the various exercises, with me using a pathetic excuse for weights. Every so often Greg would point-out some world champion. I couldn't bend ... read more
Downtown LA
Luxury We Can't Afford

North America » Canada » Newfoundland & Labrador February 28th 1990

ENTRY 47— February 28th 1990 Pistolet Bay Trinity College was and is an Anglican seminary. While I had been away, my good friend and mentor Dr. R.K. Harriman had retired at age 70. "Bryan!" he said when he saw me. "How do you feel about moving to Newfoundland?" "Well...." He continued, "You have acquired the reputation of a priest who likes a little travel and adventure. The House of Bishops will meet next week and I have arranged an interview for you with the Archbishop of Canada. He knows your story and has some interesting places he would like to send you." Pistolet Bay Parish Miranda and I met with the Archbishop. He was a very impressive person. He must have been at least 6'4" tall and was lean, well groomed, with white hair and kind ... read more
Ferry to Newfoundland.
 Hotel room in Port aux Basques.
Entering our new parish.

North America » Mexico » Baja California » Tijuana February 27th 1990

San Diego and Tijuana are effectively the same urban sprawl, except that there happens to be a border running in between them. We got a tram to the border crossing - the busiest in the world - and then after going through two turnstiles, we were in Mexico. It was like we had suddenly gone back two hundred years. After the plush buildings and flash cars of San Diego, everywhere was old, run-down and primitive. You couldn't believe that two turnstiles could make such a difference. Tijuana is basically a tourist town and its very existence appeared to be based on people coming across the border for a bit of shopping. I could understand why, the shopping was fantastic, certainly compared to the tacky crap that dominated across the border. I got a fantastic ceramic chess ... read more
Adios Amigos
Tijuana Church

North America » United States » California » San Diego February 25th 1990

On the bus to Flagstaff, a Pamela Anderson look-alike sat beside Mike and proceeded to chat him up. It was several years before he stopped bragging about it. We were out for the count, although there were a couple of babies that did their best to keep us awake. The bus could have crashed and we would have slept through it. At Flagstaff we changed bus for San Diego. The nearest hostel to the transit centre in San Diego was the YMCA, so we checked in there. We soon lived to regret it. The place was heavily used by the army and consequently it was like an army camp. For example, the toilets were not in cubicles, they were all just in a row along the wall. We had to use the toilet in McDonalds! And ... read more
San Diego Beach
San Diego Beach
San Diego Beach

We had seen two so called 'Grand Canyons' in Australia - namely Kings Canyon and the Blue Mountains. Now it was time for the real thing and it knocked those other two for six; it was one of the most awesome sites I had ever seen. We first went on a rim tour, but your first glimpse of the Grand Canyon is the most spectacular and then the tour gets a bit repetitive. To truly appreciate the Grand Canyon, you have got to walk to the bottom and we decided to go for it. Going down was long - about 10 miles - but relatively easy. We started at the top in snow and this gradually turned to mud and then to a dry dessert. In that ten miles, we went down about a mile, most ... read more
The Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon
Bright Angel Trial

North America » United States » Nevada » Las Vegas February 21st 1990

On the bus to Las Vegas we teamed up with another guy whom Mike got chatting to. It is weird how everyone that Mike meets is male, from London and heavily into football. The autopsy of various matches was going hammer and tongs so I caught up on some sleep. We had to change buses is LA and there was a three hour wait. We got hungry and we decided to leave the relative security of the transit centre in search of something edible to eat. The moment you walked through the security barrier you were surrounded by beggars. I got talking to one black guy who had a degree, was heavily into English literature and was probably one of the most well educated people I have ever met. What the hell was this guy doing ... read more
Downtown Gifts
Police Car
Uptown Vegas

North America » United States » California » San Francisco February 16th 1990

We met a guy called Greg at the hostel who disliked hippies as much as we did and he travelled around with us for a while. He had just broken up with his woman and fancied getting away from England for a while and, as he was into bodybuilding, he had come to LA, which is apparently their capital. Flying is the standard was of getting around America, but our funds wouldn’t stretch to that so we got the bus. After all the freeways of LA, the roads between cities are surprisingly narrow and quiet, although not in the league of the outback. As I said, everyone flies. We found a hostel and then did some washing at a laundrette nearby called 'Brain-wash'. This was actually a combined laundrette and restaurant, which was a neat concept ... read more
Alcatraz Island
Exercise Yard
An Alcatraz Cell

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