Blogs from Oregon, United States, North America - page 97


North America » United States » Oregon » Cannon Beach August 7th 2009

Pazifischer Ozean .... tststs ..... und was fuer ein Wetter :-( Ich werde es trotzdem mit Laufen versuchen, Antje bleibt im Zimmer. So kalt wie es ausschaut ist es gar nicht. Die Ebbe hat den Haystack (Heuhaufen, 72m hoher Monolith) freigelegt und davor ist eine Art gruener Garten, der gestern bei Flut ueberhaupt nicht zu sehen war. Diese Luft hier ist so gut, aber verglichen zu der klaren reinen Luft von New Mexico & Colorado wieder so anders. Man kann den Pazifik regelrecht riechen und schmecken. Die Ebbe hat weite Teile des Strandes frei gelegt, die gestern im Wasser waren. Hin und wieder muss ich richtige Umwege laufen, um keine nasen Fuesse zu bekommen. An den Felsen, die jetzt mitten im Weg stehen kleben riesige Seesterne und endlos viele Miesmuscheln, die eine Art quatschend-pfeiffendes Geraeusch geben. ... read more
Razor Clam Sandwich

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland August 7th 2009

We stayed the night in that cute little motel in Cannon Beach, right by the beach. Last night we had Thai food for dinner and another drink. This morning it was still cloudy, but Regina decided to go for a run at the beach. I passed today, and booked us a hotel in Portland in the meantime. She came back all excited, because the it was low tide and she could walk to Haystack Rock, saw starfish and had a great time at the beach. The next two days will be a little more relaxed, so we took our time and had a nice breakfast/lunch at the Wayfarer restaurant across the street, where Regina had a razor clam sandwich. I went with regular salmon over pasta. Very good! The one hour drive back to Portland was ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland August 6th 2009

At my church, just a few weeks ago, our pastor did a message on Jesus’ “First Refocus,” as he called it. The story is told in Mark. Jesus spent a long day working and healing people and casting out demons and all sorts of things, which was great. He worked late into the night and the disciples were all sorts of excited about being so successful. Instead of sleeping in, Jesus got up very early and went off by himself to pray and reconnect with God. When the disciples found him, eager to get him healing again that day, He told them there was a change of plans. Rather than go back and heal, he went to other towns to preach, “For that is why I have come.” Jesus was doing some very good things, and ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Cannon Beach August 6th 2009

I woke up this morning, it was still early. Regina is emailing, so I decided to go for a run. When I left the motel room, I was surprised how cold it was. Only 64 F in Hood River, OR. I ran anyway, although not too far. Quite a while later we went into town for breakfast and found a nice breakfasty place. Egg Florentine and a breakfast skillet. By the time we were done, it was already 10:30. But we had only a 2-3 hour drive ahead of us, so no big deal. We passed Portland and arrived (after a little cold sweat because I forgot to get gas, and we are in the middle of the mountains; but everything worked out fine) in Cannon Beach. Regina had booked us a Motel right at the ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Hood River August 6th 2009

Kalt und windig ist es draussen. So kalt, 16 C, dass ich mir zum ersten Mal, seit ich hier bin, eine lange Hose anziehen muss. Verdammt, ist die eng ..... Bei dem Wetter faellt es nicht schwer zu fahren. Hoffentlich wird es am Pazifik besser sein. Bevor wir losfahren, gehen wir noch ausgiebig fruehstuecken. Das "Egg Harbor" ist ein Restaurant mit unendlich vielen Eierspeisen, Pancakes & Waffles und ich bekomme endlich meine Eggs Benedict mit einer hervorragenden selbstgemachten Sauce Hollandaise. Auf dem Weg nach Cannon Beach, OR kommen wir nach Portland, OR an einigen Marktstaenden am Strassenrand vorbei. Hier gibt es ueberall Erdbeeren, Blaubeeren & Kirschen, auch zum selber pfluecken. Haben wir beide im Suedosten der USA nie gesehen. Leider ist das Wetter in Cannon Beach auch nicht viel besser. Aber es reicht noch fuer Flipflops, ... read more
Elephant Garlic
Lemon Cucumbers
Haystack, Cannon Beach, OR

North America » United States » Oregon » Prineville August 5th 2009

We stood on a ridge watching the thick storm clouds roll in around us. I was back in my old hometown of Prineville, OR, after nearly five years away. During high school, the town (which has now ballooned to a population of nearly 10,000) seemed completely isolated from the rest of the world. Returning as a vehicle-wielding adult I am surprised to find that the brisk 3.5 hour drive from Eugene is astonishingly easy. The city of Bend, only thirty miles southwest of Prineville, is booming thanks to its dry climate and wealth of outdoor recreation opportunities. At one point it was one of the fastest growing areas of Oregon, especially popular with Californians seeking alpine slopes. However, the rapid growth also meant unpleasant traffic snarls and metropolitan sprawl, and I was happy to see Prineville ... read more
Misery Ridge Vista
Monkey Face
Heron + Tree

North America » United States » Oregon » Hood River August 5th 2009

I think I have my favorite town! Hood River, Oregon. In the north, bordering Washington, by the Columbia River, near Mt. Hood. A pretty small town with stores along the main road, by the river where surfer and kite surfer are enjoying the wind. They even have a little bar on an old pier. We had a couple of drinks there in the sun and watched the surfers. In the evening the small town was a little too quiet, but we had trout for dinner (excellent). Since we didn't sleep much last night, we're going to bed early. Tomorrow we plan to drive to the Oregon coast and enjoy a day at the beach at the Pacific Ocean! The first beach since Charleston. Remember to check out the pictures at the German blog entries. Later! ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland August 1st 2009

Saturday was our first full day in Portland. We started by going to a record store which sold (almost) exclusively vinyl. I found a rare recording by Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan from the Nashville Skyline sessions. I had only heard rumors of these tapes but never knew anything had ever been released (much less on vinyl). After this we found a Goodwill. Blake was really excited about this as he was hoping to find some nifty used Portland shirts. However we were taken back by the high prices and seemingly “stylish” fashions. We checked out some other vintage clothing stores but had no luck. We then spent the rest of the day figuring out the rail system and exploring the different districts downtown. The city is split up in to several unique areas, each with ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland August 1st 2009

Hello Everyone, I am starting a travel blog, which I hopefully will be consistently writing throughout the next three weeks and on. If you didn't know, I am spending a year abroad this year, first in the Netherlands, in Maastricht, and then to Vietnam, through exchange through Lewis & Clark. However, I am first traveling around Europe with a Eurorail Pass, with my sister Tiffany. We hope to travel to France, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Holland, and Luxembourg, and Belgium if we have time. ;) It is certainly going to be a lot of fun, and I have been preparing for the trip for months, to make sure everything works out fine. Currently, I am in Portland and Lewis & Clark, printing out the final paperwork I need to travel. We leave Portland at noon, and will ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland July 31st 2009

Portland is so beautiful! We started off the day with great bread and other French baked goods at a really delicious bakery called St. Honore Boulangerie. St. Honore bakes croissants, baguettes, many other types of french artisan breads, and makes great salads and sandwiches. We all thought it was sublime. Dad was impressed with the shape and texture of their Pain Poulaine. We enjoyed touring neighborhoods around the city. One of these areas included a co-housing community we had read about in the past. We had a picture of their teahouse on our bulletin board, and today, thanks to mom's detective work, we were able to find it. We met one of the residents, and she gave us a little tour. We also ate at the Vita Cafe in the Alberta neighborhood that was vegan and ... read more
Creperie in a Garage
A Little Oven in Portland
Tram Station

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