Blogs from San Francisco, California, United States, North America - page 201


Hey people I arrived in San Francisco around 4:15pm Halifax time, 6 hours in the plane from New York to San Francisco, and boy let me tell you it was horrible. I was soo boreddddd it was like unblievable! I couldn't sleep...I could barely move...-_- my god, the guy behind me was like a annoying person he kept on hitting my seat and when the guy was sleeping and I was trying to sleep the guys smelly icky sock was right by my freaking head! sighh i hate this trip. Well here's how the day started. Halifax, I woke up 3:30am in the morning and took a shower at around quatre to 4am, then i got ready and got my sutff by the door. My dad's friend came and took us to the airport at that ... read more

tues, 6/27: Rode into s.f. on the BART (bay area rapid transit) again. we started off at the library, where there is a gay and lesbian reading room with a magnificant ceiling mural with names from influencial gay and lesbian writers, actors, poets, politicians, etc. from ancient Greek times to the present. next, we hit the s.f. museum of modern art. it is world-reknowned for it's exhibits and it did not disappoint. there were spectacular exhibits in a wide variety of mediums. i especially enjoyed the photography, video, diego rivera, and frida kahlo exhibits. we rode the cable car up powell street to Chinatown and had a delicious lunch. the guide book recommended letting the waiters order for you and we didn't even get a choice! the guy taking our order asked if it was our ... read more
crazy bridge
liv, madison, mason

we are at a new computer...let's see if it works this time...... read more
parade 2
parade cheerleaders
parade dragon

couple more pics...laptop went down on the 2nd day (bad hard drive)...that's why updates are few and far between!... read more

Hello all! Well, i have been looking back at the travel journals and they are a bit discombobulated. sorry for the confusion. anyway, the pics i sent in the last journal (part deux) are from the japanese tea garden in golden gate park. you might think that golden gate park is close to the golden gate bridge, but it's not! we also visited haight-ashbury and there's a pic here of that (notice the streets crossing and the clock set at 4:20). That was all on Mon, june 27. so, you got the tues. journal and i am including pics of cable car rides, foot massage, tea bar, and michelle and i after eating at the stinking rose. that brings us to wed, june 29, our last day in SF. Rianne and the twins were able to ... read more
Michelle on cable car
Foot Massage in Chinatown - OW!

So we are finally leaving the hot, cow smelling town of Davis after 5 years and are ready to figure out what happens next. We both graduated with B.S.s; Patrick's in Civil Engineering and Robin's in Graphic Design. We also will both have minors in Art History and strategically planned it so that we would have to take our last class this summer in France. So far the plan is to spend a week in Paris before heading to the Riviera which is where we will have class for 3 weeks, and then off to Italy to explore for another 3 weeks. Then back to California to find jobs and adjust to real life. Hopefully we will have exciting enough adventures and photos to keep you all entertained and would love to hear what you ... read more

In 4 days, I will be leaving for Frankfurt! Between now and the 29th, I need to drop by Chicago for some personal business and then off I go! Good ol Germany, right in the middle of the World Cup Quarter Finals too! Thats got to be exciting! I am a bit worried that all the madness there have 1. jacked up the price of everything 2. slowed down the public transport and overcrowd the popular areas I guess I'll find out soon, but tonight I basically have to make sure I am packed as I will be going straight from Chicago to Europe (I struggle with what to pack as it will be both business in Chicago for 2 days and then all pleasure and backpacking after that.... Oh, did I mention it is my ... read more

Well, after having spent the day in San Francisco, we decided to go out for the night. I did the incredibly stupid mistake of leaving my camera behind at Alex'(an american colleague of Svein Magnus) appartment, obviously a dumb idea. First we headed out to find something to eat in the North Beach area where Alex lives. I was just in the mood for a quickie, but Alex led us to a place called Calzone's. Anyways I ordered a calzone with pesto-marinated chicken. Carina(PeerMe intern) decided on having some sort of Hawaiian fish, while Svein settled for a pizza. Alex went the whole way and ordered apetizers and wine and an expensive meal. I was kind of frustrated later when he just wanted to split the bill in 4, since he obviously should account for more ... read more

San Francisco What an amazing city. I can’t describe how great this place is, so chilled yet vibrant and it just screams culture and diversity. That sounds a bit dramatic but San Fran truly gets a hold of you and I wanted to stay here for longer. Our stay here was made all the better thanks to the hostel and the people we met. The hostel was awesome, Dave the manager and all the staff were brilliant and so helpful and even went on the pi*s with the guests!! The journey down was even bearable due to a random meeting with two girls who we had met very briefly at Chicago and had happened to bump into again (hope Mexico is treating you two well girls!) at Vancouver. Crossing the border was sooooooo much easier then ... read more
Me and Golden Gate
Hello ladies

A brief history first. When we were young, my sister Kelsey and I were loaded up into the old GMC Safari along with all the necessary provisions and whisked away for the great family summer vacation somewhere in continental North America. It was an annual tradition, one Kels and I could count on as reliably as the arrival of Christmas or Easter: once exams were over and school was done, it was family vacation time. I hope I’m not sounding ungrateful here, because I’m not. Just as my parents prophesized before we set out for yet another trip to some place I had no interest in, I have come to cherish those vacations now that I’m older. Actually, even back then I think I can say I enjoyed every single vacation we went on—even the Science ... read more
Fisherman's Wharf
Candy Baron
Fisherman's Wharf

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