Blogs from Phoenix, Arizona, United States, North America - page 9


North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix April 25th 2011

Hi all Trish's turn. Hi there, everybody. Today we have had a 'blob' day. We were due for it. So far, it is 5p.m., and our main achievements for the day have been to walk to the local supermarket this morning (about five minutes walk away, but we were the only feels like it has been about 38 degrees today!), do some laundry, read some Steinbeck, sit by the pool, (where it actually got too hot in the shade for us, and we had to go inside) and watch 'The Prince of Persia' on the telly. I know, daytime t.v....but we were very entertained, and it was cool in there. Also, Gary has booked us tickets for 'The Lion King' in Vegas, in a couple of days. Bruce and Mandi have spoiled us rotten. They ... read more

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix February 27th 2011

(Phoenix Christian School) We’re on our eighth week at this project, and when we’ve been on one location that long; it’s really difficult to leave. The staff here has been so gracious to us. The motivating factor in moving is the blessings that await us at the next project. We’re only moving 35 miles (we’re going to make the whole trip in one day!!) to Sunshine Acres Children’s Home, in Mesa. It’s just south east of here. This has been a physical challenge for our men~~they laid concrete, roofed two classroom buildings, painted the playground equipment at the preschool, as well as outside staircases, did quite a bit of electrical work, and put a roof between the two wrestling buildings. They also helped us paint the school kitchen, as it took all of us, and ... read more
Rainbow Cloud
Oranges everywhere...
Raise your hand if you've had days like this!

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix February 15th 2011

(Phoenix Christian School) Our January project ended and we had six days before our February project began, but because this is a two month project, and our team is the same both months, we had the days off…and we had a friend who flew in from North Dakota (Hi, Jean!) so we went to Las Vegas! We had three days to look at all the sights, and I tell you, we walked constantly, and saw as much as we could. We also went to Hoover Dam, so you now get facts about it! *Hoover Dam is 726’ tall, 1,244 feet long; the maximum water pressure at the base of the dam is 45,000 pounds per square inch. *At its base, it is 660 feet thick (which is 60 feet longer than two football fields laid end-to-end.) ... read more
Why can't we have an RVICS project HERE???
MGM again!
Harley Davidson Cafe

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix February 6th 2011

February 6 (Phoenix Christian School) So much has happened since I last blogged that I hardly know where to begin! Let me start with a health update~~thank you to the people who have inquired about our health. This flu, and I use that word loosely, because the doctor called it bug~~and we paid for that professional summation~~was an upper respiratory infection, and we coughed and sneezed and blew our noses for three weeks. There was comfort in the fact that all six of us were experiencing the same symptoms, because at least we knew no one would die from it….unless we all did. But we’re all well now, and the other six stayed well. Two of our daughters, Sara and Megan, came to visit! What a thrill it was for us to have them around. I ... read more
Some of the cacti are over-achievers.
The Mystery Castle.
Kind of a funky Christmas Tree!

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix January 20th 2011

(Phoenix Christian School) Welcome to Phoenix Christian Unified School! We’re parked at the Junior/Senior High, but there are preschool and elementary buildings across the street, as well as k-8 at an additional location. All the high school students attend here, though. There are over 300 students on this site. We have a team of six couples, all new to us except one, and most of them new to each other as well! We’ll be together for three months, and a few of us for four! There was a hailstorm here shortly before we came, and most of the men’s jobs for now will be dealing with the aftermath of that. They’re repairing and re-shingling the roof on the elementary library, as well as exterior painting and some electrical work. The women began the week on ... read more
See the RV Park at the end of the track?
One view from our window.
This is on the other side of the fence

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix January 18th 2011

Last week we were able to take our first vacation and chose to meet some friends in Phoenix, AZ. Since my camera was broke, I had to rely on the iphone for pictures and will hopefully get some pictures from friends to complete the file. On Friday we headed down, past Tucson to Kartchner Caverns and Tombstone and Saturday we took a trip to the Mystery Castle. After church on Sunday, we headed to old City Wickenberg and of course we visited old Scotsdale. Ps. 8: When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set it place, what is man that you are mindful of him? ... read more
Photo 7
Photo 8
Photo 9

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix January 17th 2011

It's Monday afternoon and I'm on a Southwest flight heading home from another awesome weekend with some of my favorite people. What started last year with a large group of friends coming together to celebrate the life of someone we all knew and loved, has turned into an annual event we now affectionately call "The Doogie Half." Gordon "Doogie" Hyde was a captain for the airline I work for and he left behind a very large group of friends and family. Those of us who are runners have converted those who were not and our running group has grown tremendously. The out-of-state runners began flying in to Phoenix one by one starting Friday morning with the last group out of Chicago arriving Saturday late afternoon with just enough time to pick up their packets from the ... read more
The morning of the race.
At the starting line...
Dave setting up the new TV

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix November 25th 2010

Day 6 – Phoenix Nov 24, 2010 We left Lake Havasau after walking around the little town and of course the London bridge. We were in a major traffic jam on the way to Phoenix so the trip took a lot longer than expected. On the way out of Lake Havasau we stopped at the Parker Dam. It’s a lot smaller then most, but it is the deepest one in Arizona. We stopped along the way to get a drink at Fox’s (floating bar in Parker) but it was closed. Tonight we drove to Tempe to get a hot dog at Ted’s (only other one outside of Buffalo). It was my first time going to one. It really was fantastic too. They grill them right there for you and serve them up numerous ways. ... read more
London Bridge Sign on Bridge
Iron Gate From London
Iron Gate Near London Bridge

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix November 25th 2010

Day 7 – Phoenix, Arizona - November 25, 2010 Today we went to Phoenix to see the Capital Building. It was closed because it was Thanksgiving Day but we walked around the grounds. There are so many memorials around the capital and the grounds are just beautiful. We also drove around the city and ended up in Tempe. There we found a restaurant called "the Boxty House" that we hope to be able to go before we leave for home on Saturday. ... read more
Phoenix by Capital
Phoenix Capital Building
Phoenix Sign

North America » United States » Arizona » Phoenix October 17th 2010

THE BASICS We progressed from Flagstaff to Phoenix. We are currently parked in my brother's driveway while John coats the roof, etc. etc. On Tuesday, the vehicles will go into storage and on Wednesday we will fly home. I guess we will have to get used to putting on coats and hats before we go outside, again... THE FLUFF Thoughts from last week: On my day of neck-resting, I did have some nice experiences. First, I was rambling around the cable channels and found "Windtalkers." It's a movie about the Navajos who spoke their language in battlefield communications during WWII, and the Japanese were never able to decode it. They were not officially recognized until decades later. When we traveled from Monument Valley to Canyon de Chelly, we stopped at a small codetalker museum in Kayenta. ... read more

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