Blogs from Chihuahua, Mexico, North America - page 6


North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Copper Canyon June 24th 2008

Hi there! Just an update with our latest experiences. No photos this time as Rob has got his camera and as usual I can´t access mine from an internet cafe. I´ll have to get another CD made, in Chihuahua hopefully. Well we left La Paz after 2 nights. We had to get up at 4am to make the 5am bus to the ferry terminal, which was about 20kms out of town. We were told we had to be there 3 hours before the departure time of 8am, but we thought we´d aim for 2 hours before. Oh, the optimism! We didn´t even get on the ferry until 9am, an hour after departure time, and it didn´t actually leave until 2 hours after that. They were not very organised to say the least. There was also a ... read more

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Copper Canyon June 24th 2008

Hi Guys!!! Firstly, Mum and Dee, thanks so much, messages are getting through. Sorry that I havent actually emailed as such but we have been packing the days with so much stuff that it is hard to get a minute on a computer. Love youz!!! I am being a little list-like and writing a couple of different entries so that points turn up on my map. ¿Points on a map are just like lists that dont run down a page, arent they? Its just a collection really. When last we spoke we were just about to head off for the Copper Canyon. In the guide book it said that the Copper Canyon, in size, makes the Grand Canyon look, well, frankly, a bit puny! We decided to take the bus to Creel, which is where the ... read more

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Copper Canyon June 18th 2008

By the time I got through writing about everything we did up to reaching Chihuahua there wasn´t enough time to write about anything else, including Chihuahua. Truth be told there´s not all that much to write. It is a working town and we had the good fortune to meet some friendly people at the bus station when we arrived who were kind enough to direct us to the correct bus before we passed out from the heat. Man, have I mentioned how hot it is yet? If not, I´m sure to do a lot of repeating. Temperature wise things did not change in the time that we spent in Chihuahua. We did, if anything, spend as much time as we could in air-conditioned comfort. But ofcourse not before we were running around like dehydrated chooks. We´re ... read more

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Chihuahua June 15th 2008

It´s been a bit of a whirlwind so far and it´s only been over a week! Man I´ve packed it in like I´ve never packed anything in and I´m feeling kinda exhausted hence the stayover in Chihuahua. To back track a little (lot) first stop Honolulu. Balmy, warm and not all what I expected. I´ve never been to the Gold Coast but I have a sneaking suspicion that Waikiki is very similar - all beautiful bodies, high rise hotels and, this may be where there the similarity ends, lots of homeless people who make of beach life as the tourists do. Apparently Haiwaii has the largest population of homeless people in the States. Quite a sobering thought really. Well, not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb on the beaches of Waikiki I headed to ... read more

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Chihuahua June 15th 2008

This morning was the first sleep-in for a week. It has been go-go-go! We were wakened to the sweet sounds of Mexican television on maximum volume and the clack-clack-clack of the air-conditioner. This is the first night of hotels that are actually in our budget--a little below the standard of the New York-New York in Vegas. But it was so wonderful last night when I put out the light and in the total darkness of the window being located about 30cms from the building next door, the ceiling lit up with glow-in-the-dark stars. It was like being out on the mesa, asleep in a swag with the countryside surrounding you, the soothing sounds of sirens and the locals partying the Saturday night away. I know--why wasnt I partying like all the others? To tell you the ... read more

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua February 28th 2008 (todo en nuestra pagina web) EL PASO (US) - CIUDAD JUAREZ (MEX) (28/3) 28/2 - 12:45h Avion Madrid-Philadelphia-Houston con US Airways (trayecto 12h+4h de escala). La ida es Madrid-Houston y la vuelta Cancun-Madrid para recorrer Mexico de Norte a Sur (670€/p i/v, comprado en, con la opcion de multiples destinos). Noche en aeropuerto IAH Houston. 29/2 - 8:50h Houston-El Paso con Continental Airlines (58€/p, 1h 30m). Del aeropuerto de El Paso al centro (downtown) cogimos el bus 50 en Av. Montana hasta la ultima parada (1US$/p, 30m). El Paso (Texas) esta separado de Ciudad Juarez por un estrecho río, que los mexicanos conocen como Río Bravo y los norteamericanos como Río Grande. Dos puentes hacen de frontera entre las dos culturas. Cruzamos uno de los puentes andando (peaje peatones 0,35US$/p). Da lo mismo cruzar ... read more
Frontera de El Paso a Ciudad Juarez
Catedral de Chihuahua
Boleros (limpiabotas)

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Juarez February 18th 2008

Ein Wochenendtrip außerhalb den USA Die Stadt Juàrez liegt gleich nach El Paso (Texas) direkt an der Grenze zu den USA. Also ungefähr 1 - 1,5 Stunden von Las Cruces hier in New Mexico entfernt. Wir haben beschlossen, von Samstag auf Sonntag nach Mexiko zu fahren, um das Land und die Leute dort zu erkunden und am Abend fortzugehen. Man kommt ohne Probleme über die Grenze von USA nach Mexico. Keine Pässe, keine Kontrollen. Wir konnten einfach durchfahren. Dem ist nicht so bei der Rückfahrt, aber dazu später. Ich habe die komplette Reise anhand der Bilder kommentiert/beschrieben. Viel Spaß beim Foto checken und vielleicht könnt ihr den mexikanisch-spanischen Flair ja ein wenig miterleben: ... read more
On the way to Juàrez
Palm trees
Nicht Stopp, sondern ALTO!

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Chihuahua January 29th 2008

We had a real problem in Chihuahua. We could not find good accommodation. At the cheap end there seemed to be a couple of rat infested holes so we decided to stay somewhere more expensive. But the three big hotels we tried were full. There was something going on in town. So we ended up at the Hotel Plaza which was a meager P$135 (US$13) for a large room with a shabby bed, missing electric switches and holes in the walls where the switches should be. The next morning we found the railway station and brought first class tickets for the next day for the Copper Canyon. Nearby we found Quinta Luz, which used to be the headquarters of Pancho Villa, Mexican Revolutionist. It was a very reasonable P$15 entrance. The house was very busy. There ... read more
The bullet holes
Quinta Luz
Quinta Gameros

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua January 14th 2008

El Paso presented several challenges to the these three travelers. First a friendly and well-intentioned police officer spent about 15 minutes quesitoning us about our vehicle and intended journey. He just wanted to make sure we werent traffiking any drugs from El Paso to Chicago or anything like that. Finding Mexican auto insurance on a sunday proved to be less than easy as well but a pretty little mujera sold us some for around 60 bucks. If that wasn{t enough a little check engine light popped on, presumeably because Barton didnt close the gas lid enough (we hope... and yes... we are travelling through Mexico with a check engine light on... more fun that way). The border crossing was painless and the highway to Chihuhua was good. We arrived into the bubbling metroplis (close to a ... read more
Revolution Chihuhua Style

North America » Mexico » Chihuahua » Juarez October 15th 2007

We feel good after our visit with Cassie & Seaonna. They are doing well in Albuquerque. On monday they have to go to work & school so we decide to head south. We decide to visit Juarez, a large industrial town on the Chihuahua - Texas border. We stop for the night in Truth Or Consequences New Mexico. In the morning we have a hot mineral bath at one of the many hot springs in town & then head on south thru Las Cruces New Mexico to EL Paso Texas. In El Paso we park our car and walk across the bridge over the Rio Grande River, which from here on East to the Gulf of Mexico forms the US - Mexico border. There is alot of issues to talk about the border areas,... economic, social, ... read more
Truth or Consequences NM
At the hot springs
Rio Grande river in T or C

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