Blogs from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, North America - page 22


North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa November 2nd 2009

No hindsight for twenty twenty at this stage but so far this is what we anticipate in a naive and dreamlike at best Hollywood meets Outward bound scenario: Day one...Siem Reap to Beng Mela temple (or close) The mileage for day one has us a bit spooked. Sixty-five KM may not be all that long to some but we are thinking that we need to keep the mileage closer to a 40-50km/day range. We will spend what is left of the daylight seeing what was once a resting location for kings traveling from Angkor Wat to the Great Preah Khan. Dinner will be in on the temple grounds and we will camp under its shadows.... Day two...where did Day One end? This will likely be a familiar theme for us. We will run through the small ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa October 29th 2009

The history..... Earlier this year, after an exceptionally long and hot run, sitting on the kitchen floor, drinking water and trying to cool off, we started talking about how important water was to us and our ability to run. Well, that conversation, timed with a particular song, whose words include ‘Each day’s a gift and not a given right….If today was your last day….could you say goodbye to yesterday…’ reminded me of a comment I’d heard and experienced in Cambodia in Oct 2009. ‘Even though there is access to a lot of water, much of it is not drinkable…..’ We thought, ‘what if we could provide just one family with access to reliable, clean, drinking water without having to buy bottled water…..’We doubted we could change the world, but one life, that was something we might ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa October 29th 2009

Nat here.... Jeff told one part of the story. How do you describe in a few words a journey that began over a year ago, saw us log hundreds upon hundreds of hours running, walking and sometimes hobbling in all weather, from bogs to deserts, over rocks and through water in temperatures that would grill an egg or make you Walt Disney’s best cryogenic tank buddy should you stop moving for only a few minutes. We are the lucky ones. The kitchen discussion to Nickleback’s songs gave us the seed goal for the adventure, to bring one filter, to try and help one family and leave the possibility that this gesture would pay itself forward, dreaming of the butterfly effect, who knows, that the one person we could help might in turn be the one who ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa October 29th 2009

A day that could not have been predicted…. All this, brings me to today, October 28. Another call with Ray to talk about logistics, training, mental strategies, food and all things that you worry about when you think about running a marathon a day for 6 days. More discussions about water capture and drilling technology, what might work in Cambodia, how to make this sustainable and things that would have never crossed my mind in the past. Ray, many, many thanks for all the help, insight, and support! Good luck to you and the team in Siberia! Just as I hung up with Ray, Dan was on the phone. We talked about the meeting with Ray and Katadyn, (thanks Doug for all the time, technical information and help, much more than I could have ever expected!), ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa October 18th 2009

I couchsurfed at Keira's apartment in Ottawa - we had previously arranged this when we had been in the Yukon - and it felt nice to be in someone's home for a change, rather than a motel or a hostel. Or a tent, for that matter. Ottawa is a great little city, and you can stroll from the skyscrapered downtown area to the leafy attractive suburbs in under ten minutes. I was determined to make the most of my time here, and so spent my days sightseeing round the city and it's various museums, and the nights checking out whatever was on offer. I started with the Science museum, which proved to be an error of judgement on my part. I had assumed that it would be like the one in London, but this one was ... read more
Cats and Raccoons
Houses of Parliament
Keira's Kitchen

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa September 28th 2009

Hi, All - Bob and I are staying in a campground on the outskirts of Ottawa right now, our second day here. Yesterday we roamed around the town and I took about 200 photos of this magnificent city. It’ll take me a few days to pare them down and edit them, so instead I’m sending you photos I took at the Adirondack Museum, which is quite wonderful and consists of at least 10 buildings. We spend an entire day there and could have gone back. Paula ... read more
end of summer on beach
St Lawrence River campground

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa September 12th 2009

Hier mal nen paar kulturelle Eindrueck aus Ottawa. Das is ja wie bekannt Kanadas Hauptstadt und ist geteilt wie das frueher Berlin. Zwar nich durch eine Mauer sondern nur durch einen Fluss, aber die eine Haelfte gehoert zur Provinz Ontario (englisch-sprachig) und die andere Haelfte zur Provinz Quebec (franzoesisch-sprachig). Man muss aber keine wirkliche Grenze ueberqueren!... read more
Noch was vom Parlament...dieses Mal bei Tag
Nochmal Parlament

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa September 5th 2009

Hallo meine lieben Leserinnen und Leser. Damit ihr auch was zu tun habt an diesem wunderschoenen Wochenende geb ich euch mal wieder nen bisschen was zu lesen! Nachdem mich mein Bruder und Fritz am Anfang der Woche in Toronto verabschiedet haben wurd ich von der Familie eingeladen die naechsten 2 Tage mit ihnen auf ihrem Feriengrundstueck zu verbringen. Das passte mir dehr gut denn mein naechster Stop sollte Ottawa sein und das Grundstueck liegt auf halber Strecke! Also hab ich noch ne Nacht in toront verbracht und bin mit denen am naechten Tag an diesen wunderschoenen See gefahren. Hab unter freiem Himmel aufm Bootssteg gepennt, bin nen bisschen mibbm Kajak uebern See gepaddelt und sonst einfach das wunderbar sonnige Wetter genossen! Am Donnerstag gegen Mittag haben sie mich dann am Highway nach Ottawa abgesetzt - fehlten ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa September 4th 2009

It's been about a month and a half since we've been back home and I do believe that there is still stories to tell. We last left off with a wonderful blog entry by our travel buddy, Britt, who told you all about our adventures in Ireland and Scotland. I just want to thank Brittany for taking the time to write an entry. It's was awesome!! After a almost teary goodbye to Britt in Edinburgh, I was in no mood to get back on the road, particularly since leaving Scotland meant taking a 12 hour, overnight bus ride to London. I was ready to go home. However, with a little encouragment from Steph, I managed to pull myself on the bus. The ride, though long, was quite enjoyable and we arrived in London at 7am. A ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa September 2nd 2009

Ottawa, Ontario 8.31.09 We arrived in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) on 8.29.09. What a pleasant city! Our first impression of Canadians was our shuttle driver; she had a thick accent and was uniquely friendly. A frequent visitor to the states, she really could be hired by the city of Boston or state of California to consult for their economic development team. “I have flown over Nebraska a few times,” she said in response to our state of residence. No matter where you are it seems as though Nebraska is a flyover state. The hotel room was, uh, clean. Way too many floral designs. We settled in. For Susanne and I this was the beginning of our big adventure! We were also quite isolated. Dave and Evelyn (our friends who got married yesterday in Ottawa) had placed us ... read more

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