Blogs from Oman, Middle East - page 23


Middle East » Oman December 5th 2008

My stars for when I set off: It will be a rare Taurean who isn't planning some kind of a trip. In fact, there are many delights in store-far too many to mention. And it's no small trail you'll be blazing. Call my starline......... Bought a SIM card for my phone - from England the number is 00 968 98205829 so texts will be happily received! Although I am useless at texting so you may not get a reply. Sleeper train from Truro was good except that they called me when the train had already arrive at Reading which only gave me 15 mins to have a pee and get changed. At 4am it disorientating. I fell out of the train and asked 'Which way to the bus?' I had to be told that I was ... read more
Qurm Beach
Muscat Mosque
Mutrah Corniche

Middle East » Oman December 4th 2008

My stars for when I set off on 1 December It will be a rare Taurean who isn't planning some kind of a trip. In fact, there are many delights in store-far too many to mention. And it's no small trail you'll be blazing. Call my starline......... Bought a SIM card for my phone - from England the number is 00 968 98205829 so texts will be happily received! Although I am useless at texting so you may not get a reply. Sleeper train from Truro was good except that they called me when the train had already arrive at Reading which only gave me 15 mins to have a pee and get changed. At 4am it disorientating. I fell out of the train and asked 'Which way to the bus?' I had to be told ... read more

Middle East » Oman » Muscat November 18th 2008

The journey to get here has been a bit of a tour though, due to unexpectedly spending an extra night in Kuwait. Spending the extra night menat trying to juggle two flights to still make it here in time to fly to India. Fortunately the lady at Gulf Air was very understanding and threw up a few options. After being waitlisted for the connection from Bahrain to Muscat there was a glimmer of hope. Then someone blew out the candle and I ended up having to spend the night at Bahrain airport waiting for an early morning flight. All was not lost though as for the princely sum of 10BD (they didn't accept my medicare card as airline club lounge membership) I got to spend the five or so hours kicking back in the lounge at ... read more
All around town there were artists painting landscapes as part of Omani National Day Celebrations
They're doing their best to keep greenhouse emissions to a minimum in Oman
They've got castles here too, Portugese origin this time round.

Middle East » Oman » Muscat October 29th 2008

This past weekend I went to Muscat, Oman with a friend of mine from work, Katrina. We had a really great time and some fun adventures. The weekend started a little bit rough because Katrina lost her phone, we almost missed our flight, our hotel was surrounded by barbed wire and the room our travel agent booked smelled like gouda! When you travel, though, you have to roll with the punches. We decided to instead focus on the fact that I am pretty sure that I ran into a Sheikh at the airport, we got a free meal on our 45 minute flight, Muscat is surrounded by amazing mountains and clear blue water…and our hotel for the second night smelled lovely. ... read more
Mountains in Oman
The Sultan's Palace
Goods at the Souk

Middle East » Oman September 25th 2008

渔人码头 在这个渔人小码头,我感受到阿曼人的热情和友善。 早上6点半左右就起床了,由於海面向东方希望有日出可以看。当同事还沉沉的在睡觉时,我就溜了出去。可是我又失望了,今天早上的云很厚,把阳光都遮住了。 Mutrah著名的鱼市场就在这里附近,离我住的酒店不远。在滨海大道上,我走去鱼市场,鱼市场已经开门了。市场后面就是渔人码头了,码头很小,不过渔夫们一天的捕获都是在这里上岸,然后用手推车推到市场去。 我走上码头,在码头上,由於只有我一个游客,而且码头上的人都各忙各的,所以以为我会不那么受欢迎。怎么知道,当我拿起相机拍照时,坐在码头上的一位阿曼老人竟然要求我和他们拍张照片,和他们语言不同,经过一番比手划脚,原来是要求我拍他作弄他同伴的照片。很滑稽和好笑的一位老人,后来陆续来了几个人,看到他们这样闹着,也加进来凑热闹,然后就一起拍照。之后,还有一位阿曼人还要求我拍他的个人照,哈,原来阿曼人都很喜欢拍照。在这里我才感受到阿曼人的热情和友善。即使你要求他和你一起拍照,他们也不会拒你于千里之外。 我在码头上待了好久,除了看看阿曼渔夫一天的捕获之外,也可以短暂的融入阿曼人的生活里。此外,在这里几乎每个阿曼人都穿了传统白袍的国服,比起阿联酋,这里似乎比较符合阿拉伯回教国家。其实来到码头上的人不外是一些买家,他们团团围着渔夫出价投鱼,鲜鱼拍卖后,就会在市场上售卖。 走在鱼市场里,真的让我大开眼界,每一条鱼都很大,很肥美。哈,我在想若家里人不多的话,这一条鱼应该可以吃几天吧?长那么大了还是第一次看到那么大条的鱼,不过对鱼类没什么研究的我,除了Tuna鱼外,我就说不出其它鱼类的名称了。其它的海鲜如乌贼、虾等等,也都十分新鲜。这个鱼市场据说有百种以上不同的海鲜,就分布在不同的鱼贩里售卖。 古马斯喀特 走完鱼市场,回到酒店,收拾好东西我们就check out了。下一站,是要到距离不远的皇宫和古城区,所谓的古城区,也就是马斯喀特的古城。我们将车开进了古城区,进入古城也有古城的城门。古城区内的屋子几乎清一色都是白色的,而且看上去都是别墅的房子。我们来到皇宫... read more
Mutrah Fish Market
Mutrah Fish Market

Middle East » Oman » Muscat September 21st 2008

往马斯喀特的路上 从寮国回来一个星期后,我又出发了。 7月31日是回教假期,接下来的8月1号则是星期五,所以在阿联酋一共有两天的假期。和同事在假期前一天,才决定要出发到阿曼。由於才有两天的假期,当然能去的就只有阿曼的首都,马斯开特(Muscat) 而已。阿曼也是我来了阿联酋将近一年之后前往的第一个中东国家。 这次的行程没什么来得及准备,只在出发前往Lonely Planet网站找了一些资料,然后就是看看去年在KL买的UAE & Oman Insight Guide而已。之后就和两位同事约定在31号早上6点半左右驾车出发了。 早上,我们沿着前往艾茵(Al Ain)的高速公路走,其实从阿联酋到阿曼的马斯喀特有两条路可以走,除了往艾茵的方向外,另一条就是往杜拜的方向。不过若从阿布达比出发,当然直接往东的艾茵比较近。 从阿布达比到艾茵才一个小时半左右,我们来到艾茵才8点。和艾茵接壤的阿曼边城小镇是布拉米(Buraimi),所以来到这里去阿曼一定要通过布拉米的海关。其实从艾茵进入布拉米有两个海关,一个是只允许海湾国家(GIC)人民进出的关口,而另一个关口是开放给其它国家的国民进入。可是不知怎么转的,加上路标的不清楚,所以我们来到了只允许海湾国家(GIC)人民进入的关口。这个关口可以说是一个自由进出的关口,因为没有什么海关人员看守,我们通过时也没有人截停我们的车子。由於出境一定要在护照上盖章,而且还要记录车子的出境记录。以免成为偷渡客,所以进了阿曼这一边后,立刻打了一个u转,回去阿联酋,再去寻找另一个海关口。 终於来到了Al Hili关口,尽管是假期不过车子和人潮并不多。在阿联酋这边,将车子停下来后,问了问路人,然后走到一间很小间的办公室,那是盖章印出境的地方。办公室里仅有7、8个人左右,不过却仅有一位海关人员在工作。每个人都将护照放在办公的海关人员的桌子上,海关人员慢条斯理的工作。我们在那里等了很久,后来这位海关人员站起来走了出去,我想这样的等待,会不会等到中午呢?后来换来另一个人员,也还是一样没有效率。我们等了近一个半钟,海关人员才拿起我们... read more
At Buraimi
Hili Border
Hili Border

Middle East » Oman » Muscat September 18th 2008

18TH SEPTEMBER We spent a relaxing day swimming and catching up with a young Swiss couple, Alexia & Roman who had been on our Nile boat. We checked out around 6.30pm to go to the airport for our next adventure, 3 days in Muscat. We were taken to the airport by a driver and a transfer guide, we were met there by an airport escort who whisked us through the check-in at breakneck speed, passing the waiting crowds. We must have only taken 5 minutes to get through airport security, our bags checked in and the paperwork filled for customs, we were very impressed. Our airport escort (miracle man) said he had contacts and most certainly must have because when we arrived we thought we would have hours to check in. We both agreed we had ... read more
Mena House Cairo
Lunch at the Mena House
pool at Muscat hotel Al Waha

Middle East » Oman » Muscat August 20th 2008

Oman was an amazing break from India. It was clean, sunny, mosquito free... and did I mention clean? This country is the best kept secret of the middle east, hands down. The streets were lined with amazing white mansions, that belong to ordinary middle class families, and streets with beautiful new cars. Most of the men are in white traditional wear with a small cap, and the women in long black jackets and black scarves on their head. As soon as we stepped out of the airport the heat hit us. About 35*C at 11:00 at night. Nice. Our friend Salim picked us up and we stopped for some Turkish food! Dale developed a bit of an addiction to Mediterranean food while we were there! Salim has a great apartment about 5 minutes from the airport, ... read more
boy selling fish
The Grand Mosque from the inside
Sunset from the fort

Middle East » Oman » Muscat July 19th 2008

Dave’s week-end was such a catalogue of mishaps (to be polite) that I may as well go through them in chronological order…….. 1 - There is now irrefutable proof that the speed cameras in Oman work !!! Driving down from Sohar towards Muscat with the sexy Swedish number Dave spends all his time lavishing attention on, Dave triggered a camera at c. 160kmh (ahem !!) 2 - After the first dive on Friday the people on the boat were treated to a glorious surround sound experience of Dave emptying the contents of his stomach into the Arabian Sea - there was a significant swell and unfortunately baots appear not to be Dave’s strong point !! 3 - About 10 minutes later, possibly the most comical moment of all occurred when Dave was making another bee-line ... read more
Gentle loving attention

Middle East » Oman » Muscat July 18th 2008

“ In a departure from usual reporting procedures, this last week-end’s diving is going to be a bit of an epic split into two blogs - one will be full of marine life and eloquence unbounded, the other will detail Dave’s dive trip which bore a remarkable similarity to “Coco the Clown gets on a boat” I was in Oman again for a meeting, so Dave drove over for the second time that week so we could go diving at the Daminiyat Islands - apparently a marine reserve because of the outstanding natural beauty of the place. It was certainly very nice but whether it stands out from other places on the coast to warrant such special status is, in my humble opinion, dubious. The dive operation was absolutely superb; slick, efficient, good quality gear, nice ... read more
Leopard Shark
Leopard Shark

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