Blogs from Israel, Middle East - page 130


Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv October 8th 2008

I woke up this morning, not to my alarm clock, but instead to the sun blinding my eyes as it rose outside of my window. In other words, I slept through my first class and, thinking that it was not worth an hour and a half commute to go to my 2nd class (which is essentially worthless), I decided to stay at home today and do some other more important things, like spend hours on YouTube and update my blog. So here we are. As some of you know, I had a week-long break for the end of Ramadan known as Eid al-Fitr. Being sensitive to Muslim sentiment, my roommate and I decided to celebrate this holiday with a trip to Israel. Monday night, we caught a bus to Taba. The bus trip was not nearly ... read more
Our hostel.
Beach in Eilat

Middle East » Israel » North District » Nazareth October 4th 2008

Saturday, Oct. 4: Until today the only news we could get was Aljazeera in English; very interesting. The weather today was 89 and very clear. We drove today from Jerusalem to the Galilee district. Highway one, a super highway, was build along the old border between Israel and Jordan. We went through the Jezreel Valley, an agricultural district. The Israelis use modern, scientific farming methods on flat land. The Arabs are left with stoney slopes some of which have been terraced since Biblical times. It is the beginning of harvest for olives and cotton, quite a contrast in methods. The first stop was Nazareth, the Church of the Annunciation. It is supposedly built over the grotto/house in which Mary lived. Nazareth is now predominately Arab Muslim; until recently it was Arab Christian. On the way we ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District October 3rd 2008

During the holidays we spent a day in the old city of Jerusalem. We stopped on the way in the forest at a goat farm and bought some bread and cheese. Jerusalem was beautiful as always but a bit crowded because of the Jewish and Muslim holidays and lots of tourists. So we left the alleys of the old city and made a complete circuit of the city on the outside. There were hardly any people on the road and we had a nice long, leisurely walk around the old city walls. The weather was beautiful and the air was fresh and cool after the humidity of Tel Aviv. We were walking around for about 4 hours by then with only a few short stops for refreshments -- mint tea and date juice -- and we ... read more
The Church of All Nations
mosque and menorah
Tower of David

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District October 3rd 2008

October 1-2: Our flights were uneventful. We left Louisville at 9:30 AM on Wednesday, met Mike and Lynn at the gate in Atlanta,and got our Austrian Airlines flight at JFK for Vienna. At the gate in Vienna there was a group of Orthodox Jews- black coats and hats, curly forelock on the older ones. Younger men mostly wore white shirts and had the fringe of their prayer shawls dangling from their waists. They paraded the Torah (scroll), kissed it and read from it, occasionally blowing the shofar. It was Rosh Hashana. They were a lively party. After hearing loud singing and horn blowing on the 3 hour flight, the charm wore thin! Ben Gurion airport is beautiful and ultra modern. There was no military or police presence. It was about an hour drive to Jerusalem. Our ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv October 1st 2008

This is my last post as I return to dear old blighty later on today. Not much to report here, just swimming and sunbathing for me - its such a chore - trying to avoid getting sunburnt. Had a great night out last night went to the obligatory Irish bar - Molly Blooms and then carried on to Mikes's place to watch the football with my new chum Kev. Spent most of the night with a young Jewish punk called Darya she was originally from Russia, there are lots of Russians here in Israel (including Ernest) also with us was Stan the drunken South African (I've never seen him sober) and Craig who's the captain of a 30 million pound ship (so he kept telling us) that was held up in port so he was having ... read more
More sunset
Bauhaus building

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv September 30th 2008

Another atrocious nights sleep one of the new occupants snored like a giant anteater with bronchial pneumonia. We kept chucking stuff at him during the night but he wouldn't wake up, thankfully wouldn't have to put up with that again as I headed off to Tel Aviv. With my huge backpack I waddled off to Damascus gate to get the bus to the trrain station, was then told that I should head off to Jaffa gate (the Israelis call it yafo). From there you need to walk up Jaffa road to the bus stop. On arriving at the central bus station, it is huge, apparently Egged the main bus company in Israel is the largest in the world. The bus station has 7 floors, with all kinds of modern shops and outlets. Immediately got on a ... read more
The beach
The old port of Jaffa
The flea market at Jaffa

Middle East » Israel » South District » Ein Gedi September 28th 2008

This is the lowest I have ever been. Consider, when you are swimming in the ocean, you are, at most, a few feet below sea level. Well the surface of the Dead Sea is 1,378 feet below sea level. It is more than 8 times more salty than ocean water. and it tastes terrible. I mean, really really bad. You bob in it like a cork, which is fun for about 15 minutes. Then the salt begins to burn your eyes, burn your nose, and mildly sting your skin. You get out thinking 'That was fun, and I feel great, but I don't ever feel the need to do it again." In caves nearby, ancient scrolls were discovered which included fragments of every book of the Bible except Esther (and Nehemiah, depending on who you believe). ... read more
Dead Sea Hotel
The Dead Sea Scrolls

Middle East » Israel » North District » Tiberias September 27th 2008

The Sea of Galilee is not a large lake. From most places on the shore, you can see all the way around it. But during our visit we observed a sudden storm descend on the lake, whipping the placid water into angry whitecaps. We imagined a storm so sudden and violent that it could swamp a small fishing boat. It was on such an occasion that Jesus commanded the wind to be quiet. Another time he walked across the surface of the water to reach his disciples. They were headed for the village of Geneseret, so our boat is floating about where this miracle occurred. To the left is Migdal, former home of Mary Magdalene. There are a couple of tricks to being able to walk on water. One is to allow the temperature of the ... read more
Mt. Beatitude
Jordan River

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem September 27th 2008

Had a better nights sleep last night just the cockerel kept me awake this time. After the habituals ventured out into the chaos of the muslim quarted to do some more sightseeing - over night it had been raining and the streets became a river of mud, the muslim quarteer is very dirty - rubbish everywhere but with the arrival of the rains it was far worse. Later that night I was wandering round and as it was Ramadan everything closed after the end of the fasting in the muslim quarter and all the stallholders got together to have their meal. I went to the famous Abu Shukri for Falafel but it wasn't as good as what I was expecting it was my own fault as I arrived just after the end of the fasting so ... read more
The tomb of Mary
Another church
Garden of Gethsemene

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem September 26th 2008

I woke up this morning to the sounds of Ernests alarm - I don't know why he had set his alarm he wasn't going to do anything!! After breakfast went for another dip int the dead sea and then got on a bus to Jerusalem which cost 33 sheckels - it took around 2 hours. On arriving at the old city I initially had a look round at the Lutheran hospice but it didn't have any dorms so settled on the Hebron Hostel in the Muslim quarter. They charge 35 sheckels a night which meant that 3 nights there was the same price as one night in the the youth hostel - a bargain. The hostel was Ok just what you expect and it did have lockers - a bonus. The old city of Jerusalem is ... read more
Church of the holy Sepulchre
The wailing wall
At Yad Vashem

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