Blogs from Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe - page 5


Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen March 10th 2009

I beginning my 6th week here in Scotland and loving it! As of right now, I'm half way through classes! :) I know I talked up St. Andrews A LOT, but we never made it there. We planned last minute and train tickets were WAY too expensive for just a day trip. Maybe in a couple of weeks...A couple of us decided to go instead to a little city about 20 minutes north by bus, I think it was called Belcarie. We wanted to check out the beach because supposedly it has one of the best beaches in the Aberdeen area. The town was super small, but we managed to get lost anyway; it worked out because we just used the excuse that we were International and we got away with it:) You should try it ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen February 16th 2009

Busy weekends, I tell ya! This past Friday, the International students decided to go out and get a taste of Celtic music. The Tunnels, which literally is a huge tunnel under Union Street in Aberdeen was hosting something called "Electric Ceilidh." ( I am not sure of the spelling?) They basically played many different varieties of Scottish music and attempted to have traditional dances. The dancing part didn't go too well, but the music is quite entertaining as well as the men in kilts:) After the Ceilidh, a couple of us left and took the bus back up to the dorms. This was my first experience riding a DOUBLE DECKER bus, (slightly intoxicated) as well!! Good times! Saturday was a pretty uneventful day. A couple of friends and I that didn't get tickets to Loch Ness ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen February 12th 2009

Whiskey...I never knew there were so many! Last night, me and Kathryn, and international student from Canada, made our way downtown in a wonderful Scotland snow storm,( can you hear my SARCASM), to show up for the first informal meeting of the malt whiskey society. It was held at this little pub called "The Grill." It is ironic because when you get inside, it resembles nothing of what I consider a grill. I don't even think they have a grill, so a wee bit funny. This place had so much whiskey I couldn't believe it! We found the Malt Whiskey Society, who happened to be a bunch of really nice and helpful people and they helped us find our way to our drinks of the evening. What is nifty about this place is that in part ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen February 9th 2009

What a weekend! Me and a couple of other international students decided to get out of Aberdeen and visit Donnottar Castle. We took the bus from our dorm, downtown, where we had to walk and find the bus station. Luckily, one of my flatmates was on her way to work and helped us out a bit and we found it no problem. After a rude man told us with an unidentifiable phrase which bus we had to take, we figured it out ourselves and ended up on the right bus...whew!! Stonehaven, by bus is about 40ish minutes from Aberdeen. Lucky for us, the weather was sunny, so we were all in high spirits. We got to Stonehaven and guessed at which stop to get off at. As we were wondering around, an elderly guy saw and ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen February 8th 2009

Soso, heute waren Kate und ich mit dem Auto Richtung ASDA (Supermarkt) unterwegs und haben im Anschluss einen kurzen Stopp am Strand gemacht. Problem: Das Auto war einegdeckt vom Schnee, weswegen wir erstmal kratzen mussten. Und weil Kate nur einen kleinen Kratzer hat, ist sie zurück in die Wohnung, und - brilliante Idee - holt sich die Kehrschaufel zum Kratzen. Supergut!! In nullkmmanix war die Scheibe schnee- und eisfrei. Hehe :)... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen February 7th 2009

What a day! We did not get to go visit the castle like we wanted too, but we are going to go to Stonehaven tomorrow anyway and explore the city. It's about 15-25 minutes south of Aberdeen on the coast. Today we made a discovery that simply was unbelievable. The North Sea beach is a 15 minute walk from campus! 15 MINUTES! And it is beautiful. I have never been a on a beach where there was snow and sand at the same time!:) Today we went shopping downtown...a Saturday afternoon is the busiest time to shop in Aberdeen, because everyone is off work and all the stores close at 5pm. I picked up some essentials and then we headed back to my flat and made tacos. They hit the spot:) I went with two friends, ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen February 6th 2009

Once again, it is SNOWING here. I am not too happy about this, but whadda gonna do? Yesterday, Aberdeen held what they call a Re-Freshers Fair. This is almost identical to Eau Claire's BOB festival they have in the spring and fall. All the different societies and clubs on campus set up shop in one building and try and get you to join their particular society. I signed up for the International Society because they do a lot of trips that are cheap throughout the year. The other society I signed up for, (Wisconsinites, you would be proud), The Malt Whiskey Society. Their is a 3 pound fee to be in the society, which is not bad. When they meet, they basically get to taste about 10-15 pounds worth of whiskey for about 3 pounds. We ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen February 4th 2009

Ende November war die liebe Familie zu Besuch, und statt (nur) der Ellis, kam die Janilein auch mit. Mei, war des ne Überraschung ;) Ich hab mich sehr gefreut und wir 4 haben 2 tolle Tage zusammenverbracht (von denen ich leider schon am Abend des ersten krank wurde, als Jana nur meinte, cih glaube ich werde krank, es karatzt schon im Hals. Ha, und wer wurde wirklich krank? Natürlich, die Jüngste ;))Wie waren in Stonehaven bei Dunnottar Castle (eine Kliffruine par excellence, hier wurde Hamlet mit Mel Gibson und Glenn Close verfilmt, zumindest das Setting) und auf meinem Unicampus, also viel Spaß beim Anschauen :)... read more
Jana und ich in Slain's Castle (einem urigen Pub)
Mama, Papa und ich in Slain's Castle
am nächsten Morgen auf dem Weg zu leckerem Frühstück bei Starbucks

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen February 4th 2009

Am 28. November (Ja, Papa, an deinem Geburtstag ;)) fand bei dem Amerikaner Ben (North Carolina) ein kleines Thanksgiving get together dinner statt. Er hat alles selber gekocht und es war himmmmmlisch.... read more
Vanessa und Alyse
Ben, der Masterkoch
le maître himself

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Aberdeenshire » Aberdeen February 4th 2009

Oioioi, an dem Abend habe ich wayyyy too much getrunken. 10 shots Tequila glaub ich und eine kliene Flasche Ouzo zusammen mit Vasilis, der sie mir aus Athen mitgebracht hat :O Bis zum nächsten Mal. Liebe Grüße, eure Jule... read more

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