Blogs from County Antrim, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, Europe - page 12


Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Antrim » Belfast September 30th 2014

Vliegen schijnt al eeuwen de droom van de mensheid te zijn, maar ik vind er weinig aan. Het liefst was ik met de boot naar Belfast gegaan; geen wekkers die om zes uur beginnen te janken, geen eindeloze rijen op sfeerloze vliegvelden, maar dagenlang heerlijke rust op het dek van een containervrachtschip, lekker met een boekje in de bries. Maar ja, de Plicht riep zich schor, mijn aanstelling was eigenlijk al drie weken geleden begonnen en er moesten hoognodig dingen worden gedaan waar je op zo’n containervrachtschip niet aan toe komt. En dus jankte om zes uur toch de wekker. Tijd om weer te emigreren. Het was mistig onderweg. Nadat we op Eindhoven Airport een beker tamelijk ranzige koffie hadden gedronken, nam ik afscheid van mijn ouders en begaf me richting security check. Daar onderwierp ik ... read more
De hal.
De woonkamer, achterzijde.
De woonkamer, voorzijde.

Geo: 54.5973, -5.93019We had breakfast and left the hotel with time to drive around the area some before our afternoon flight. We found a cute vacation community on Loch Lomond and took a walk around it. There were small lake homes that seemed to be mostly summer homes, but could be permanent residences, I suppose. The woman at the shop there said that the internet service is terribly slow so most people don't even bother with it.We drove back to Glasgow to return the car and make the 2:00 flight and saw a petrol station on the road before we got to the car hire return location so we could return it full. It has been a great rental car--just the right size. Other than that thing with the tires, we did really well. The woman ... read more
Glasgow Airport
Plane to Dublin from Glasgow
Hire Car for Ireland

Geo: 54.5973, -5.93019We had breakfast and left the hotel with time to drive around the area some before our afternoon flight. We found a cute vacation community on Loch Lomond and took a walk around it. There were small lake homes that seemed to be mostly summer homes, but could be permanent residences, I suppose. The woman at the shop there said that the internet service is terribly slow so most people don't even bother with it.We drove back to Glasgow to return the car and make the 2:00 flight and saw a petrol station on the road before we got to the car hire return location so we could return it full. It has been a great rental car--just the right size. Other than that thing with the tires, we did really well. The woman ... read more
Glasgow Airport
Plane to Dublin from Glasgow
Hire Car for Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland--Friday, June 13th After having a two-day rest, we were somewhat eager to leave the ship and explore this city. As we walked down the ramp, and while we were waiting for the shuttle bus, we watched fellow shipmates get into a line of London style taxis. They had signed up to take the “Black Taxi” tour. It looked like fun. We had hoped to take a tour to the Giant’s Causeway, but because of the interest in this place, generated by TV and games, everything was booked solid. We boarded the shuttle bus and it drove us from the pier to the heart of the city and let us all off right in front of the tourist office. Here, we again, inquired about a tour to the Causeway, but they too were booked ... read more
1406-138 Black Taxi Tours
1406-139 Interesting architecture-A
1406-140 Interesting architecture-B

Yesterday morning, we said goodbye to Dublin and journeyed to Belfast, Northern Ireland. Quick history fact: Ireland is its own republic, but 6 counties are still under United Kingdom's rule. They are called Northern Ireland. The UK is still quite persistent in making sure everyone knows that they have left the Republic of Ireland (UK flags everywhere, street curbs painted red, blue, and white). Just like England and Scotland, Northern Ireland uses Pounds for currency. The exchange rate between U.S. Dollars and Pounds is almost double...meaning when I spend 1 pound, I'm spending $1.77. This difference has been adding up quite a bit and makes me want to cry (sorry, mom, it's not my fault) :( Anyway, buyer's remorse aside, it's been a great time. First, we went to the Titanic museum, which was probably one ... read more
Dunlace Castle

Sun 27 April 2014, Portballintrea, Northern Ireland UK. Today we did very little, Sunday, a day of rest in the eyes of lord. We have just done too much over the past week and needed a day off. We went into Portrush to grab some supplies from the local LIDL and then back to the accommodation to nibble on some cheese, biscuits and caviar, yep you read right, caviar, available in your local LIDL for £1.50. Tomorrow we intend to get back into it. It’s the end of the school holidays here and the crowds will have died down. We intend to walk to the Giants Causeway and then onto Bushmills distillery for a tour and tasting. Best to tell you all this now, as I might not be able remember too much after Bushmills. I ... read more
The local in Portballintrae
Our accommodation

It was time to flee the larger city of Belfast and begin in earnest to immerse ourselves in what we picture (and perhaps most people as well) as one of the true experience of these two nations, coastal driving. It is after all an island, the third largest in Europe, and 20th largest in the world. Okay, enough geography. We jumped in the “Jukemobile” (we rented a gray Nissan Juke) and navigated our way out of Belfast in search of the coast. We are always drawn to the coast. It is almost as if we don’t get near water, we are just not as happy as we can be. And we want to be happy! Mr. Weather (Dave) has been providing updates on the likelihood of our changing weather twice a day for the past few ... read more
Londonderry at night
Follow that rainbow
Scenic road & tunnel

When we were growing up, Northern Ireland was not a travel destination but a land of conflict. What little grainy color images we saw courtesy of the BBC showed British troops battling the locals. The streets looked like war zones and frankly, there was a lot of bombing going on. While not always fair to generalize, most Americans our age grew up blissfully unaware regarding world politics and strife in other countries. As a nation, we are terribly self-absorbed at times and the national media had quite a bit to do with this. The internet-age has changed this. The conflict in Northern Ireland was called “The Troubles.” Fortunately, most of this is all behind them. Belfast is a city reborn with a positive energy. And we were the happy recipients of this energy. Once a city ... read more
He's a cool cat
A parade for all ages
Inside St. Patrick's Cathedral

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Antrim » Belfast September 16th 2013

Geo: 54.5973, -5.93019The report from the Captain was that despite an overnight stay in Belfast, we would still run into the gale winds which have not passed southwards as fast as he had hoped. In order to reach Iceland in time we had to leave Belfast at 2pm and go as fast as possible. When the storm hits it is going to slow us down so do not know when we will reach Iceland. Having missed out on a stop at Stornoway we do not want to miss out on Iceland too.As the ship was in port, the singers and dancers who put on a wonderful Abba show did not have a problem with a rocking ship. Brilliant songs which always bring back happy memories.We took the shuttle bus into Belfast city centre as our original ... read more
An excellent Abba show
Uninspiring  view from the Dome
Clock tower

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Antrim » Belfast September 15th 2013

Geo: 54.5973, -5.93019As we were leaving Dublin and sailing up to Belfast, the Captain came over the tannoy system to tell us that there was a huge area of low pressure coming down from Iceland and this heralded a severe gale and force 10 winds. He therefore took the decision to get to Belfast and stay overnight to wait out the storm which meant our trip to Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis was cancelled. It was a shame that we were to miss out the Scottish island as we had never been to it before but being tossed about in gale force winds in order to do it was not an option. The Captain reckoned we would not have been able to moor up there.So today we are moored up in Belfast and it is ... read more
By Lagan river at start of the walk
anatural sculpture of ivy and wood
Smile gentlemen please!

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