Blogs from Manchester, Greater Manchester, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 23


This was a joint conference between EGEE and the Open Grid Forum that attracted over 800 participants. I co-organized the Enterprise Requirement Workshop within the event. Manchester is not one to be desired, they have to thank God that their soccer team is what it is.... read more
Manchester United

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester April 25th 2007

Today was sort of a slower feeling day, although we did do a lot. We started with breakfast/coffee at Caffe Nero again, and then moved on to a sausage factory outside of the city. We had a brief introduction to the company, and then started shooting. The smell was pretty nasty, and I felt really sorry for our vegetarian guide, Lisa. They showed us the smoker, the butchering, the injecting brine into the veins, the sausage filling, some boiling stuff, and this one machine that you put the ham into and it packed it into netting. While shooting that, some sort of pork/ham/pig juice splattered on me and everybody was impressed how calm I remained. We went back into the city and toured the Roman ruins, which weren't too much, but then walked over to an ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester April 24th 2007

Ran to the Spar (convenience store) this morning to get some detergent so that I could do some laundry in my room instead of paying over $3 to wash a pair of socks. The washer/dryer combo was a bit difficult to figure out, and now my clothes are clean but not dry. They seem to spin and spin but not dry. Oh well. We met up at Caffe Nero down the street from the hotel for a quick breakfast and our guide and driver picked us up for a little driving tour of the city. We went past Manchester United's stadium, where a big game is going down tonight against AC Milan. I don't follow "real" football, so I don't know how big of a game it really is, but I think it is a big ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester April 23rd 2007

url='/Videos/2887.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/2887.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'my room at The Place Up at 5am, breakfast by 6, to the airport by 7:15, and on our way to Manchester by 8:45. The flight was very short, with a good bit of turbulence, but they still fed us juice and breakfast sandwiches that were actually pretty good. You'd never find that in the US in economy class on a flight under an hour. We arrived in Manchester, took a taxi to our hotel, The Place Apartments, and took an hour to settle in before we met our guide, Lisa, at noon. My room is actually a 2 bedroom apartment suite. There is a front living room, a kitchen 2 bathrooms, and 2 bedrooms. It is bigger than our apartment back home. Check out the video tour (horrible video, but you get the ... read more
bed for my DVX

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester April 22nd 2007

I started off well - I left in plenty of time, as planned - rather than the usual rush out at the last minute. I really wanted to get to Chorlton by 4.30pm to take my lovely, fashionable, but fallen-apart boots back to the shop. However, this was not to happen as I had the most horrendous journey up. A lorry had overturned near Huntingdon, so about the time I should have arrived in Manchester, I had just about got past Cambridge - that was fun! Knowing that I couldn’t change any of the situation kept me remarkably calm - none of that road rage, although I did end up taking the most bizarre route (ignoring my GPS’s pleas to “turn around and take the next left” as I followed that old stalwart - the map!) ... read more
University of Manchester
Vietnamese Meal
My turn!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester April 14th 2007

So I have decided to abandon the attempt to use this like a journal and catalagou every single days adventure because I cant even keep up with that in my own journal (plus then i still have stories to tell when i get home) so I am just going give highlights and general feels for places. left London yesterday and I am sorry to see it go. It definitally was an enjoyable time and it is a very strange city, it is a place where modern architecture and building spring up right next to buildings that have been around for longer than our entire country! its like that one incredibly hip old timer who is with the times but has retained the best of the years that he has seen. the city is so large and ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester March 31st 2007

Dont get excited, am still still in manchester! Still havent done anything to prepare expect rub the fact that im gpoing on a months holiday in everyone else's faces! ha ha, so long suckers! Its a very boring nightshift so have come up with more hopes, fears and dilema's for the trip. Am going to have absoloutely no money, but in eternal (perhaps misguided) optimism- have decided this will make the trip more fun. More Hopes: Meet the man of dreams (obviously), who isnt married/ attached/schizophrenic. Being gay might help as well. More dilema's: Do i tell my parents about this blog? Have decided no, that way it will make it far more entertaining and truthful a read, plus I dont want my grandma (or parents) to know about my various drug, drinking and gambling problems. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester March 26th 2007

Untitledstephen parish Eight days to go till Thailand, this is my last day off before I go, I havent packed, I havent thought about packing, I havent done my washing. Basically, bugger! Anyway, just a quick entry to set out hopes, fears, deepest wishes and briefly introduce myself etc. Reasons for holiday/trip/doss round thailand *Tether (end of) *Time off (coerced in to) *Availability of funds (lie) *Who needs reasons? Thailand vs Manchester. hmmmm, tricky. Hopes *Fun *Relaxation *Tan *I'l have a spirtual epithany (these seem to de rigeur for Thailand these days) *I wont be eaten by any local wild life *I wont be eaten by any local animal wildlife *I wont get lost/thrown in jail (please send food)/killed by marauding rats *I will meet lots of fantastic people... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester March 24th 2007

Well here I am, my last day in England for about 6 weeks.. Off to Scotland tomorrow before my month long adventure of Ireland then to Cardiff in Wales for a few days before making my way back to dreary London for 2 weeks before the real adventure of mainland Europe begins! Discovered I've done some rather silly things the past couple of days.. I left my loofah in Oxford, no big deal bought a new one although it did take me half a day to find a supermarket that sold them, second left my UK travel adaptor in Oxford, still tryiing to work out exactly how I did this cos last thing I charged in Oxford was my iPod, still have the Ipod charger so no idea how I left the charger in Oxford, luckily ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater Manchester » Manchester March 23rd 2007

Thats the best way to describe Manchester.. Renovations as far as the eye can see.. Everywhere you go, the whole city is being renovation! Makes it look very messy and then throw in the weather, makes it look very miserable.. Was rather disappointed today when I went to visit the Urbis, which is a wiked looking building, its shaped in a triangle and made entirely out of glass, took photos and will post them as soon as possible... Anyway point of the story, I went to visit this today because my travel books tell me it has a very cool museum instead dedicated to showing the differences and turmoils between the different classes of people here in England which I thought would be really interesting, only to find that.. you guessed it.. Its being renovated! The ... read more

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