Blogs from South-West, Switzerland, Europe - page 19


Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Geneva May 1st 2014

My trip to Geneva was short, but very nice. I left from OTP on the 1st of May, at 06:25 am on the W6 3087 flight and got to GVA on time (08:05 am). The weather was lovely, cloudy and somewhat cold, perfect to walk around. I spent the 2nd of May wandering aimlessly around the streets... Because of the weather I didn't really take many pictures, but the feeling was nice... On the 3rd of May I went to visit CERN, which was amazing. I didn't really see much there, but simply stepping into such a research facility is a dream come true for me, as a researcher. A downside to this whole trip was how expensive everything was there. I didn't really expect it. Fortunately, I decided to make the most of it and ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Geneva March 10th 2014

Mardi 18 février : Départ de Kabul en direction d’Istanbul. Le vol décolle à 11:30. Regarder 2 films : Captain Philipps et Gravity. Arrive à Istanbul, j’ai 17 heures à attendre, Turkish me fournit la chambre d’hôtel. L’hôtel et la chambre sont correct, mais situe dans le quartier industriel de l’aéroport. Mon repas en terre turque sera un Burger King. C’est un peu drôle, il y a environ 16 ans j’étais venu à Istanbul et j’avais visite la Turquie, c’est comme si je revenais sur mes pas. Mercredi 19 février : Levé a 5 :00. Déjeuner de style buffet. Départ de l’hôtel à 6 :00. Arrive à l’aéroport à 6 :15. Formalités et vol jusqu’à Genève, OK. Arrive à Genève avec 20 minutes de retard à 11 :00. Mon ami et ancien collègue de la RDC ... read more
Geneve 2
Geneve 3
Geneve 4

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Arolla February 28th 2014

Surıye'de Barış: Cenevre İzlenimleri “Birleşmiş Milletler Syria Geneva Talks 2” ve “Cenevre Enstitüsü Görüşmeleri” Günlükleri Kısa Notlar Derlemesi – Birinci Bölüm Bir varmış bir yokmuş, Türkiye’nin en uzun sınır paylaştığı komşusunda dökülen kanın sınırı ve aramızdaki sorunun sıfırı yokmuş. Sıfırı tüketmiş insanlık… Öyle olunca, virgülün sağındaki sıfırın da anlamı yok! Sorular sorular... Arabuluculuk vazifesi kimindir? Onurlu çıkış için siyasi çözüm nedir? Suriye'nin kimyasal silahlarını uluslararası denetime açması sonucu 2. Cenevre toplantısının başlamasını da hiç mi hiç istemeyen büyük büyük birader aslında ne istiyor? Tekfirci terörist hangi mukaddes kavrama karşılık gelmekte? Mukavemet Ekseni’nde Körfez'e açılmakta olan İran ve Suriye’yi tehdit olarak görenlerin dayattığı Beşşar Esed’in çekilmesi ön şartı neyin nesidir? Sanmayın ki, Siyonizm bir Yahud... read more

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Geneva February 12th 2014

Murray had some work meetings in Geneva, and managed a day on the slopes in February 2014.... read more
Le chateau de Voltaire
French farm House
Front of the Farm house

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Thun October 29th 2013

A visit from South Korea We were a bit scared when our friend Minji from South Korea wrote us that she will visit us by the end of september. It can be already really cold then and the weather might be really bad. And what can we do with bad weather in the mountains - not to much. But we stayed positive and were really looking forward for Minji's visit. But before, we had lots to do. We had just moved into our new flat and were still living in between all the boxes. So we had to hurry up to get everything ready before Minji's arrival. Well, let's not talk about sour muscles and long nights ;-). In fact, we did not know each other very well. We met about 1,5 year ago in a ... read more
meeting Minji at the station in Berne
Minji playing the alphorn
having fun at lake Oeschinen

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken October 27th 2013

Interlaken on 26 Oct, Bern on 27 October 2013 After leaving Luzern (Lucerne) we headed south, towards Interlaken. The weather was gloomy and on the way to Interlaken, it rained. Fortunately, by the time we got to Interlaken, the sun was out. The drive between Luzern and Interlaken was very typically Switzerland – snow-capped Alps, bright green plains, two story farm houses, cows grazing, areas were very neat, and the trees were of autumn colours. It was very beautiful. As you can imagine, because there are so many mountains in Switzerland, there are also many lakes. The next twin set of lakes was Brienzersee (see in German means ‘lake’) and Thunersee. These lakes are separated by a town called Interlaken. From Interlaken, you can catch a train and funicular and cable car to get to Jungfraujoch ... read more
Around Lake Brienzersee near Interlaken in Switzerland 25 Oct 2013 (17)
Looking from Lake Thunersee near Interlaken towards Jungfrau 4158m Switzerland 25 Oct 2013
Around Lake Brienzersee near Interlaken in Switzerland 25 Oct 2013 (5)

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Grimentz August 29th 2013

Motorhome News from Switzerland. Part I 29th August 2013 Dam, Dam, Dam! ........and we're jumping through hoops. As sunflowers droop their heads in sorrow at the passing of another summer and leaves of poplar turn to gold, and autumn sunshine lights fields of maize on rolling hills, the grey haired nomads dawdle the country lanes of France and Switzerland once more in search of memories and enlightenment. Memories of bright red geraniums in window boxes, snow-capped peaks and crystal air, rippling streams and bright green meadows teeming with wildflowers, brown cows and cream, cheese and chocolate, neatly stacked logs for winter comfort and alpine chalets with shingle roofs. That was ten years ago. That was Switzerland. Switzerland, a country much spared from the ravages of World War II. A country sworn to neutrality and still to ... read more
Val Ferret
Val de Bagnes, Mauvoisin

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Lausanne August 15th 2013

Despite being exhausted and at least 2 inches shorter due to wear and tear from walking so much, I felt I had one last trip in me… one more train journey. So I headed out to Luzern, only 40 minutes from Zurich but a world away as far as atmosphere and beauty go. The train station has to have the best view on exit of anywhere I have been (including Venice) as you have a fabulous arch and then the lake in all its glory. There are numerous boats plying for the trade of tourists and I chose a sleek sightseeing yacht which had a huge deck with white leather seats and lots of room to move around to see from all angles. The trip lasted an hour and was great value given that is went ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Geneva August 8th 2013

Regardless of the weather we decided that today we would go to Geneva for the day, so (by our standards) we made an early start to drive there. There was of course the inevitable tolls, but as it was only about 85km, they weren't as traumatic as the drive here. There were some passport checks at the border and then as soon as we crossed, we were straight into Geneva. One thing to note when driving into Switzerland, you will need to buy a toll sticker for the car if you are planning on driving on the motorways (sign-posted in green, rather than the blue that's used in France and the UK). As we were only driving into Geneva, we didn't need one. Things did start to get a bit traumatic when we were trying to ... read more
Monte Bianco

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken August 3rd 2013

Switzerland was a lot less snowy the second time around. Our favorite hikes were open, the weather was fabulous, and our trip to the Jungfraujoch, for our 27th anniversary celebration, was the best. We had a lovely, clear day with miles and miles of visibility. The temperature was so pleasant that we spent a half hour sledding in the snow play area high on the top of the Jungfrau. We haven't been on sleds since we were kids. It was a blast, even when we wiped out and tumbled from the sled. We had a great week hiking and seeing friends in Interlaken before continuing on to Corsica. After our not so great week in Corsica, we flew to Chamonix, France for more fun in the high Alps. The Montenvers cogwheel train transported us to the ... read more
Jungfraujoch Train
View from the Top of Europe
Gazing over the edge

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