Blogs from Norrbotten County, Sweden, Europe - page 8


Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County » Kiruna December 12th 2008

The Arctic Circle in winter. Are we crazy? Nope. Just cold. We'd been to the Arctic Circle in Summer (Tromso, Norway) and seen the midnight sun, so it seemed that we should go again in winter for complete symmetry. Mostly we were interested in seeing the Northern Lights (although we knew we would need luck on our side). And it was soooo cool! Kiruna is 67.81˚N, and the week before we arrived it had been averaging in the minus twenties. Our few days were a balmy minus 12! We knew it would be seriously cool right from the start, when we landed at Kiruna Airport on a snow covered runway, and then an hour later at 1pm the sun started to set. We were staying at the famous Ice Hotel (about 15 minutes out of town), ... read more
One of the Art Suites
Dog Sled Ride
Snow Mobile Excursion

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County » Luleå October 24th 2008

I am sitting in the library of Lulea Tekniska Universitet, where Kai takes engineering classes. The town of Lulea is in Northern Sweden, only a two hour drive from the Arctic Circle. It looks just like Northern Minnesota with an array of coniferous trees, birch, and lakes. I had a week off from classes so I came up here to spend time with Kai. On Sunday, I reserved three trains from Vaxjo to Lulea (totaling 20 hours of travel). On the second train bound for Stockholm, there was some delay and we waited at a stop outside the city for an extra hour. I asked around to figure out what was going on since the speaker on the intercom was addressing the passengers in Swedish. One guy was trying to catch the same train out of ... read more
What a Sight!
Awesome church
Such Beauty

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County » Kiruna October 18th 2008

Hej Hej! Et voila j'ai passe le cercle polaire! La neige est la aussi, environ 5cm. Je suis donc a Kiruna pour deux jours! C'est une petite ville qui vi de l'exploitation de carrieres si je ne me trompe pas. Je suis arrivee ce matin avec le train de nuit ou j'ai passe une nuit plus ou moins agreable. La lumiere est belle, les arbres sont plein de givre et les etangs sont geles. Demain je vais aller me promener dans le parc national pas tres loin d'ici pres d'un lac. En attendant aujourd'hui je vais faire le tour du village et tacher de trouver un endrois pour dormir. Je suis deja alle visiter l'eglise qui a une architecture tout a fait typique basee sur le mode de construction des maisons Somi. Les Somi sont les ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County » Luleå September 17th 2008

Greetings again! I recently took a trip to Stockholm for the weekend. I arrived around 9pm Thursday the 11th and met Emily and our friend Cassy a pub close to our hostel. We took the subway to a couple of pubs around town to get a feel of what Stockholm had to offer for our sightseeing weekend. I purchased a subway pass that allowed me 8 rides for about $27 (each ride was good for one hour of transport). Not cheap, but nothing is in Stockholm. It is more expensive than Luleå. Stockholm is a fantastic city...much larger than I had anticipated. The hostel we stayed in for the first night slept 12 people in bunk beds. I woke up in the middle of the night because of a voice that seemed very close to me. ... read more
Skansen Garden

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County » Luleå September 1st 2008

I Made it! I arrived in Luleå (pronounced Lu-li-yo), Sweden two days ago. My flight took me from Minneapolis to Chicago to Stockholm to Luleå. One of my bags was routed to Sweden instead of Stockholm, but it arrived to my apartment Sunday evening, albeit with a broken shampoo bottle. Luckily my clothes were protected and the mess was easy to clean. Because of visa issues, I arrived at the end of the two week orientation period. Today I rushed around town to try and purchase all of the goods I needed. One of those is a cell phone. I can be reached at anytime now, if calling from the States you can reach me at: 011 46 76-583 29 38. This of course is an international call and will not be cheap. There is a ... read more
Balcony View East
Balcony View South
Balcony View West

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County June 20th 2008

Today is midsummers' eve, the brightest day of the year. The sun just does not want to set up here in the north this time of the year.... read more

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County June 19th 2008

Today has been a fantastic day with sunny weather, some fishing and some paddling in my parents' ancient green canoe. Enjoy the pictures!... read more
The old fisherman
Lake Gobde
Lake Gobde

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County June 18th 2008

This morning right after breakfast I took Enrico walking up on Skirvo, a small mountain near my parents' house. It's not a very high mountain, only about 500 meters above sea level, but you get a fabulous view from the edge of the cliff at the top. We walked and climbed up the south-east side of the mountain through old forest, across the top and down the steep west side. It's quite hard work and we kept a high tempo in order to leave some of the mosquitoes behind. But it's worth the sweating and tripping over loose rocks, the view is beautiful! Later in the evening after having had mum's elk meat casserole, we went fishing on the lake. A storm cloud was just heading our way and the wind picked up a lot, so ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County June 17th 2008

Today we went to see the mighty rapids at Storforsen in Piteå river. It is such a magical place, it is beautiful and powerful. It is the kind of place that tickles your imagination. Just look at the fantastic pictures! I have spent the evening trying to erect my new tent outside on the lawn. Easier said then done. It turned out some of the equipment was faulty and the inner tent was not the same make as the top tent. So, hence the bargain price I suppose. I REALLY don't have the patience for this kind of stuff, so I have decided to return it and simply trust my dad's old Fjällräven tent. Everone in this house is watching the Italy - France football game right now. Not me, I really couldn't care less. I ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County June 16th 2008

At 6.16 am on Sunday morning we arrived at Älvsbyn train station after 13 hours on the train. I rather like train journeys and managed to sleep fairly well (my tip: always bring a pillow on a long train ride!) but I'm not too sure about Enrico. Anyway, we sat next to a very nice girl from Massachusetts, US, who was travelling on her own. I don't think she had spoken to anybody in a while, because she spoke constantly without pausing or breathing from 5 pm to midnight. That's when I picked up my book and started reading. It was very interesting to hear about her travels through the Middle East and Europe - but enough is enough! We spent yesterday doing nothing at all. My mum looked after us and cooked for us. She ... read more

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