Blogs from Salamanca, Castile & León, Spain, Europe - page 18


Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca July 12th 2007

hey everyone! tuesday night me, Budd and Amanda went out to a couple of clubs and had a really good time. I have tons of pictures and stories to tell when i get back about that one but lets just say time passes very quickly here in salamanca and we didn´t get back till 4:30 in the morning...yes i had class at 10 the next day. ahh oh well it was a great time. then yesterday i went home for lunch during siesta and the two brazillian girls (Paula and Fernanda) and i talked to intire time. GET THIS: they are actresses in brazil--they love musicls, have been doing theatre in high school and love choir. we were meant to meet! anyway after lunch we walked to the plaza and got ice cream together and looked ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca July 10th 2007

so nothing too exciting has happened since my last update except that i DID mangage to get up in front of the entire class and perform my famous dance move (the finger shake, of couse) during our conversation on the typical dances of Los Estados Unidos. haha how exciting...this move has gone international! oh and i am officially certain that our teacher actually does speak english because she understood the word ¨cucumber¨ randomly today in class. more uncovering of this plot later... tonight we are all trying to get invited to Cumlaude (the most exclusive club in Salamanca). You have to be asked on the street by the bouncers to get in so we are all going to dress up and look extra good to get an invite. if that fails then our back up plan ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca July 9th 2007

So things have deffinately picked up here and I am loving it. On Saturday after classes we went out to La Chupeteria (the shot shop) and then we went to La Selva (The Jungle) for some dancing. The night life here is so crazy...there are literally bars on every corner that are full of people having a great time dancing to music. It is also great becasue all the girls on this trip are so funny and quirky and we have tons of great jokes already. After that we went to bed and woke up on Sunday and decided to do some exploring around the city. When I say beutiful, it can´t even describe how amazing it is to see fountain, outdoor parks, ancient buildings, music, shops, people everywere. The flowers alone are enough to look ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca July 6th 2007

Our next stop was Salamanca, a lovely little town west of Madrid. We headed out of the city and into the countryside which is similar in many ways to parts of Oz. It was much easier driving the motor home on the open road! We arrived and parked the van in a quiet street outside the centre of town and then after some lunch and a siesta we walked around the city. It is a beautiful city with winding cobblestone streets and lovely buildings and plazas. One highlight was the Universidad Civil, the entrance to the University which is a huge wall of intricate stone carvings. Legend has it that if you can spot the small frog hidden in the carvings you are assured of good luck or marriage within a year… After a few Cerveja ... read more
El Toro
Another beautiful Plaza Mayor
Universidad Civil

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca July 6th 2007

Today was the first day of classes and I have never been so lost in a class in my enitre life. NO ONE here speaks English so if you don´t understand a word or anything, no one can explain it to you. It is going to be tough, but worth it I know. Some prayers would be appreciated however haha! Luckily Jo and I have the best homestay from the group (we think). She is really young, very friendly, and cooks great food. The only problem is that the woman smokes like a chimney--even while cooking our food! At least I feel like my Spanish is being well utlized and really is improving. Salamanca itself is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen--the arictecture here is so intricate and detalied that it puts ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca July 5th 2007

I am finally in Salamanca--I had to buy internet minutes so I will write more tomorrow and let you know about this CRAZY adventure we´ve been on so far. Alli OH! As a side note, I deffinately used the metro (subway system) all by myself in Madrid and didn´t get lost!... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca April 27th 2007

Bar Hopping in La Ciudad Dorada Europe » Spain » Salamanca By Addy and JaneApril 27th 2007Adam and Jane So the plan was to head to Lisbon, Portugal from Sevilla. As many travellers can relate to, sometimes when you are relying on public transport, things often do not go to plan. But these little detours quite often reveal a place that will pleasantly suprise you, and Salamanca was one of these places. It is a truly beautiful city, and thanks to the huge university is home to many great bars and is always buzzing. One of the highlights for me (suprise, suprise) was visiting the Cathedral Nuevo, finished in 1733 and took 220 years to build. I am sometimes a li... read more
Cathedral Nuevo
Inside Cathedral Nuevo
Inside Cathedral Nuevo

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca April 18th 2007

Greetings from Salamanca, a fabulous university town about two hours from Madrid. We drove here yesterday from Protugal; we were all glad to get back to a place where we understand the language. Portuguese is hard. We stayed last night in a pension on the Plaza Mayor, a great old open plaza about 200 yards across each way. The highlight of the morning for me was a short run around town, followed by sitting in the sun at a cafe in the plaza reading the Spainish paper and the International Herald Tribune. This morning's other major event was getting the kids' haircut. Ryan was in tears for about an hour because Angie told the barber that she should take an inch off, and was misunderstood to mean that she should only leave an inch. I ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca March 19th 2007

Well, its like this! I am now back in Spain, Salamanca to be precise, and have less than five weeks of my journey to go before I return to the UK. That means this is likely to be my penultimate entry. I am homeward bound. Portugal has been a magical place for me. Starting in Beja, a town near the middle of the country, surrounded by flat lands and cork plantations. I then moved south east to Monte Gordo, on the Algarve and worked my way west to Faro. Here I picked up an old friend (Ken) from the airport and we travelled to the small town of Luz, for a week of luxury in an appartment owned by a good friend of mine (thanks Tony, much appreciated). From there, we travelled around the rest of ... read more
Lous 1 Bridge - Porto
Cathedral at night - Salamanca

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca February 11th 2007

After a nice but restless 4 weeks at home getting jabbed nearly every week, am now rabies-free and back on with the travels! Not quite jet-setting around the world, but am in Salamanca, Spain, doing a Spanish course for 2 weeks, then travelling a bit for the rest of the month. Salamanca is a small, World Heritage listed city and absolutely gorrrrgeous - the main focus is the grand impressive Plaza Mayor, the Cathedral and the University dating back to the 1300's, but the real charm of the city are the tiny cobbled streets, old sandstone buildings and the general lovely small-town feel. It´s particularly known for being a major university town so there are loads and loads of students everywhere, both Spanish and international - is like being back on campus! My Spanish school is ... read more
The Plaza Mayor
The quiet streets of Salamanca
Our usual meeting place...under the clock at the Plaza Mayor!

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