Blogs from Salamanca, Castile & León, Spain, Europe - page 17


Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca November 29th 2007

Streda (3.den) Tak jsem konecne po trech letech pryc z Anglie. Ocitnul jsem se v Salamance kde chodim hezky do skolicky ... Nerad bych byl v Chile dalsi tupej gringo co umi jen anglicky, takze se budu snazit do sebe co nejvic natlacit... Je to peknej zahul, protoze zacinam uplne od nuly. Kazdej den narazim na desitky slov co neznam a to porad odtahuje mou pozornost od toho co se vyklada, sice se hodne ptam na to co slova znamenaj, ale na vsechno se ptat nemuzu, to bych ani nic jinyho nedelal. Myslim, ze to zatim docela jde, ale zacina na me dopadat realita, ze popovidat si je neco na co si budu muset nechat zajit chut, ale na druhou stranu dorozumet se s nekym o mych pocitech a potrebach myslim nebude vubec problem. Na to ... read more
Ulicka ke katedrale

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca November 16th 2007

So this week was Miguel's birthday. Thirty-three years well completed as they say in Spanish. We celebrated last weekend on Saturday, lot's of fun except that I was sick. So with my horrible cold and hacking cough (of course, how else would the party have been complete?) I set about making a feast for Miguel and friends in our house. I made onigiri (japanese rice triangles with fish and seaweed), Fritatta with lima beans (a kind of Italian style quiche) and Enchiladas with beans veggies and lots of hot sauce (seperate of course, Im sure I have mentioned before that Spaniards do NOT like spices, the only spices that figure into the Spanish diet are salt, pepper, garlic and olive exactly did these people establish colonies in countries with some of the spiciest cuisine in ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca November 5th 2007

So folks I figured now was about the time to write about some of the issues I've been having in Spain. I'd like to blame all my problems on my mother, in fact I'm under the impression that's what most people do in times of crisis: I'm feeling a bit nauseous, clearly my mother didn't hug me enough when I was a baby, The IRS is auditing me, obviously this is mother's doing, and that whole pesky flood thing in Alicante took place just when mother refused to turn off the tap. No my problems just like most others can be traced back to one source at this point. Being a foriegner. You see in Japan being a foriegner carries some kind of stigma. It doesn't matter where you come from or what you do, if ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca October 26th 2007

I figured it was about time I contributed an entry about Spanish Cuisine. Im sure some of you know that the food here is quite famous for it´s....well savouryness (is that a word?) and variety. The quality and quantity changes a lot depending on where you are in Spain. For example, in the South being as how there is a lot of ocean, there is quite a bit of seafood. Fried Calamaris (squid) Merluza (hake) Mejillones (clams) the Andaluzes have it all. If you go to Sevilla, Granada or Cadíz make sure to try the Jeréz (sherry, it comes from that region) and the Manzanilla (a delicious light wine). In the Basque country there are some of the finest chefs in the country. This accounts for the fact that the majority of world famous Spanish chefs ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca October 20th 2007

Hello dear readers. So I figure the best idea would be for me to get my weekly blog entry out of the way now, while it is still morning and before I go to the grocery store, so I can resume my very neccessary activity of reading boring articles about translation. Yippee skippy So what have I to tell you now? Well the newest addition to my present situation appears to be that my mother is moving to Salamanca. If any of you have met her you know then that my mother is about as organized as I am, this is to say, not very. This coupled with the fact that she speaks absolutely zero Spanish has me nervous. If any of you have been to Salamanca you know that it is not like Madrid or ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca October 11th 2007

For those of you who know me, you will agree that the perpetual thorn in my side for the past two years has been my visa issues in Spain. I supose I was a bit spoiled ("mimada" as they say in Spanish) in Japan with the whole visa thing. All I had to do to change my studnt visa to a work visa there was go to immigration with my university degree, a copy of my contract from the school where I was teaching and my passport. Two stamps and three weeks later I was ready to roll. Not so in Spain. For all non europeans thinking of making the jump accross the puddle to Spain, let me offer you some words of advice, Get A Euoropean Passport If At All Humanly Possible!!!!! Its amazing how ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca October 11th 2007

Hi Everyone Sorry I havent written on this yet I can´t download any photos since my laptop is busted and what I can do on the computers in the lab is very limited so you´ll just have to deal. So life in Spain is very different as you can imagine. My homestay mom Wanni is very sweet and soft spoken which I guess is a rarity in Spain, most women talk in a loud voice which makes it seem like they are yelling at you. Almost everyone lives in an apartment with kitchens about the size of an American bathroom, no wonder we´re not really allowed to use them, there´s no room. Our apartment is very long and narrow, our room is at the end away from Wanni and her son Daniel´s living quarters. We ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca October 3rd 2007

My Boyfriend comes from a very small village outside of Salamanca. Its a very tiny village (and I do mean tiny) that has about 250 people living there throughout the winter and maybe 300 plus there in the summer. It is an interesting place in the same way a small tribe of forrest dwellers in the amazon would be interesting. As in maybe from an anthropological point of view, but not any place you want to spend a considerable amount of time. This holds exceptionally true if you are a forigener. Being the only one in the village does lend itself to some memorable moments. I remember last year at the festival of San Miguel (which is held in the village once every year around the last weekend in September), I was there with my boyfriend ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca September 25th 2007

So I have just recently returned to Salamanca, for those of you who do not know, Salamanca is a little city in the region of Castille y Leon in Spain. Its famous for its university, which on top of having a world famous law school and medical school, also has one of the greatest party scenes in Spain. Its just a shame I'm not much of a party girl. I guess I could blame that on my age, being almost thirty now and engaged, but that excuse flies about as far as a wooden duck with a lead weight attatched to it's butt. No the truth is that I have never been much of a party girl even throughout my teens and roaring twenties (actually my twenties have really mewed more so than roared). Oh well, ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Salamanca July 21st 2007

Salamanca is just about the oldest university town in Europe, and you can feel that energy in the place despite the collection of 500 year churches, monasteries, libraries and university buildings.... read more
Touring at night
A gilded altar

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