Blogs from Slovakia, Europe - page 25


Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava April 22nd 2012

Imagine you're in a bar with a friend of the opposite sex you don't know all that well, perhaps you just met her at the bar, you're chatting in a normal, friendly way and then suddenly her drunk boyfriend saunters down the stairs having had a particularly bad day at work, sees you with her, gets the wrong idea and you later end up in hospital. But the girl has a heart and a good temperament, so she sticks around with you until the ambulance comes having sent him home in a taxi to sober up, then once you get out with a few stitches in your head and what not, she arranges for the three of you to meet for dinner so the guy can sincerely apologise for his mistake and then you and the ... read more
Bryndzové halušky s klobásou

Europe » Slovakia » Trnava Region » Dunajská Streda » Velky Meder March 2nd 2012

Ockovanie - 147,66 € (vakciny) - tetanus som si dal preockovat este minuly rok (2011) kedze mi uz koncila "zivotnost" 10 rokov.Naposledy mi to pichli (a ktovie coeste) na vojne do zadku,som si cely mesiac poriadne ani sadnu nemohol,nastastie teraz to pichly do ramena :) - zltacka A a B - s ockovanim som zacal v novembri (2011),dalsia davka v decembri (2011) a posledna teraz v juni (2012).Injekcia isla opat do ramena.Ziadne vedlajsie priznaky som nepozoroval iba po prvom vpiche som nemohol zdvihat tazke veci.Po ostatnych davkach uz bolo vsetko bez problemove. Tetanus aj zltacku A+B mi pichala moja doktorka,pri tetane si vypytala za vpich 3€ (extra prijatie aby som nemusel cakat v rade),pri A+B si 1.krat vypytala opat 3€ (extra prijatie aby som nemusel cakat v rade) , 2.krat si nepytala nic,ale dala mi neake ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava February 27th 2012

I never would have guessed it but my trip has taken me to the location of the first “Hostel” movie, Bratislava, Slovakia. Where kids kill and torture tourists for a piece of bubble gum. Within ten minutes of being there, I witnessed stuff like that happening. So I went to the happiest sounding hostel I could find, Blues Hostel. Alright, so the real Bratislava is nothing like that. Its not any more rundown then any other city and probably more English speakers then elsewhere on my European tour. Throw in the fact that this city had more beautiful girls then almost anywhere else, fewer cars, less tourists and you can walk the entire city in less than an hour, Bratislava turned out to be pretty awesome. I had no plan on coming to Slovakia but in ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Presov Region » Presov January 24th 2012

I should have guessed it wasn’t going to be my day when I balanced my sunglasses on my head in Levoca and then smashed them in half getting onto the bus. The day was planned to be one of life’s rites of passage – going to see my first football match in Europe. I had identified Tatran Presov v Artmedia Petrzalka as the occasion for this event. In anticipation, on arrival in Presov, I checked into the most expensive hotel in town – nearly £20 for an unrivalled view of Tesco. I spotted posters on lamp-posts advertising the game and walked the route from hotel to ground. The only decision now was how to fill the 24 hours until the match. But first a late-afternoon snooze. When I woke at about 6, I put on the ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Presov Region » High Tatras January 16th 2012

The snow began to fall when we were about half an hour shy of the Slovakian border. The falling snowflakes made the darkened landscape look surreal and dreamlike as they fell softly onto the windshield. I was hypnotised, but only until I realised that snow down here meant deep snow in the High Tatras. Having grown up in Australia, snow is a novelty that turns me into a 5 year old with ADHD. There is of course snow in Australia but seeing it usually requires a minimum 2 hour drive into the mountains. My excitement grew as the road rose and fell over the three small mountain passes that stood between us and Poprad. We made slow progress on serpentine roads that wound through snow covered pine forests, the only source of light coming from ... read more
Single file

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava January 10th 2012

Well this marks my last official night in Germany, and naturally I'm spending it sitting in a hostel, ever so slightly lost in thought. When I know exactly what this has all meant, it might end up here, but you'll have to forgive me if I place an emphasis on maybe concluding my ramblings on the past month or so. since writing about Istanbul would take a small thesis worth or writing, let's chat Bratislava. Right, so after Budapest I moved on to Bratislava using a Hungarian bus line, which was actually really nice. Not only did they help me get a transfer when the bus I was on cancelled, but they actually had a movie playing. In this case it was children of men, so maybe it wasn't the happiest of rides, and especially landing ... read more
local tastes
The Cliffs of Insanity!

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » New Town November 13th 2011

Well where do I begin? In september I went on seminar with AIESEC so I could go abroad with them for an internship because I taught that before I settle and get an office job I should travel some more (I was never the one who could be at one place without moving too long). And about a month ago I got matched through AIESEC database with the Plant a Tree foundation in Bangkok. My first taught amazing Iam going to move to Bangkok but next morning my reaction was Bangkok really????? What have I got myself into. I rearch internet for the needed vaccinations and when I found out what I need I was like hell no - I already feel like pin- cusion :( So to this date I had 4 vaccinations - typhoid, ... read more

Europe » Slovakia November 8th 2011

Geo: 48.1484, 17.1073Salut tout le mondeNous allons bien (comme toujours). Un lever de paresseux. Nous nous sommes levés plus tard. On a finalement décide d'aller a Brastislava aujourd'hui. Donc nous voici partis pour la Slovaquie. (France a déclare qu'elle est rendu a 47 pays visités jusqu'a présent. Elle vise le 50). Nous avons marché dans la ville et sommes alles voir le chateau au sommet de la montagne et avons vu tout le beau panorama de la ville. On a eu droit, au palais présidentiel, a un changement de drapeau, l'arrivée de la fanfare et un changement de garde. Wow juste pour nous! Francine a trouve cette ville pauvre et delabree, mais avec des gens bien sympatiques.De retour a Vienne, nous avons arrête manger des gigantesques « schnitzel » (escalope de veau). 2 pour trois personn ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Podunajsko Region October 14th 2011

KOMÁROM Októberben iskolánk diákjai ellátogattak a Duna túloldalán levő történelmi városba, a dicső múltú Komáromba. Sétájuk útvonala a következő volt: I. Nádor utca • Szent József kápolna, a volt ispotály barokk kápolnája. (Palatinova ul. – Nádor utca) • Lehár Ferenc szobra • Szerb templom (Istenanya) • A szecessziós volt Grand kávéház és szálló • A volt komáromi Takarékpénztár , legszebb szecessziós épület II. Nádor utca • Magyar Kultúra és Duna Mente Múzeum • Jókai Mór szobra • Volt jezsuita kollégium • Szent András katolikus templom, barokk • A volt adóhivatal romantikus stílusú épülete III. Megye utca (Ul. Zupná) • Zichy palota, átalakított kúria • Szentháromság szobor (Emlék a Rákóczy szabadságharcnak 1703, és a pestis járványnak 1709-11) • Európa udvar (45 ép.) • A volt Centrál szálló IV. Megye utca (Ul. Zupná) • A volt megyeháza • ... read more
Európa udvar 1
Európa udvar 2

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava October 13th 2011

So it’s off to Bratislava. Firstly I will admit, although I knew that Bratislava would be nothing like it appears on Eurotrip, that movie is still the primary reason I came here. I sad goodbye to Sal and Corrina at the train station which was really sad as they were heading to Salisbury. So I get on the train and I’m sharing the cabin with this Polish girl, and for the next 2 and a half hour trip we talked and talked and talked. About everything, religion, history, politics, war, traditions, people, travels, it was really an amazing time, and she was really an awesome chick. Milana I think her name was. I had been having one of the best trips anywhere but it was one of those things where you walk away knowing you’ll never ... read more

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