Blogs from Slovakia, Europe - page 22


Óbást „Ó- és Egyházas-Bást, magyar falu, Gömör vgyében, a Medves hegynél, u. p. Rimaszombathoz délre 3 óra, 600 kath., 20 ref. lak., paroch. templommal. Többen birják”. -Fényes Elek- Szombati remek túránkon ehelyt barangoltunk. Elhatároztuk, tavasszal gyalogtúrát szervezünk a Pogányvárhoz. A helyi kocsmában a kávé első osztályú. Meglepődve fedeztük fel egy Somoskővár kép közelében Vikidál Gyula, kedvenc énekesünk dedikációját a helyi bodega lambériáján. Az emlékmű koszorúját nemzeti színű szalaggal színesítettük.... read more
2012-11-24 14.10.17
2012-11-24 14.10.42
2012-11-24 14.11.28

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town October 28th 2012

We reached the boarder of Austria and Slovakia, it was very strange. The man who issued coach visas to drive into Slovakia had gone fishing – literally!! Chris and Emma came back saying he had left a note on the door and we had to carry on through and stop at first service station where there was a "hut" we could get one from. That turned out to be shut too though! Very relaxed system! Chris decided to chance it and carry on – not much else we could do! Not much in way of scenery – very flat landscape with tumble down buildings and random blocks of flats in middle of nowhere. They seemed to have a lot of wind turbines too. We came up to a really fancy bridge which crossed over the river ... read more
Me, Fiona and the Knight
Chocolate and the Straws O.o
Beautiful Town

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town October 14th 2012

We liked Bratislava ... We enjoyed our stay. Old Town Bradislava is small enough that a person can tour it easily by foot, enjoying the buildings, the food, the people and the statues. We have noticed that many cities are placing new statues in various locations in their town. Unlike years past when most such statues were in honor of a well known person, these are there for fun and, perhaps, to honor the average working person. We enjoyed a good laugh at the man with his head coming out of a manhole, as well as the man holding his hat away from his body. The soldier leaning on the bench, well it seemed to me that he was inviting anyone willing to lean beside him and have a good talk ... with soldiers what would ... read more
If it fits, wear it
After a hard day of work

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town October 14th 2012

The Witch I love the witch. What a wonderful witch. She has the look that any self-respecting witch should have. "Hee, hee, come into my house little one." Can't you just hear her cackle, "Come into my house, dear child"? The Man I can't figure out if this is a woodman, a dunce, a peasant or just what he represents. Perhaps in different stories he can be any one of these characters and more. I looked at him and wondered, "Hmmmmmmmmm, is this the way I look when I am feeling green? The King and ........ The king seems pretty obvious, at least to me Why is it the king is almost never the hero? The prince and the princess are always young, beautiful and smart. What happens so that by the time a prince becomes ... read more
Funny Little Man
The Knight to the Rescue

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town October 13th 2012

Jewish memorial and an elderly man As we walked, we happened to see what we guessed was a memorial in a square. On one side was a black granite wall with a picture of a synagogue laser etched into the stone. As we looked at the memorial an elderly Slovak man on crutches made his way and stood near us. Though our Slovak is zero and his English the same, he made known to us that the ething in stone is of the synagogue which used to stand in this square. I am sure he told us when it was des... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava » Old Town October 13th 2012

By Train to Bratislava Off we go on another trip, another adventure. We are glad you have decided to join us on a trip away from Prague to Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. As usual we chose travel by train since it is the most comfortable, most enjoyable form of travel for us. We reserved two second class tickets for Saturday morning, October 13th with a return reservation for Monday afternoon. The train pulled out of the Prague station on time. This was not surprising as in all the train travel we have made in the last seven years only one has been late. Though it was a Saturday morning the train had very few empty seats. The train was uncomfortably warm for a short time before the air conditioning got going full speech as ... read more
Bratislava Castle From the Main Gate
Water Witching
Sunset on the Danube

Europe » Slovakia » Zilina Region September 26th 2012

We have to be out of our hotel room by 11am, which is not the earliest start we've had, but it’s early enough, especially as the bratwurst we had last night has been wrecking havoc on my poor digestive system. I knew there was a reason we weren't friends, but the vast amount of beer washed down with it can't have helped much either. We've no food in for breakfast again, so have to make do with a tin of peaches (from our food bag) eaten by hand of course as we have no cutlery. To spice things up we add the luxury addition of a yoghurt drink. At least we should be on budget for food! I decide it’s my turn to take over the driving for this part of the trip and Greg will ... read more
Into Slovakia we go
Trencin Castle

Europe » Slovakia » Slovenský Raj National Park September 21st 2012

Classic Rhapsody Back with the lovely guide Carla and our very dry bus driver Lukas on my second last busabout tour. Over breakie I met Mel, Paula, Becks and Sarah and we chatted on our way to our first stop the famous Bone church. I was surprised to find that it was exceedingly small but definately did not disappoint on the amount of bones or the creativity in which they were assembled. The bones are so old that it wasn't really creepy, just really amazing the sculptures that had been created. Even more amazing was our lynch from a grocery store, I bought fruit, a sandwich and a drink...for 2€! So cheap! On the next leg of the bus journey I chatted to Hamish, one of only two men on our tour (the other was part ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region September 16th 2012

550 KMS on the bus today. We passed 3 borders along the way. We were lucky and not asked to stop at any of them. We took a break on the way to Budapest in the city of Batslavia where we had lunch on a terrasse. It was fun people watching as I ate. After lunch we strolled about marvelling at the different stores . I did not realize we would actually be in this country! It is bordered by Hungry, Austria, Cezch Rep. It is on the Danube River and has alot of Communist History. It did not join the Cezch Rep. The bridge across the Danube river at this junction had a viewing tower above the span. Never saw this on a suspension bridge before. Lots of activity as well on the river. Statues ... read more
Windfarm in Austria
Town of pest Across Danube River
Parliament in Budapest at Night

Europe » Slovakia » Trnava Region » Dunajská Streda » Velky Meder September 3rd 2012

Dnes som si obehal vsetky urady aby som sa mohol rozlucit docasne so Slovenskou republikou. Urad prace - zbytocna cesta,nakolko podporu poberat nechcem Socialna poistovna - zbytocna cesta,nakolko platit dobrovolne poistenie nechcem Vseobecna Zdravotna poistovna - vyzdvihnutie odhlasky z poistovne + zaplatenie 8 dni poistenia 12,69 €. K odhlaske treba dolozit,komercne poistenie,zdravotnu karticku,europsky preukaz poistenca.Toto vsetko im poslem postou v piatok 7/9/2012 Cestovne poistenie - nasiel som len jednu poistovnu (Allianz) co ponuka cestovne poistenie na rok bez nutnosti sa vratit opat do krajiny.Ostatne poistovne (Generali,Kooperativa,Union...) sice ponukaju rocne poistenie avsak treba sa vzdy po 30 resp 45 dni vratit na Slovensko,co v mojom pripade nebude mozne.Poistenie som si vybavil cez ich internetovu stranku url=http://www.allianzsp.s... read more

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