Blogs from Portugal, Europe - page 162


Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Lagos October 11th 2010

This past weekend I took an excursion to Lagos, Portugal with 8 others from my CIEE program group. We traveled by bus since Google Maps approximated the travel time as 2 hours 34 minutes by car. In reality it took about 6 hours each way so that was pretty surprising. Luckily everyone was fine with sleeping for most of the ride after having gotten up around 6am that morning to catch the bus. When we arrived in Lagos it was raining pretty steadily so we had to figure out where our hostel was in the rain which took some work. After we got settled in the hostel, the rain stopped for a bit in the afternoon so we took the opportunity to run down to the beach and get thrown around by some pretty large waves. ... read more
Our hostel - Stumble Inn
The hostel
Destruction by way of wave

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa October 11th 2010

Lisbon greets us by putting on a thunderstorm with driving rain. Tessa's Portuguese friend Jose is at the airport and its great to meet him. They haven't seen each other for 20 years. He is very generous and helps us with a car and a guide to Portugal and a friend's place to stay. It makes such a difference to have a local friend to help us. Its exciting following Jose's car with Tessa at the wheel of ours. She's sitting on the wrong side of the car, she's driving on the wrong side of the road and its rush hour in Lisbon in the pouring rain. No worries! We stop at Belem and are treated to an impressive display of drumming, marvel at the beautiful old Jeronimos Monastry and try scrumptious famous Belem pastries. And ... read more
Watchout Keith!
The wave after
Dinosaur footprints!

Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Lagos October 11th 2010

We arrived in Santander to overcast skies. It looked a recently prosperous place with lots of new apartment buildings. (It should be prosperous with all the money we've all invested in the local Bank!) Pampas grass grew prolifically on the sides of the road as we sped out of town, staight into the Cantabrian mountains. Then something very unbritish occurred. As we sped through the tunnels and over the mountain passes, the cloud gradually dissolved before our eyes and the landscape quickly turned dun-coloured and then arid. We struggled to find our overnight accom in Valladolid because the street markings and the Expedia map were not mutually compatible. We even stopped at the local council office to find our way. Eventually, we found the place and settled down to a sundowner by the swimming pool. (They ... read more
Central Madrid
Outside the Prado
Friday Night Out

Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Lagos October 8th 2010

We thought it was time to revive our blog with a brief account of our latest travels - and a warning about the perils of travel for those that haven´t got an IQ of 140 or more. We set off on Sept 29th to catch the ferry at Portsmouth. Everything packed, all documents duly checked and filed carefully in place. Then 40 miles down the motorway, realisation dawned. I hadn´t packed the keys to our Algarve Villa. Had we time to race back home and collect them? Luckily Mary had her small purse on her - with one key for each villa. Next we arrived at the ship, after averting our eyes from the nearby Pride of Bilbao which was being stripped of its contents after returning from its final voyage the day before. Our cabin ... read more
Land Ahoy

Europe » Portugal September 30th 2010

30.09.2010 / km 2956 Wir sind nun in der Algarve im Süden Portugals, in Quarteira. Die Fahrt hierher war wieder einmal entspannt da praktisch kein Verkehr auf der Autobahn herrschte. Das ist bei den hohen Gebühren auch zu verstehen. Für die ca. 265 km mussten wir 32.- € bezahlen. Eigentlich wollten wir ja die Autobahnen meiden, doch die Nebenstrassen sind teilweise in einem sehr schlechten Zustand zudem muss man immer durch enge Ortschaften fahren, was nervig ist und viel Zeit kostet. Die Landschaft entlang der Autobahn erinnerte mich irgendwie an die Savannen von Kenya. Das Land ist total ausgetrocknet und nur vereinzelt stehen Büsche und Sträucher. Doch nun zu Quarteira. Quarteira ist ein kleiner Ort mit vielen, im Moment leer stehenden Apartmenthäusern. Der Ort ist aber nicht wie in Südfrankreich in der Nachsaison ausgestorben. Viele Engländer, ... read more
Autobahn von Lissabon in die Algarve
Unser Platz
Markt in Quarteira

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Cascais September 29th 2010

Resolvi escrever hoje... Depois de 3 meses ou mais... É incrível como só depois que o tempo passa que percebemos o quão rápido passou... Foram 6 meses. Incríveis 6 meses! 6 meses que eu jamais esquecerei! Como pode mais saudade? Saudades de acontecimentos tão recentes? Da praia ontem, de Dublin há duas semanas, de Salamanca há 3 meses, de BCN há 1 mês e meio... Só de lembrar cada festa de Sala, cada passeio em BCN, cada vôo do backpack, cada momento com o primo e com os tios em Lisboa, os olhos enchem-se de lágrimas... Fora isso, a incerteza das decisões a serem tomadas e, principalmente, a incerteza do futuro próximo, contribuem mais ainda pra aumentar essa sensação estranha q agora me acompanha cada dia (e q vai me acompanhar pelas próximas 4 semanas ate ... read more

Europe » Portugal September 28th 2010

28.09.2010 / km 2956 Ich muss meine Meinung von den gut ausgebauten portugiesischen Autobahnen etwas korrigieren. Kurz vor Lissabon wurde die Autobahn sehr schlecht. Die Fahrbahn wurde rissig und sehr uneben. Der rechte Fahrstreifen hatte zudem versenkte Gullys. Das heisst sie waren sicher einmal fahrbahnbündig, da die Fahrbahn aber in grauer Vorzeit erneuert das heisst neu aufgeteert wurde, liegen die Gullys nun 10 cm tiefer als die Fahrbahndecke. Ich konnte nicht immer allen ausweichen. Auf dem Campingplatz ausserhalb von Lissabon passierte mir dann ein arges Missgeschick. Der Platz lag in einem Pinienwald. Die Fahrwege zwischen den Bäumen waren so eng, dass ich beim abbiegen, mit der Markise einen Ast streifte und sie dabei beschädigte. Das heisst die obere Abdeckung wurde eingedrückt und drückt nun auf das aufgerollte Markisentuch, welches sich nun nur noch mit grösstem Kraftaufwand ... read more
Wolfi auf der Fähre
Annemarie auf der Fähre
Praca do Comercio

Europe » Portugal September 23rd 2010

Portugal Portugal has many things. It also does not have some things. For instance Portugal does not have the Internet. Actually it may do but it does not provide it for Aussie travellers therefore this blog will cover all of Portugal as I know it. Portugal also does not have mattresses or pillows or fridges. It has beds but actually they are slabs of lumpy concrete with a sheet over the top with pillows of gravel about the size of a Weeties packet. Otherwise the place is great! We arrived in the Douro valley near Porto to find that our accommodation was a house nestled in a vineyard surrounded by hills complete with a lovely hostess - Graca. She quickly made us at home, brushed aside inquiries about Internet and fridges and sent us off to ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Madeira » Funchal September 23rd 2010

Our next team arrived on Saturday 18th Sept, ready for the passage south: Pete Shaw who had been with us for the Biscay passage, Matt Horlor, and Faye Plummer. We set sail on Sunday for the capital Funchal, anchoring just outside the harbour next to the cruise liners. We hired a car on Monday for a whistle stop tour of the island, then set sail on Tuesday in a flat calm. In these conditions you could see the slightest ripple, making it easy to spot wildlife. We saw several pods of dolphins and a turtle. The following day we arrived at the Selvagem Islands, a Portuguese dependency inhabited by just one lonely warden. It was raining heavily with poor visibility and there was a significant swell running so we decided not to land, and continuing south ... read more
Leaving Madeira behind
At the top of La Palma
Walking in La Palma over the Volcano

Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Albufeira September 18th 2010

Following our intense but thrilling time in Lisbon, we were looking forward to a much more relaxed second part of the weekend in the southern region of Portugal called Algarve. Little did we know that this place was also a top destination for the British! It seemed as if every other person was a pasty looking Brit and the towns very much catered to them with all English menus, and all the restaurants serving traditional 'English Breakfasts', which we were quite excited for after weeks of just toast for breakfast in Madrid. The train for Lisbon to Albufeira (the town we stayed in) was only 2.5 hours and dropped us off a short taxi ride away from our hostel. I was a little nervous heading to our hostel because I had read some pretty bad reviews ... read more
On the pier
Out on the rocks
My Lunch!

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