Blogs from Greater Poland, Poland, Europe - page 5


Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan October 8th 2007

one month exactly that i've been in poland now. and for a recollection of what ive done: started with a 28hour painfall plane flight, then a week for orientation in Warsaw, were i and jo were labled the anti-socials of the group. then trained our way over to Poznan, where we were met by our host, and taken to our 'home for 5 months'. first day at school was intimidating as hell, with kids staring , well the ones who can see, from every angle at us, looking us up and down. by the second day, as faces started becoming more familiar, we started getting 'hello's' in the corridor. now its our 4th week here, and we're getting 'zom' with a punch to the knuckles(apprently its the hip and cool way of saying hey to fellow ... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan September 25th 2007

4 kraje, 83 dni, 20 tys. km ladem, 15 tys km w powietrzu, 31 roznymi srodkami transportu, czasami siedzac nawet na dachu. Poznalismy na naszej trasie podroznikow z 30 roznych krajow. Powstalo 8h filmu i okolo 1500 zdjec. Odwiedzilismy 11 ponad milionowych miast (dla porownania w Polsce mamy tylko jedno...). Kazdego dnia, od tego pierwszego do tego ostatnego przezywalismy rzeczy, ktore wczesniej ciezko bylo sobie nawet wyobrazic, lub pozostawaly w sferze marzen. Odwiedzilismy przeciez Pekin, czyli gospodarza przyszlych Igrzysk Olimpijskich, bylismy w Zakazanym Miescie, chodzilismy po Wielkim Murze Chinskim, zmierzylismy sie z Terakotowa Armia w Xianie, zobaczylismy Wiszace Klasztory, chodzilismy i jezdzilismy po Himalajach, odwiedzilismy Tybetanskie wioski, przeszlismy najglebszy wawoz Swiata, bralismy kapiel blotna w jaskini, uczylismy angielskiego w Yangshuo, przejechalismy 400km na mot... read more
Ostatnie wspolne zdjecie i pierwszy raz po 3 miesiacach rozdzielamy sie.

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan July 25th 2007

Our program has come to an end. We are now off to Poznan to spend time with my cousin (Michal), his wife (Aga), and his son (Szymon). We are taking a train from Krakow to Poznan. The journey should take about six hours and forty minutes. I am sure we will sleep since we were out late with our pilots and colleagues last night. I am excited about reuniting with my family once again. It should be a great time since Michal is like a brother to me. ... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan July 15th 2007

We make it through the night ok, if not quite rested. Our "hosts" had a party (Hans said he was close to complaining about the noise), and the dogs on the neighbouring farms gave an all-night concert. We use our burning alcohol to make some coffee and then hit the road. At Trzcienka, we take a break in front of a Sklep, where two Polish men start their Sunday with beer and a cigarette. One of them speaks a little German. When we tell them of our plans, they tell us that we're crazy, especially Belarus is full of robbers and thieves, we will be left dead by the side of the road. Of course, one shouldn't believe what people say (especially at 10am over their first (?) beer), but I can feel that both Hans ... read more
Bike carriage
A place in the woods

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan July 14th 2007

The day begins with the search for coffee. After I bought some lighter fluid yesterday, thinking I could use it for my cooker and the stuff just wouldn't burn, we're unable to make coffee in the morning. Thinking we'll find some in the next town, we cycle to Mi?dzyrzecz. This turns out not to be quite as easy as we'd imagined: apparently, cafes are not usual in Poland at all. We ask a local, who points us to a block of flats, but decide to try our luck in the centre, but no cafe in sight. So we turn to our second need: fuel. I walk into a shop, asking for "spiritus", the German word for burning alcohol. Classic mistake, in Polish "spiritus" is drinking alcohol and the shopkeeper now thinks I'm a raging alcoholic in ... read more
Not the best spot, but...

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan July 13th 2007

Friday the 13th - the ideal day to start off a two-week long bike tour! After a quick breakfast, we jump on the train to Frankfurt/Oder, on the border to Poland. After the border, we cross over the Oder, Poland waiting on the other side. Immediately, confusion: only the main route is signposted, we need to find a smaller road. The first "conversation" in Polish follows: using hands, feet, and the map, we get directions and find our way out into the countryside. The weather is slightly wet, but ideal for cycling, the road good, a good start to our tour. In Osno Lubiske, we buy some provisions (not so easy if you don't speak a word of Polish and are faced with 10 different types of sausage). I end up with some blood sausage and ... read more
Dirt Path
Camp 1

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan June 4th 2007

So, Wroclaw was nice! Although my hostel was on the other side of town, it was really close to all the mornuments! I went walkig to the Cathedral district first, they h ave this really n ice big church there. WOWOW There are like churches everywhere!!!! like walk 3 steps you see one... It was a Sunday so people were all dressed up for the mass. One church had the ceremony for the kids! Cute. After that j ust kept walking to the Rynek (old town )...very nice...not that beautiful but had a nice feel to it. Went into the town hall but nothing interesting. Then headed off to the Panorama . its the most famous spot to go here. Its this 360 degree painting about this war against the Russians. Very cool indeed. They ... read more
Chapel @ Town Hall
Poznan Old Town

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan May 16th 2007

Another early morning as we had the longest bus ride of the trip today; 269 miles. The wakeup call was supposed to be at 6am but instead was at 5:45am. It may not seem like that big of a deal but I like that extra 15 minutes. lol We quickly used the free internet at the hotel and had just as quick a breakfast with the bus leaving at 7am. The beginning of the drive wasn't too scenic with it looking like the PA turnpike back home. Most of the scenery was flat and at times with lots of trees. As we got closer to the Poland border, we noticed many tractor trailers lined up along the right side of the road for what seemed to be a hundred of them. That was their line for ... read more
closer view

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan March 15th 2007

No to mamy pierwszy problem... W tej chwili nie potrafię powiedzieć na ile jest on poważny, ale jednak jest. Chodzi dokładnie o wizę do "kraju Środka" czyli Chin. To właśnie ten dokument, który mam wklejony już do paszportu sprawił, że włosy mi dęba stanęły. Otoż w miejscu gdzie jest napisane ENTER BEFORE widnieje data 05 JUN 2007. Wszystko byłoby w porządku gdybym wjeżdżał do Chin 4 czerwca, ale ja robię to miesiąc poźniej! Wiza jest ważna na 40 dni tak jak prosiliśmy, ale niestety z wizą, którą otrzymaliśmy i tak nie jesteśmy w stanie dostać się do tego kraju w terminie, którym zakładaliśmy. Oczywiście będziemy w tej sprawie interweniować, bo nic innego nam nie pozostaje, ale nikt z nas nawet nie myśli o tym, żeby mogły pojawić sie jeszcze jakieś problemy z tą wizą. Oczywiście o ... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan February 4th 2007

Jednym z najczęściej zadawanych mi pytań, jest kwestia transportu. Dzisiaj postaram się trochę przybliżyć, jak, czym i gdzie. Podróż z Warszawy do Pekinu z międzylądowaniem w Moskwie pokonamy samolotem lini Aeroflot. Po przylocie do stolicy Państwa Środka, do poruszania się po tym ogromnym placu budowy( przygotowania do IO 2008 ) będziemy korzystać z komunikacji miejskiej jak metro, czy autobusy. Z Pekinu wybierzemy się na wycieczkę pod wielki Mur Chiński, gdzie część podróży pokonamy autobusem, a część małym busikiem. Natomiast wracając, prawdopodobnie zabierzemy się z jakimiś straganiarzami na przyczepce, ponieważ ostatni autobus do Pekinu odchodzi już o 16, a my będziemy chcieli tam zostać trochę dłużej. W głowie zrodził mi się pomysł, aby spędzić noc na murze, ale musimy jeszcze przemyśleć to rozwiązanie, bo ogromne kary nakładane są na turystów, którzy zostaną na tym złapani. Po pow ... read more

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