Blogs from Norway, Europe - page 234


Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo September 10th 2005

Sorry it has been so long since I updated this. I have been very busy: dancing, evangelizing, booking, etc. I will update all of this, this weekend and I will reply to emails. But to here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure from last weekend when the first years went out for pizza together! It was a really fun evening! Love y'all lots!... read more
Goofing Off

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo September 8th 2005

We've been getting trained on booking our schedule because some of the team will help to book the concert schedule for the next year. Our tenative schedule will include the following countries: Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Slovakia Czech Rep. Hungary Slovenia Croatia Albania Greece Bulgaria Romania The goal is 105 concerts total, for our team, from mid Jan 2006 to early July 2006. Very excited, should be really cool! There are two other concert teams (one will concentrate on Norway, and another in the Scandinavian countries). The concert consists of two hours with one hour of live singing, dancing, and a media show. Then preaching of the gospel and an alter call with praying. In some cities we may also do school visits before the concert to invite youth to the concert and tell them about ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo September 6th 2005

Everyone was very excited to find out what area of ministry they would be training for over the next four months. The director called us into his office one by one to let us know if we would be on a concert team, a mobile team, or perhaps on the media team. I was one of the last called in and was very suprised to find out which team I would be one. The first thing he said to me, jokingly, was where do you put someone with a law degree on a missionary team. Then he told me that the dance instructor for the concert teams really wanted me on a concert team as a dancer. She must've seen some sort of potential I failed to see as I was laughing at myself in the ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo September 5th 2005

I found out today that my grandmother passed away this morning back in Texas. But God is so good and allowed my mother to spend time with my grandmother before she went to sleep for the last time. And there is such peace in knowing she is now in heaven, free of pain, worshiping and living with her Lord and Savior! Praise the Lord that this life here on earth is not all we have but we have the promise of eternal life with Him because He died for our sins! Now we must continue each day to spread His Word and who He is so others will have that assurance of eternal life as well because we never know when we may go sleep for the final time here on earth.... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo September 4th 2005

Hi all Ok, first of all I want to apologize for the date of my last entry.. sorry, I really AM doing alright.. So I arrived in Oslo, and wow what a beautiful city.. although I have to say that the Scandinanvian landscape reminds me a lot of parts of Canada.. it really is beautiful here.. Saturday I met a really great American woman, Shannon, who is living in Germany. We took a tour of the Fjords together in the morning.. It was a sunny day, just perfect for the tour and what a beautiful ride.. it was spectacular.. Later on I went to the sculpture park, where there are over 200 sculptures of people in all phases of life, all done by the same artist.. very cool.. Shannon and I met up again and we ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo September 3rd 2005

I was noticing today how everyone in the house is so beautiful. I am not just talking about physically but from the inside. It is so wonderful to be in such a positive environment! To be somewhere where the people genuinely love Jesus and are not ashamed of it at all. Man if everyone could be in this environment I don't see how they could not believe. Being here is like having Jesus' love poured over you because by living for Jesus each person is allowing Jesus to reach those around them through them. I wonder why then how those of us who do believe don't always allow that love to pour out of us to everyone we meet? I was thinking about myself and realized I am hindering that because of my own insecurities I ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo September 2nd 2005

Today we had interviews and auditions for dance and singing. I signed up for the dance audition to stretch me. It sure did! I now have a newfound respect for dancers. It is so much harder than it looks. I thought I had rhythm but in the middle of learning the choreography, I just started laughing at myself in the mirror because I am far from being a dancer! It was fun and if by some strange reason I was chosen, I would love to try to become a dancer but I am not a natural dancer at all. During the interview, I was asked what I would like to do, my greatest strength and weakness, as well as my experiences. We should know by next week which team we will be in and then we ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo September 1st 2005

I ended up spending about 2.5 hrs at the police station but now I have a very colorful Norwegian work permit visa on my passport. One of the second year girls went with me so we were able to get to know each other better. We arrived back at the house in time for PT and then had a really awesome praise and worship time. Then we had lunch and had a teaching entitled “You are a soldier.” It was discussing what it means to be a part of the Jesus Revolution Army. The leader went into the background on the Salvation Army - it was really pretty cool. Then he went on to say as soldiers for Christ we must 1. live an unselfish lifestyle 2. don’t just wait around to find out what your ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo August 31st 2005

After our personal time with God we all tore down and packed up camp. Then we drove 10 minutes to another mountain for a 4 hour hike. This hike was shorter in duration but actually harder physical (although that could also be b/c I was very tired from lack of sleep and the hike from the previous day). We stayed with our groups on the way up because there were some pretty steep parts. Once we all made it to the top we had lunch and then were able to go down at our own pace. Some people practically ran down the mountain - I don’t know where they get their energy! I wasn’t with that group but ended up going mostly by my own because I started increasing my speed in order to get ... read more
The first part of the second mountain.
Me resting on the top

Europe » Norway August 30th 2005

We woke up at 8 a.m., ate breakfast and packed our lunches for the six hour mountain hike. The hike was hard on my body since I am used to sitting so long studying but it felt great. It was so beautiful and just nice to be outside. Thankfully it did not rain but was just a little windy. We filled up our water bottles from rivers on the mountain (it was actually quite good - there are only 4.5 million people total in all of Norway so there are lots of open spaces with little pollution). After the hike we got into our groups again and had to come up with a drama that included dance and singing to represent the Norwegian scenery. Everyone is incredibly talented and it was quite funny. After that ... read more
Group preparing to hike
View while hiking

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