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Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo
September 4th 2005
Published: September 5th 2005
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Hi all

Ok, first of all I want to apologize for the date of my last entry.. sorry, I really AM doing alright..

So I arrived in Oslo, and wow what a beautiful city.. although I have to say that the Scandinanvian landscape reminds me a lot of parts of Canada.. it really is beautiful here..

Saturday I met a really great American woman, Shannon, who is living in Germany. We took a tour of the Fjords together in the morning.. It was a sunny day, just perfect for the tour and what a beautiful ride.. it was spectacular..
Later on I went to the sculpture park, where there are over 200 sculptures of people in all phases of life, all done by the same artist.. very cool.. Shannon and I met up again and we decided to grab a pizza and beer and hang out at the hostel.. OK WHO Knew!!! No, and I mean NO alcohol sales after 6 pm on Saturdays.. WHAT!!!

So, we had been at a gas station about 6:30 and the woman working there sold us a cold beer and even opened it for us, so we rushed back hoping the same dumb girl was working and bought six more.. however.. I think the joke was ultimately on us, cause I did not get a buzz off that beer and I now think she sold it to us cause it was non alcoholic.. DAMN!!!

Sunday Shannon and I went tourist and did a ton of stuff . we went to the old fortress and castle and looked around..went to the peninsula Bygdoy where there are 5 different museums, and yes we went into them all, but good thing, we are similar and we zipped right through them.. the most interesting was the Viking ship museum, where they have 3 viking ships from the 800's and they are in remarkable condition..

Then we went to the nobel peace prize centre.. that was alright.. but the last thing we did was go up to the olympic ski jump.. THAT was something else..

We took the subway all the way out there and you feel like you have really left the the city altogether.. it just keeps climbing and climbing. The view of Oslo from the end of the subway line was just awesome.. you could see the fjords and a lake and the next direction just city..

So then you get to the ski jump and you can go all the way to the top.. I have no idea how those athletes can be at the top of that jump and think skiing off it is a good idea.. it was freaky to me...

So that was Oslo, and now I am leaving Norway cause the beer and smokes cost WAY to much.. I am taking the midnight train to Stockholm..

Take Care and have fun!



7th September 2005

Sounds like fun!
Glad you're having such a fabulous time on the other side of the "lake"! I especially enjoy hearing about all the beers and wine, since I'm not allowed to drink for the next several monthes..... Perhaps you could describe the flavor a little more for me??? Oh, I miss it so, and O'Doul's and Warsteiner just don't cut it! Take care! Love, your parched and ever expanding pal, Rochelle.

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