Blogs from County Kilkenny, Ireland, Europe - page 7


Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny » Kilkenny January 1st 2009

Well after our time in Galway we decided to head to Kilkenny for new years to catch up with Rob and Mickey, two Irish guys we'd met kloofing in South Africa. Rob was very kind and gave us a bed in his house and everything. Unfortunately Rohan wasn't feeling well so we managed to squeeze a spot in at the local doctors surgery in the afternoon. He was put on a course of antibiotics and some paracetamol to fix him up, but he still should have spent the evening in bed. Instead he insisted we go out (we were in Ireland on new years eve... I don't think anything could've stopped him) and so after a few guiness'in Rob's lounge room we headed down to the local pub to catch up with some of Rob's mates. ... read more
Kilkenny New Years
Rob and Rohan

Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny » Kilkenny November 4th 2008

It occurred to me that I haven't really shown everyone enough of the beauty of Ireland. You can only show so many pictures of me drinking, so here ya go. There should be another set of these by tomorrow. I want to get all my blogs caught up before we depart for Europe in 4 days. All photos are credited to Tara. ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4

Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny » Kilkenny July 20th 2008

Robyn and I slept in and then went over and renter the car and got out of crazy Dublin, although driving wasn't exactly a breeze. It really does make a difference driving on the other side of the road. I felt like a whole new driver learning how to drive again. It was also remembering how to drive a standard transmission again, but from the other side of the stick. Eventually Robyn and I made our way to Kilkenny Castle. We found a parking spot and got some tickets. Then we walked down to the little town of Kikenny and had a spectacular lunch at an Irish Pub called "The Field". The best pour of Guinness I've had yet, and a great tuna and sweet corn sandwich along with a seafood chowder that was excellent as ... read more
Kilkenny Castle
The wind that shakes the Barley
Hore Abbey

Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny » Kilkenny July 15th 2008

Hiya from Kilkenny, Ireland (Pronounced: Kill-kenny, as if that wasn’t obvious!) Since our last blog and two full and exciting days in Dublin, David and I have began to travel south and west from Dublin. Yes, that means that we are on the open road! Scarey! For those of you who don’t know Ireland, like England, drivers use the left hand side of the road. And since we are using a manual, that means that David is using a left handed shifter! With a little luck of the Irish and his own confidence in his driving skills, David has successfully navigated both country and city roads in our little Toyota Corolla (Yes, an upgrade from the Ford Fiesta we initially reserved, more about that later!) With only one hubcap down (which is still debatable, if we ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny » Kilkenny July 6th 2008

Sunday July 6, 2008 Kilkenny to Cahir to Killarney, Ireland Flemings White Bridge C&C Park We found our way out of Kilkenny and on to Cahir (pronounced "care") and took a walk to the Cahir Castle. The castle was build on a rock island in the River Suir, and is a well preserved fortress. Since we are now members of the Heritage Sites of Ireland, meaning we purchased a pass to many, many historic and natural sites in Ireland, this should be a savings in the long haul. A young energetic gal took us on a guided tour and provided wonderful information on the history of Ireland and the castle. On our way back to the Bothan it poured down rain! We were so taken with the presentation about the Butler family, owners of the castle, ... read more
The main street in Killarney
A church in Killarney, and home of the Bishop
Stained glass windows

Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny » Kilkenny July 5th 2008

July 5, 2008, Saturday Lady's Island, to Kllkenny, Ireland Tree Grove Caravan and Camping Park During the night there was a torrential rain and wind storm, but we were safe and snug in our little cocoon. By morning there was sunshine so we took a walk to the beach and the Irish Sea. Today we are headed to Kilkenny and we started on a find road N25, and thought we would save time by taking R704. It was another...ROAD FROM HELL, winding and twisting with buses and trucks that just shouldn't fit on this narrow path, yet somehow they do! We found our way to N9 not great and...then N10 into Kilkenny. It is going to be fun driving on these roads in Ireland. The campground is about one mile or so from the town center. ... read more
Castle is Kilkenny
Kilkenny Castle, can I tell you how many tour buses were here?
St Mary's, there are actually 7 churches in Kilkenny???

Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny » Kilkenny July 3rd 2008

First thing I said this morning: I feel so much better! Ain’t drugs—and shots—grand? Thank you Dr. Fergus Brady and your sparkling eyes! Today we’re off to Kilkenny! Mark looked out the window this morning (as is his Irish habit, it seems) and said, “Oh, look, it’s raining!” like it was a surprise. What he didn't say is it wasn't just raining, it was POURING down rain. I mean POURING!!! We got packed up, went down for breakfast and checked out of the hotel. The front desk called us a taxi which took about 10 minutes to arrive. It continued to pour rain. The taxi arrived and the driver took one look at me and said, “Not to worry, missus, it’s just a little rain.” He asked us where we were from and how long we ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny » Kilkenny June 16th 2008

Day 5 Today we went to Kilkenny to see the Kilkenny Castle and we took the right road this time which lead us there with no problems. It’s not too far from Inistioge so that was pretty good. The castle tour was very interesting. We saw several rooms which were decorated mostly Victorian. Not many of the original pieces of furniture are there but they did a good job in finding suitable replacements. They are still refurbishing parts of the castle. The price wasn’t bad to get in (11.50eu) for the three of us. There wasn’t even a gift-shop at the end of the tour which really amazed us. Kilkenny is a very busy little town with narrow streets. We walked around a bit and visited some shops. We posed for a picture outside of Smithwicks ... read more
Inistioge Bridge
Karen at Kilkenny Castle
Kayleigh at Kilkenny Castle

Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny June 14th 2008

Day 4 Our B&B again tonight is the Woodstock Arms in Inistioge. It is really kind of charming and located right above the pub. Inistioge is such a nice little place. We had our breakfast and then headed to our relatives house again to meet up with more of the family. Dan (our newfound relative) showed us a lovely little church called Clodigh which survived Cromwell’s attacks because it was built in a little valley and surrounded by brush and trees and the English soldiers didn’t find it so it survived the raids. He also showed us a tiny little cave where the priest would hide when warned of an attack. It is a very small place right on the side of the road which hundreds of people pass everyday but not many people know about. ... read more
Clodigh Church
Gate at Clodiagh Church
Hidden Clodiagh Church

Europe » Ireland » County Kilkenny » Kilkenny May 11th 2008

It’s our last day in Ireland and we’ve had simply perfect weather. It’s 25 today but it’s been in the low 20’s mostly and not a drop of rain. In fact we’ve only had a half day of drizzle during the whole trip. Must have been all the raincoats and umbrellas I packed.... read more
Church ruins

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