Blogs from Attica, Greece, Europe - page 97


Europe » Greece » Attica September 9th 2007

Hey there folks... Well, after a awesome wedding and a not so bad flight, we are finally in Greece! The flight could not have been better, even though we were in coach. Maybe it was the dramamine combined with sleeping pills. The seats were pretty comfortable and there really wasn't much turbulance. Customs, baggage claim and the taxi ride to the hotel were all completed within an hour. After check in at the Hotel Avra, where we scored complementary slippers and a bottle of wine for our honeymoon, we went for lunch at a cute Italian trattoria. The pizza was amazing and very inexpensive. I can see Kevin falling in love with Mythos beer already. Luckily there were about 20 stray dogs who were happy to eat my leftover pizza crust. The port town is actually ... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 7th 2007

A Love Affair With Craziness The more one travels it seems the more one empathizes with views that are different from their own. When we started on this trip, I was pretty myopic in my view of the world. Americans, or Westerners in general, seemed more courteous and polite, while “others,” whoever they might have been, were rude or abrupt. While there was nothing wrong with my world view, it was pretty naïve and very one sided. As we have traveled my views have changed considerably. While we may not have been through some of the more difficult places in the world, such as China, India, Africa, etc., we have had a chance to experience many vastly different cultures. By time we had finished with South East Asia I had been exposed to more than ... read more
Ladies A'Glow
Fallen Columns
More Erechtheoin

Europe » Greece » Attica » Piraeus September 4th 2007

Alright so few signs there are a few things wrong with me. Either I am a. really nervous b. a complete ditz or c. really tired. I am going go with option A, simply because it makes me feel better. So if you read my last entry you already know that I forgot my phone on the chair. Well somehow all that lead to a series of very stupid events. Ok so I get to Miami airport, and begin following the signs that say DEF or something, but what I don’t see is the bottom of the sign that reads “baggage claim.” And so I end up getting out of the airport, completely unintentional. So I try to cover my mistake and I call sara (who now lives in Miami and said that if she got ... read more
View from above
outside athens airport

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens August 28th 2007

Hoje estou um pouco mais tranquilo....tenho uma meia hora para escrever aqui.....tudo esta muito corrido no navio...fica complicado entrar na net... Ontem est'avamos em Mykonos....a coisa mais linda que ja vi.....o estilo das casas, em um morro que nao lembra nem de longe as favelas do Brasil...tudo muito animal.....nao tive como descer ontem pois estava em horario de trabalho...entao ficou complicado....alias que nas proximas duas semanas duvido que consiga descer em algum lugar...o que salva e que o navio fara esse roteiro por muito tempo...terei muitas chances de ir....o por do sol e o luar de Mykonos foram algo que eu nunca imaginei presenciar.....realmente um paraiso que acho dificil encontrar sequer parecido....simplesmente sensacional!!! Hoje chegamos em Atenas.....muito diferente....enorme....olhando do porto parece uma cidade como Sao Paulo.....nao tem aquela beleza de Mykono... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens August 27th 2007

Hi again. In Athens now. Have spent the day sightseeing. Not too hot a day as it was quite windy. Not sure how this is affecting the fires. People here are certainly very concerned and there were small pieces of ash falling in the streets yesterday. It is very bad news for Greece. We have enjoyed wandering around the Acropolis and surrounds and the stadium where the first Olympics were held today. We got up really early and went up to the Acropolis for opening (8am). Well worth the early morning as by 9am the place was swarming with tour groups. We have a not so affectionate name for this - TGT (stands for tour group trample - all the sheep following the lead sheep who will trample any one in their way!!). It was also ... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens August 26th 2007

So I did manage to contact the girl and got to share a taxi to the port! still, the driver ripped us off......_" The Ferry..I got a good spot indoors...on the I could lie down. All was good until halfway through a bunch of Greeks came and just sat at my table!! They were a big group and they smoked!!!...ahhh....completely pissed at that point..especially because, when they came in..I was they woke me up from my morning nap....-____-" The ferry ride was LOOOOOOONG!! total 18 hours!!! ...arrived like at 3am.....god..I was so sleepy and tired.... Walked lost a while before someone helped me to get to the night bus station to catch the bus to Athens... The hostel was nice....easy to find, Air-Con..small dorm room... I did manage to walk up at 10 ... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens August 26th 2007

I have been to Greece only once. Here are a few pictures of my trip to Greece and the Greek isles. If you have any questions just ask.... read more
Greece trip
Greece trip
Greece trip

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens August 19th 2007

Athens! Athens was a pretty cool city, we liked the feel of the actual city. It was really easy to get from the airport to the city on local buses (cheap too!) and felt completely safe to wander around. We did find that the Greeks aren't a particularly friendly bunch though, I don't think we could point out a shop or restaurant which had any spectacular service, but so be it. We were also constantly cracking up at the groups of Africans trying to sell their items on the street. They'd lay out everything on big sheets and as soon as a cop came near they'd grab up the corners of their sheets and take off round a corner waiting for the cops to go. As soon as they had left, they'd be straight back, putting ... read more
Looking out over the city of Athens, from the Pathenon
Kristi at the Pathenon
The Pathenon

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens August 17th 2007

Udvozlok mindenkit a Gorog utinaplomban! Igyekszem minnel tobb szep kepet kerni a barataimtol, hogy illusztraljam is azt a szepseget, amit itt megelek, es 2-3 naponta verbalisan tudositani a fejlemenyekrol. Eloljaroban, az utazas celja egy halado thaimasszazs kurzuson valo reszvetel Evia szigetenek egyik uduloovezeteben, Basilico es Szanta Nikolau (Bazsalikom- es Mikulasfalva) kozott. Uticelom egy Sunshine House (Napsugar Haz) nevu regi szep gorog videki kuria, ahol 2 eve vettem mar reszt tanfolyamon, (2005 Augusztus- Energiavonal es Thai Szen erapias tanfolyam, melyet Laurino tartott). Ameddig kepek nincsenek a rendszerben, a cimen van nemi kepanyag a hazrol es kornyezeterol. De hogy kezdjuk a kezdeteknel, megerkeztem itteni ido szerint 2,20 kor Athenba, atallitottam az orat egyel elobbre, es a csomagfelvetelnel levo Atheni Kozlekedesi Vallalti bodeban ulo (a... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens August 15th 2007

Gee the title says it all guys! I'm here and I bet y'all are at work mwahahahahahaha ... oops sorry I didn't mean to say that aloud *grin* Okedy dokedy flew into Athens from Prague and checked into a hotel for two nights before starting my Contiki Greek Cruise trip. I very cleverly thought I would book into Pireaus because that is the Port area of Athens where all the boats take off from and very carefully of course read the information about the hotel which says that it was 20 minutes from the Acropolis so first full day there I head off for a walk to see the sights and chill out in Athens for the day .... walking .... walking .... walking ... THREE AND A HALF HOURS LATER!!!! mwahahaha my hotel was actually ... read more
Life saving drill
Our Boat

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