Blogs from Dresden, Saxony, Germany, Europe - page 13


Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden September 29th 2008

Dresden is only two hours south of Berlin by train. Once I got to Dresden I found my hotel and checked in. I stayed in an Ibis hotel of about 300 rooms. And this was just one of their three exactly similar hotels which stand side by side right near the train station. After I found out that I was staying for five nights instead of four (I forgot to count), my planning became a little easier. First thing to do was the usual walk around town, checking out the main sights and getting my bearings. There is quite a bit of construction happening in the city, and I assume they are trying to recapture the beauty that was around before the Second World War. Mind you there are still plenty of reminders of the Communist ... read more
The Zwinger
Me in the Czech Republic
Festung Konigstein

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden September 19th 2008

The alternative capital of Germany, Dresden was very cool. The main square in the old town however, was not so cool, it was under construction and totally ruined the vibe. There were awesome buildings and Churches that had been shot up but the allies, in the Old Town. And the new town was full of Punks, drinking and busking on the streets. We had booked a 4 bed dorm in a hotel/hostel, we had checked in a were making our way to our room when the overpowering smell of Indian got stronger and stronger. We opened our door to find a twenty something Indian man sitting in bed doing something on his laptop. The room was arranged like a family room. There were two single beds pushed together, one of which the Indian man was occupying, ... read more
Big Old Building
Another Big Old Building
Main Strip of Old Town

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden September 11th 2008

Dresden - A city that gave us the bra, the first Pilsner beer, the coffee filter, gave Patsy and I a big smile (Incidently, Dresden also gave us the modern toothpaste tube and mouthwash). It's a city of about 1/2 a million - easily walkable - and walk we did! It's divided into "Old Town" and "New Town" and has an uber-modern tram system. We both loved the city with all the cool shops, tea houses, and kebab stores that were totally delicious! We toured the Semper opera house (over 300 years old) and also "Pfund's Molkeri" which apparently is in the Guiness Book of World Records as the "most beautiful dairy shop in the world." Neither of us would argue - It was quite ornate. Unfortunately, photography is not allowed and so you'll just have ... read more
Self Shot

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden August 8th 2008

We're hosted in Dresden by friends-of-a-friend's-parents, wonderful people whom I also visited for a few days in 2005. I had heard that they were excited to have me back, but I didn't expect Herr S. to be jumping up and down, totally literally, on the train platform when he spotted us. We were greeted with a huge smile and hugs and kisses. Back at the apartment, zwei köstliche hausgemacht Kuchen... two delicious homemade cakes, one Erdbeere (strawberry) and one Pflaume (plum). LG got drei Stücke Erdbeerkuchen (three pieces of strawberry cake) and is very happy to be back in the company of Großeltern (grandparents) again!! We took a ride around the kid-operated Mini-Parkeisenbahn (cute little miniature railway) on a 5km (2.5ish miles) tour of Dresden's Großer Garten (great big garden), just a short walk from our ... read more

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden August 6th 2008

I just booked my return flight and will be flying back to the states on August 21st. I will arrive in Chicago in the late afternoon. I will probably be in the states for the month of September and then I am almost certainly going to return to Italy for an 8month acting job. The same company I worked for this summer offered me an acting job. I will be performing in English childrens shows that will tour around Italy to schools and theatres. No, its not Shakespear or probably even that artistically rewarding but its a chance to live in Italy, hopefully to learn the language, to get payed in Euros and it is an acting job. After my experances here with the workcamp I am a bit nervious because I dont know who I ... read more

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden August 6th 2008

So we left Frieberg on August 31 and have spent the last five days on holiday in Dresden. We all stayed at a youth house and had many activities planned during the day (non compulsary). The first day we arrived in the evening. The leaders made us a traditional german dinner which was a lovely change from the diet of small white rolls, meat, and cheese that we were growing acustome to living in Frieberg. After that many of us went to a club called flowerpower that was having karioki. Germans singing in English is great fun, espeically when you get a free drink every time you sing. Our home is in the altermantive neighborhood in Dresden. Lots of punks, hippies, activists. So I guess I still dont have a good since of what "normal" Germans ... read more
"uncle man"
open air theatre

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden July 17th 2008

At a workcamp in Frieberg (which is actoully about 40 minuets away from Dresden). Its been quite rainy and cold. Some days are good and others not so good. The festival is from July 25-27. Will stay in Dresden until Aug 5. Maybe travel to Berlin and Bonn after. July 24 So this whole experiance in Germany has been....well....big, enlightening, fun, horrible, cold, wet, uncomfortable, groovylishious, amusing, lonely, agrivating and if nothing else exhausting. For the previouslz uninformed I am volunteering at a work camp in Germany. There is a German work camp and an international work camp. The internation work camp is made up of about 30 people (ages 18-25 from all over the world, all who speak english...more or less). Along with helping to prepair, exicute, and strike the Sunflower festival (a German hippy ... read more

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden June 29th 2008

Tag 1 bis 11 2.140 km von Galway Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein und 27 Grad sitzen wir im schoenen Pirna bei Dresden bei Daniel's Eltern und treffen die letzten Vorbereitungen. Morgen geht's nun endgueltig los! Bisher hat alles super geklappt, bis auf, dass wir in England fast unsere Faehre verpasst haetten (hatten in Wales ein tolles Castle entdeckt und sind natuerlich viel zu spaet von dort weitergefahren) und um ein Haar ohne Benzin liegengeblieben waeren (Autobahnausfahrt zur Tankstelle verpasst, nach abenteuerlicher Suche, x Meilen spaeter und - wie sich dann herausstellte - mit noch 300 ml (= Cola-Dose!) Benzin im Tank, fanden wir gluecklicherweise die Naechste!). Ich hatte gedacht, um Abenteuer zu erleben, muesste man nach Asien reisen, aber England reicht scheinbar auch ;-) Der Rest lief aber zum Glueck reibungslos. Von Hoek van Holland, wo unsere ... read more
Conwy Castle, Wales, UK
Schloss Paffendorf, near Juelich, Germany
Alt-Kaster, near Juelich

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden June 21st 2008

Hello all! I finally made it to Deutschland =) Dresden is absolutely GORGEOUS, and highly under-rated. I’m posting this late because I don’t have internet access, however have found that cafes in the basements of mini-malls make for great writing spots (plus im waiting for my sushi.. thought I’d be brave after that Czech fish I found out the hard way that when folks say “backpacking through Europe” they really did mean that LITERALLY, thus packing light (even for me) means next to nothing, because you DO have to lug it all around. Thankfully my duffle bag (that weighs god knows how much) can be flung around me shoulders for easy walking, however I think I may look like the hunchback of Notre Dame by the time I actually get to Notre Dame! I met ... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden May 10th 2008

Ferdinand's Homestay in Konigstein is a great place to stay. It is nestled in a far corner away from most human and car traffic right by the Elbe River. Konigstein is about a 45 minute ride from Dresden main station on the S-Bahn going towards Schona. The cost is only 5.60euros one way. Konigstein is right by the River Elbe and Ferdinand's Homestay is on the other side of the river. There is a ferry crossing which cost about 70 cents and 1.50 cents return. Once across the river by the ferry , you than have to walk 3km until the end of the road to reach Ferdinand's Homestay. The road actually ends there , which means there are no cars passing by and very few people too. It is really a perfect sanctuary. The Lonely ... read more
Beer along the Elbe
View from Ferdinand's Homestay
Front Garden at Ferdinand's Homestay

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