Blogs from Bavaria, Germany, Europe - page 11


Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Furth July 30th 2022

Am Samstag fuhren meine Mutter und ich nach Fürth. Dort war gerade Weinfest und wir hatten einen Tisch in der Gustavstraße reserviert. Vorher spazierten wir nicht an der Pegnitz vorbei und durch den Stadtpark. Danach erkundeten wir die Fußgängerzone in der es noch eine Reihe schöner alter Gebäude gibt. Am Ende gingen wir zu unserem Restaurant, welches in der genannten Straße Speiß und Trank servierte. Aber kein Bier, das war zu diesem Anlass verboten. Abends sah ich dann noch den erfolgreichen Supercup der Bayern im Fernsehen.... read more
Besuch von Fürth mit Weinfest.
Besuch von Fürth mit Weinfest.
Besuch von Fürth mit Weinfest.

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Nuremberg (aka Nürnberg) July 3rd 2022

Frankfurt to Munich via Nuremberg Here in the fourth blog from Germany we have collected some very disperse kinds of sites. We can't for our lives find any kind of common denominator to these places other than that they all are in Germany and that we visited them all in just a few days during our vacation. So instead of a lengthy introduction, we jump into telling about the first of these places - a place with a name of literary fame. Frankenstein Castle On top of a hill near Darmstadt sits the ruins of Frankenstein Castle. It is possible that Mary Shelley never visited this castle but it is believed that it served as an inspiration when she wrote her novel Frankenstein. When we read that there is a Frankenstein Castle we felt that we ... read more
Frankenstein tram station
View from Frankenstein Castle
Frankenstein Street

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Ingolstadt June 26th 2022

Departure I'd like to think of myself as a seasoned traveler-- ten minutes before I leave for the airport I toss a clean shirt, a bottle of whiskey, and a bullwhip into a well-worn valise and I'm off. The reality is different. I over-plan to the point that I drive myself crazy. There's plan A, backup plan B, and backup to the backup, plan C. I print out my plane tickets and compulsively check them every day in case the words miraculously rearranged themselves during the night. The uncertainty of travel caused by COVID and flight cancellations has made me even crazier. And this time I have to multiply everything by five because I'm also worrying about my four students. I calculate the odds of all of us making it there and back again without a ... read more
Proud profs.
Pentecost Fair 3

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Altdorf bei Nurnberg June 25th 2022

Altdorf ist ja eine schöne mittelalterliche Stadt mit Stadttoren und einem großen Marktplatz mit Kirche. Hier finden regelmäßig die Wallenstein Festspiele statt und am letzten Samstag besuchte ich diese zusammen mit meiner Mutter. Vorher gab es noch eine Verwirrung, ob der deren Start wirklich verschoben oder nicht war, aber als wir dort ankamen, waren wir gerade richtig. Das Lagerleben verschiedener Gruppen war schon eingerichtet und der erste Umzug begann gerade. Dabei waren einige Gruppen beteiligt, sogar damals feindliche Schweden. Wir aßen auch noch in einem netten Biergarten zu Abend und kehrten danach nach Hause zurück. Dies ist mein 601. Blogeintrag und damit habe ich eine weitere große Zahl erreicht.... read more
Besuch der Wallenstein Festspiele in Altdorf.
Besuch der Wallenstein Festspiele in Altdorf.
Besuch der Wallenstein Festspiele in Altdorf.

Europe » Germany » Bavaria June 20th 2022

Another beautiful restful night, perhaps becaue we are exhausted, perhaps the very gentle movement rocks you like a baby. Either way I seem to get up earlier than an alarm, ready for another day. We are at the halfway point in our journey. One disappointment came before dinner yesterday. Our Caberet Night with Dinner in Paris was cancelled. They did not tell us why, only that it was cancelled. So I booked us on an all day trip to Versaille to to see the setting of one of my favorite Netflix series, Mary, Queen of that should be fun. Dan, one of our fellow travelers, gave us some excellent travel advice that I wanted to share with all. Travel today is more hectic than ever. Even with all the modern technology we have, baggage handling ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria June 19th 2022

Last night June 18 was my birthday. I have been fortunate enough to have spent many birthdays in Europe and this was one of the best. Viking Longships are like small floating hotels. We have a beautiful lounge, an outdoor lounge area, a well stocked bar, and a superb dining room. With a total capacity of 180, we had 140 onboard. It was spacious, not crowded, and very pleasant. If you get a chance to book a Viking River Cruise I highly suggest you take advantage. Some of the great parts about this trip is the new folks you meet along the way. Suprising, the crew become more than background. They are a rich part of the experience. Take for example our two waiters, Gianny and Yanni. (Brothers from another mother is how they bill themselves!) ... read more
Rothenberg Medieval Architecture
Iron Maiden From the Criminal Justice Museum
The Rack

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Bamberg June 18th 2022

Today we visited the historic town of Bamberg. This ancient city is a peaceful, quiet example of a quaint German city. We did not sail overnight but remained in our berth in Bamberg. This gave us a chance for a morning tour of the city. Our first order of business was breakfast. We rose early after a very restful sleep and headed to the lounge deck for some fresh fruit and a cup of coffee while we waited for the main breakfast to open at 7. Cathy and I sat on the open deck, enjoying the cool morning air, sipping an excellent brew. We knew this would not last long as the temperature was expecterd to hit 90 sometime today. After breakfast we boarded our bus for the 15 minute trip to the historic center city. ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Nuremberg (aka Nürnberg) June 17th 2022

Cathy heard a sharp snap this morning and turned to me in bed and asked, "What was that?" "That my dear was the crack of dawn!" I replied. It was 5:45 in the morning when I work up to get our luggege locked and loaded and prepared to leave outside our door. The porters were coming at 6:30 to gather our luggage to load onto the bus for our trip to Bamberg, via Nurnberg so we could board the Viking Longship IDI to begin our 8 day cruise to Paris. It was going to be a long day. I packed the bags, double checked the room to make sure we were not leaving anything behind, and put our three bags outside our room. Our next order of business was breakfast. We headed down to the first ... read more
NAZI Party Gathering Grounds
Old Nuremberg Castle
Old Nuremberg as seen from the castle

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Harburg June 6th 2022

Am 6. Juni fuhr ich wieder von München nach Stuttgart. Ich wählte abermals die Strecke über Donauwörth und Nördlingen und machte einen Halt in Harburg. Dort besichtige ich die gut erhaltene Festung. Kurz nach meiner Ankunft startete eine Führung und damit machte ich einen Rundgang an der Mauer entlang und zu den einzelnen Gebäuden. Fast überall durfte ich Fotos machen. Die beiden Parkplätze für die Anlage waren gut gefüllt und das Wetter sonnig. Nach dem Besuch setzte ich meine Fahrt fort und aß abends noch in Stuttgart eine Pizza in der Nähe meines Hotels.... read more
Besichtigung von Burg Harburg.
Besichtigung von Burg Harburg.
Besichtigung von Burg Harburg.

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich May 28th 2022

It was a steady build up to this long-awaited trip to Europe. Punctuated of course by some last minute hassles. These included: The new dishwasher delivered with unheralded timing at Golden Beach; A rush for Greg to get a new job mounted on the web for his team at UoM; Some key deadlines for Catherine to meet on behalf of our company;; Some last minute planning by the two body-corporates we deal with; One of Greg's mentee companies in "hurry up and wait mode"; Reminding ourselves how to travel light but also cover all bases through Catherine's printed trip itinerary plus plus. Still by the morning of the 26th of May we were ready to head off to the airport. Picked up an Uber and headed off early arvo. Check in to Singapore Airlines was a ... read more
Relax Garten
Erdeke supermarket

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