Blogs from Region Nordjylland, Denmark, Europe - page 6


Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland June 21st 2010

Summer. How lovely. Left our beautiful pitch on the seashore in Ebeltoft (and discovered we had been charged an extra 100DKK for the location - oops). Drove ever northwards through, but not stopping in Alborg, and passing through some lovely green rolling countryside. The wild flowers along the route were brilliant : lupins (and not just blue but all shades), poppies, buttercups, thrift or something similar and pretty sure that the swathes of deep pink were wild orchids. We had planned to go towards the East and spend the night in Fjord country but changed our mind and headed straight north instead so we could explore the most northerly tip (tomorrow), especially as the weather promises to be so good. Excellent choice. Arrived at Sindal Camping early afternoon and spent the afternoon sitting in the sun ... read more
Sindal Camping

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Aalborg March 20th 2009

Well, I think it's definately safe to say that I am terrible at keeping up with my blog. But I am taking alot of pictures, I should be able to put some of them up pretty soon. I cannot remember how long it has been since I last wrote, but I daresay alot has happened between now and then. A few weeks ago I attended Rock in Randers which is basically a weekend where all the exchange students in Denmark get together in Paderup Gymnasium. There were the oldies fom US of A, Taiwan, Ecudor, Brasil, Canada, Argentina, Mexico, Chile etc. Then there were us newbies from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and some from Argentina and Brasil also. It was an interesting weekend... The first night we had karaoke, onya Levi!!! He started the night ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Aalborg March 2nd 2009

Well, sorry about the last entry, I'm still figuring out how to use this, and the entry was cut short. Lucky i'd saved some of it :) Anyway, I thought I might just give a quick recap on the weekened I had. Friday night was the second school party for me at my school. It was fancy dress, just as Camilla's the week before. This time however I had a little more time to construct an appropriate costume. I went as a fairy princess instead of repeating the whole 'made-these-ears-in-two-minutes' koala attempt of last week. Camilla if you're reading this I loved them and they were very successful and artfully crafted. I got ready with some girls from my class, and then the entire class had a pre-party together. It's just what they do here, they ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Aalborg March 2nd 2009

This is an extract form a group I found off facebook which made me laugh, some of the points are SO true, so I though I'd share them with you... Here are my favorites: * before waiting to see if anyone understood what you meant, you start acting it out. *you think 100 pounds to pack up your entire life is plenty of space. *you don't have preferences anymore, especially when it comes to food. Nothing tastes familiar, thats for sure. *you spend a lot of time smiling, nodding, and pretending you understand what's going on. *you classify "doing your homework" as translating half of it. And that alone took three hours. *you sometimes use the excuse "Sorry, I don't understand" to avoid answering a question....even if you do. *you want to hug the people who ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Skagen November 18th 2008

Copenhagen - Skagen Thursday 11th September (Day 17) Today we said goodbye to the nice people at the B&B, & headed into the main city train station for our trip north. We had decided to get a rail pass to travel around Denmark as it was relatively cheap, and also easier, since we didn’t really have any idea where we were going (as usual). Denmark is actually made up of three main islands - Zeeland (where we currently were in Copenhagen), Funen (in the middle) and Jutland (the biggest and northernmost island). Today we were heading for Skagen, at the northernmost tip of Denmark. We had chosen to visit here to see more ‘natural’ Viking territories, and the place where the two seas collide - the North Sea on one side and the Baltic Sea on ... read more
Sunset Along the Train Tracks (with a train coming!), Skagen
Sunset at Skagen Church, Denmark
Coloured Pebble Tower, Skagen Beach

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Skagen September 21st 2008

HI everyone! I just got home from Skagen with my host family! It was so beautiful and one of the most beautiful places i have ever seen! It took about three hours to drive there, but it was completely worth it. By the way, Skagen is a town located on the most northern point of Denmark. Its a place where you can see the East and Noth sea collide together. We left friday after school and arrived later in that afternoon. All of the houses are yellow, with white trimming, and white fences. It was kind of scary because every house and shop looked the same as the other, but it was still pretty cool. We stayed in a light house located right on the beach and it was the coolest place i have ever spent ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Frederikshavn September 10th 2008

I started my Europe trip by flying from Boston to London on Friday September 5th, so my trip started 5 days later than Kelly's. I flew all day and arrived in London at night which made jet lag much easier to handle. I met up with Kate Stangl and went to where she is staying for her semester abroad in South Kensington. The area is beautiful! There were 4 other Thayer Academy grads in London that weekend and it was nice to see familiar faces in a new country. Three friends from Vanderbilt are also living in London this semester for internships so I got to see London with them as well. The first night we went to what I think was considered an Irish Pub in Picadilly Sqaure. It was pretty crowded and touristy. The ... read more
Stroget in Copenhagen

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Frederikshavn June 20th 2008

Tag 18: Skagen - Hals, 111.68 km, Fahrzeit 6:10, Durchschn. 18.07 km/h, Gesamtstrecke 1358 km Morgens an der Rezeption des Campingplatzes noch mal nach einem Laden mit Campingartikels gefragt. Ich will meine Isomatte! Nach Auskunft der Mädels hinter der Theke gäbe es in Frederikshavn so etwas, ein kleiner Laden direkt in Fussgängerzone. Ob ich denn mit dem Auto da wäre? Nein, mit dem Fahrrad. Grosse Augen: Ob ich den die ganze Strecke nach Frederikshavn mit dem Fahrrad fahren wolle? Frederikshavn ist etwa 40 km entfernt... Ein gemischter Tag: Immer wieder Regenschauer, aber noch genug Sonne, um mir einen leichten Sonnenbrand auf der Nase zu holen. Wind aus Westen, je nach Streckenführung mal als Rücken-, mal als Gegenwind. Der Radweg führt meist neben der Hauptstrasse entlang. Heute zwar keine Schotterwege, dafür etwas langweilig. Die Landschaft ist auch ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Skagen June 19th 2008

Tag 17: Hirtshals - Skagen, 64.15 km, Fahrzeit 3:32, Durchschn. 18.07 km/h, Gesamtstrecke 1246 km Morgens beim Zeltabbau macht es plötzlich "Knack", und ich habe statt drei Zeltstangen plötzlich vier. Ich bin mir nicht mal bewusst, die Stange ungewöhnlich belastet zu haben. Den Bruch kann man mit der mitgelieferten Reparaturhülse rech gut provisorisch beheben, aber wenn das nochmal passiert, habe ich ein Problem. Die gestern durchgeführte provisorische Reparatur der Umlenkrolle am Fahrrad mittels eines Gummiringes ist ein mittelmässiger Erfolg. Wie erwartet läuft das Rad wieder schön leise, leider ist Gummi nicht ölresistent, und in Verbindung mit der machanischen Belastung durch die Kette gibt die Konstruktion nach etwa 50 Kilometern den Geist auf. Zweimal am Tag einen neuen Gummiring aufziehen, damit könnte ich leben - der Fahrradschlauch gibt ja einiges her. Aber ich habe... read more
Radweg durch die Dünenlandschaft von Skagen
Der Strand von Skagen

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Frederikshavn August 18th 2007

So, we have returned from the land of legos! On Wednesday morning we took off on a ferry from Gothenburg to Frederikshavn, Denmark, which is a 3 1/2 hour trip. It was a bit of a rocky trip, so it was funny to walk around in a zig-zag pattern! Once in Denmark, we had a 3 hour drive to the vacation apartment where we were to stay on the south side of Jutland in Denmark. Here there was a swimming pool, trampoline, play area, a beach...a wonderful family destination place. Nolan was the only English speaking kid in the swimming pool, but was quick to make friends with several other kids...some from Germany and some from Denmark. They all had the funniest way of communicating with each other, but had a wonderful time. On Thursday, we ... read more
Driving boy
drivers license

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