Blogs from Copenhagen, Region Hovedstaden, Denmark, Europe - page 68


Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen June 21st 2006

Geo: 55.6763, 12.5681We drove into town and Kosta dropped us off near Amalienborg Palace- I think this is where Princess Mary, Prince Fredrick and baby Christian live in summer or winter. It is an oval shaped building and we were allowed to walk around. We had time to spare before the changing of the guards so we went to see the Marble Church, but unfortunately the tower that we wanted to walk up was closed. So Anita, Bridget and I went back to the palace and got a good place to stand to view the changing of the guard. It wasn't very exciting. We then walked to Nyhaven. In the square there was a photographic display of wildlife photos, taken in Africa and South America- they were very good. We walked along the harbour at Nyhaven ... read more
02 Houses
03 Main street
04 Exit

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen June 20th 2006

Geo: 55.6763, 12.5681Boarded the bus this morning and choose a seat for the journey. It is a small group, so we get to have a seat each and spread out! Only once did we have to listen to the Hoff's 'Im looking for freedom', which was a relief, considering last time I was in Berlin we had to hear it many times and loudly. We drove for a while until the port of Rostock, where we caught a ferry to Denmark! While we waited to board we ate our lunch in the car park. The ferry ride was fun and a great change from driving. Just under two hours later we arrived. We continued driving to the capital Copenhagen. The next two nights we were staying in cabins at a campsite out of the city. There ... read more
02 Rostock Lighthouse
03 Our cabin
04 The Little Mermaid

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen June 15th 2006

Let's see, I arrived in Copenhagen from Sweden on the 13th after a long disastrous ride. I strategically left Uppsala in order to make the next train in Stockholm only to find that this train was full. I managed to get a reservation on the following train and spent my time using up my Swedish Krowns and talking to these Romanian kids who were traveling with acordians trying to earn a living. I gave them the rest of my Krowns as well as the pages out of my guide book that convert Romanian to English and English to Swedish. They were very friendly; we communicated in a mix between Spanish and Italian. I took that next train only to arrive in Malmo where my train to Copenhagen had been cancelled. Good thing though because I had ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen June 12th 2006

I have just returned from a very enjoyable few days enjoying the sights of Copenhagen with Barry. Despite being the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen is not necessarily at the top of everyone's holiday hit lists. I must admit that it does not have the same charm as other cities, and certainly not as many sights as Rome or Paris. But having said that, it still provided us with a very enjoyable 3 days away from hectic life in London and provided plenty of entertainment. However, one word of warning... prices! Copenhagen is expensive - more than London - which certainly limited what we were able to do. However, there are ways around these things, and we still managed to eat and drink plenty. Read on to find out how..! We left for Denmark very early on ... read more
Enjoying a beer in Nyhavn

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen June 1st 2006

Oh my Christiania!... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen May 31st 2006

Geo: 55.6763, 12.5681We had friends (KnB)over for a week in May who are Opera buffs and we went to 17 hours of Wagner over 4 nights & it was amazing - it was staged like a full play not just singing. Very interesting experience & the Opera house here is new & has some super dooper acoustic technology made by same people as Sydney Opera house. Also went to Kronburg Castle which is where Hamlet is set & its called Elinsor in the play but the town is really called Helsingør. And up there too is the Modern Art Museum Louisiana - I was there in the winter but I didn't see the gardrens and they are so cool in summer - even has a massive slide adults can go on. Met some Irish people through ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen May 28th 2006

Right then, well though my travels might not be happening on a regular basis at the moment, i am still making attempts to visit countries whenever I can. I currently find myself in Copenhagen the capital city of Denmark and tonight i experienced one of the most adrenalising moments ever, which i have to add to this blog. Earlier today i went to a Karaoke bar where people were karaoke singing as one would expect. This is something I have never done and something i never expected to do quite frankly. Anyway, the place was full quite early on and the people i was with told me to go up and sing (despite the fact that they did not do so). I though what the hell and decided to do so, i looked through the list ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen May 28th 2006

After a year of studying humanities at university, it seems like it is time to once again grab my bag and leave home. This time my journey takes me Southwest to La Peninsula, where I will study a semester in Madrid. I will be gone for seven months and two and a half of them will be on the road. I wont leave until the end of June, but I wish to give a little acount for the feeling of once again travelling abroad and what travelling means to me. But first let me say a few words about the year I had, after leaving my beautiful Ljubljana. I went home to start university five days after I returned to Ljubljana from my trip around the Balkans and felt pretty strange in having left the magic ... read more
tower of kronborg castle

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen May 26th 2006

Arriving in Copenhagen it looked like I might be going back across the Oresund bridge into Sweden - a not too helpful tourist office (which generally seems to be the case) insisted there were no beds left in Copenhagen but they could get me somewhere either in Sweden or 40 minutes further into Denmark, well thanks.... I didn't believe the city could be so full on a rainy week in May and eventually found a room in a bit of a basic but central hostel through the 'Use-It' office - a tourist info service directed at backpackers, and very helpful they were too. Copenhagen seems to be made up of building styles culled from most other countries in Europe. There are bits that wouldn't look out of place in Paris, Berlin, London of maybe even St ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen May 22nd 2006

Well, just in case you were wondering, we are still alive and have arrived safely in Copenhagen, Denmark. Actually, that was a couple of days ago, and we have since moved onto Sweden today, but thats a whole nother blog, so will inform you of denmark first. We're having heaps of trouble finding a decent internet cafe that will let me upload the photos, so for now you're gonna have to do the boring thing and read, instead of just looking at the pictures til we can put them on. Which is a bugger, cos we've seriously got some great photos, but anyway, shouldnt be too long. Okay, we started our 21 day Contiki in Copenhagen on Saturday night. Our group is made up of 44 crazy people, with the majority being aussies once again, and ... read more
Mary's visitors!
Mary's stalkers!

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