Blogs from Dalmatia, Croatia, Europe - page 128


Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik May 31st 2006

We got up early, had showers and packed. We get to see Bren and Nic today, yay! We took photos from the balcony of the Old Town. What a great place to stay, we would have liked to make better use of it, but oh well. We drove in to Troger to get some breakfast and have a look at the Old Town. It's cool how the town still operates through and around the old buildings. I was worried about the parking so we rushed a little bit, grabbed a pastry for breakfast, and then we were on the road for Dubrovnik. The first bit of the journey was very slow due to the traffic in and around Split. The rest of the way was ok, although it was slow going through all of the coastal ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Pag May 28th 2006

Bok! Things in our rental car are progressing northward. It's been quite fun and we have only a few more days of action. Again, no pictures but I promise I will backfill all of them when I get time after Plitvice, so the wait will be worth it because it will be complete with photos and small videos! Travel Update: After Korcula, we ferried back to Orebic and made it up the coast slowly towards Omis, where we slept (just outside of Split). We explored Krka National Park for the afternoon and then motored up to the island of Pag, staying in Pag town on Saturday night. We are going to stay here again on Sunday night and then head really early to Plitvice National park to explore Monday. Our car rental ends after that and ... read more
Ante Gotovina
June checks out the monastery in Krka
June, Nick and I at the main waterfalls in Krka National Park

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Korcula May 25th 2006

Alright. Where am I? Who am I with? What is the meaning of life? It's all solved here. I have inherited Nick's, my new travel partner, camera which has video capability. You will see what I see soon, just not now. This is again a quick entry (rush rush rush!). Quick travel update: Alright, so we're chillin in Korcula town on Korcula island today. The sword dance starts in an hour and I have to eat some cevapcici prior! Here's my plan, quickly, for the next days: 25 Korcula 26 Orebic to Split in the car 27 Split to Krka National Park to Zadar 28 explore Pag 29 explore Plitvice National Park 30 the guys return the car to Dubrovnik and I'm set free, en route to Trieste to meet Massiimo June 1st Stories that don't ... read more
Nick and June enjoy lunch in Broce
June and Nick at the end of the Peljesac Peninsula
view atop Korcula town

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik May 23rd 2006

Hi. My camera suddenly stopped working on Mljet today. So the pride of 1999 (my camera is "old") will soon be laid to rest, but worry not as a backup has presented itself! At least for the near future. So another addition with no pictures, at least for now. If you thought the last entry was sloppy and writting quickly, you haven't seen nothing yet. Quick travel update: I'm sitting in Dubrovnik on what will be my final night here, after a daytrip to the national park and island of Mljet (just TRY to pronounce that!). I have met two French Canadians that I've adventured with these days and we just rented a car for a week so we'll set out north tomorrow! Around Plitvice National Park, we will part and they will go back to ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik May 22nd 2006

I've Croatized my name; I am Bradimir. I saw the word "Croatized" and laughed my head off. I figured I must use it in writing and in practice. It is done. I am Bradimir. I'll have to add the pictures later. And I'll have to type fast, as Internet access is expensive! So sorry if I left anything out or spell something wrong or offend entire races of people leading to war. Quick travel update: At the moment, I'm in a hostel in Dubrovnik. I am thinking of doing Korcula, Hvar, then Split but I might squeeze Mljet inbetween here and Korcula because yesterday I walked for 12 hours so needless to say I saw a lot. I read about whitewater rafting near Split that I might have to do. And I might see some beauty ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik May 15th 2006

Today is our last day in Dubrovnik, so sad we have to leave Danka and Marija so soon, wish i could stay here forever. As we are taking the afternoon flight, we decided to just laze around in the house, and pack our stuff. We need to reserve energy for the amazing race this afternoon, you see. The travelling schedule for today is pretty tight. We had booked our airtickets (Croatia Airline) a month ago, as the morning tickets were already fully booked, that leaves us with only the 4.20pm flight from Dubrovnik to Zagreb. By the way, the air ticket was really cheap, it cost less than 30 Euro per person for a one hour flight. Its definitely better than taking a 12 hour bus from Dubrovnik to Zagreb. The shuttle bus from where Danka´s ... read more
Dubrovnik Old Town - patchwork of rooftops old and new
Dubrovnik Old Town - patchwork of rooftops old and new
Dubrovnik Old Town - old church

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik May 14th 2006

14th of May was Danka (Danica)´s daughter, Marija (Maria)´s 21st birthday. Danka invited us to lunch, and we decided not to go to Mljet island since we had been to the Lopud island, and was scorched until our noses were literally burnt. All islands look almost the same anyway, we have seen the most beautiful island Korcula, so that is enough for us. Danka is a good cook, she made 2 cakes for the occasion and they taste really nice. We sat down for lunch and coffee and talked about almost everything. She is the most wonderful host i have ever met, really warm and kind, she treats us just as if we are her daughters. She cooked for us, made us coffee and even washed our clothes, free of charge. Marija is a young, tall ... read more
Viewing sunset from apartment balcony
Viewing sunset from apartment balcony
Viewing sunset from apartment balcony

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Hvar May 14th 2006

Hello all! Oy! Such a delay in the reporting! I know, and I'm sorry. I've been stuck on any variety of transport, traversing the Balkans with many taciturn locals (get that dictionary yet, Handsome?). No time for internet... must catch the next donkey out of Split! But I'll try to catch you up, and I'll start where I left off; Hvar. Where? Yeah, I know. It's a Croatian island, off the Dalmatian Coast. It's about 3/4 of the way down the coast, and it is marvelous. When I was there, it was deserted and the weather could not have been worse, really, but I was deeply romanced nonetheless. Actually, Hvar is the name of both the island, and the small town where I stayed, but there are a number of small towns on the island. Stari ... read more
More Riejka
Home for a day.

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik May 12th 2006

We booked a full-day guided excursion to neighbouring Montenegro for Friday (12 May). We had wanted to go To Mostar (Bosnia & Hecegovina) but had missed the excursion 3 times in Split, Korcula island and now Dubrovnik (talk about being suay, we are really very unlucky to have missed Mostar 3 times in a row). So the next best option for us to experience some other place than Croatia is, Montenegro. The excursion cost a whopping 53 Euro each, not including lunch, but as we wont visit Montenegro on its own, this is the best opportunity to go and visit it. Well, the coach was full of silver-haired european pensioners/retirees and we are the only Asians. The excursion set off from Dubrovnik and drove up the mountain, we drove through 25 hairpins (1 hairpin is 1 ... read more
Kotor old town in Montenegro
Kotor old town in Montenegro
Girls dancing in a trance (under watchful eyes of police)

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia May 11th 2006

Hi guys Well we have just had two weeks of sun, islands and german in the beautiful land of croatia! We spent our first week exploring the Port city of Split, as well as the islands of Hvar and Brac which are only an hour or so away by ferry. It's quite an interesting area with many rocky outcrops and small bays. The water was a blue that you would expect in Tropical waters, and very clear - We spent quite a bit of time just looking at all the fish from the jetties, there was no need to go snorkelling! (It might pay to mention at this point that the water was pretty damn cold, although we did go swimming for a bit) It is slowly warming up here- we had a couple of days ... read more
Ruins in the town of Split
the Blue line Ferrie
Split by night

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