Blogs from Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 126


**Note - the date on this entry, July 2, 2007 is the day we left Panama. I've kept all time references the way they were when I started got in the way of my travel blog, so there will be quite a few entries coming in short order!** So much to write and only one more day until docking in Guayaquil, Ecuador! Not much time has passed since my last blog, I’m aware, but I am now officially on the other side of the world - we passed the Equator, ironically, as I napped this afternoon, quite exhausted from a night of sleep cut short by an early awakening to read Huasipungo and compile some quotations from Darwin’s Descent of Man for a presentation in class today. (We’re not even one degree south latitude ... read more

Yesterday I visited the Kuna and today I visited the Embera Indians. These past two days have been unreal. Today we traveled into the rainforest at Chagres National Park, about an 1½ hour drive from the city. Just driving to the park was an experience. About 10 minutes outside the city you could start to see the economic status of the people outside the city. Panama City is so prosperous it is easy to forget about the poverty in the country. About 35% of the people in this country live in poverty. Our tour guide told us that the average income out here was about $5 a day. It was easy to see this as we drove through the mountains. Most houses are about 3 rooms, made of cinderblocks. There are no glass windows except ... read more
Going down the river
Going down the river
A cool waterfall

Our stay with Elias and his family on Isla Corbiski, Kuna Yala, Panama; the San Blas Islands. Our kuna house Our bedroom Simon mooring back at the island Shopping for dinner The island school The loo into the sea Only flushes at high tide! The boys arriving back from an afternoon´s fishing Traffic free streets The floating fishermongers The locals Sardines spotted by your truly off the pier Everything is shared Franko and Natalia Hernan Lobster anyone? Fruit market Youth and skill versus Simon Our neighbours Sailing san blas ... read more

We have been on the island of Bastimentos here in the Bocas Del Toro Island chain for the past three days and are planning on heading back over the mountains to David tomorrow morning to rent a car for a week. It has been an interesting stay as the town on Bastimentos has no road and loads of trash. The people speak a dialect that combines Indian and Spanish and were pretty friendly considering that they have a constant onslought of white people that they have no idea who they are walking on their sidewalk saying hi to them. After a few days you start to get to see the same people over and over, so that was kind of nice. Arisa and I hiked over the mountains through the rainforest to Wizard Beach, very ... read more

I have been holding this in for a couple of days now and can´t wait to get it off my chest... the road trip down from the lovely mountain town of Guadalupe was a three hour torture chamber on 4 wheels due to quite possibly the most obnoxious radio station in the world. Radio Maxima. Maxima Over Production is what I would call it. Not once in the whole three hour tour ( sounds like Gilligan´s Island, right?) did we get the opportunity to actually hear a song played to it´s completion. The longest we were able to hear any music without an interuption was 47 seconds. Yes, I counted. I just couldn´t believe what jerks the d.j and production staff were. I was waiting for someone on the bus besides us to have their ... read more

I came to Bocas del Toro looking for the classic Carribeean island paradise. White sand beaches fringed on the one side by coconut palms swaying gently in the sea breaze, and bordered to the other by crystal clear turquoise waters with waves gently lapping in. After some trying times, I eventually found it. I also made a few other delightful finds in my time on the island. Arriving at Bocas from Panama City after a 7 hour overnight bus, a cramped 5 hour ride in mini bus and then a 45 minute trip in a leaky boat with what looked like a neanderthal at the tiller, the only thing on my mind was finding that dreamy Carribbean beach scene as a matter of pressing urgency. I bought a map of the archipelago which had a ... read more
Sleeping with the fishes
Warm water, cold beer
Barco Hundido

I am on my way back up and man does it feel good. Part of me feels like I´ve been traveling forever and to tell you the truth it is a little odd to be heading back, even though I am excited to be. I need to catch up on this blog, I am still in Panama which I left 2 weeks ago... So, From Bocas Brava I went to Boquete which is a little mountain town... I had heard some people describe it as similar to a Colorado town, but could not for the life of me see what they meant, it being a sinlge season town... but once I was there I understood. It is everything that you love about mountain towns in Colorado in the spring. I stayed here 2 days, did ... read more
Cows on parade
More cows on Parade

Sitting at 6,000 feet surrounded by rainforest gives your mind clarity and lots of napping time. Fortunately the place where we are staying has awesome comfortable hammocks with views of the surrounding beautiful valley. Check this place out and get here sometime in your life. We had a morning guided hike in the national park Volcan Baru looking for birds and smelling oxygen. Awesome peace and beauty. We are the only ones here and keep saying how if this place was in Costa Rica there wouldn't be a room open. I can't figure out for the life of me why people don't come to Panama. But it is nice being here before the crowds get clued in on how nice it is. Thoughts on a dog.... Solana I hope you never read this ( ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » David June 13th 2007

We were stuck in the border town of Paso Canoas between Costa Rica and Panama last night in the hotel ducha con raton, which roughly translates as the hotel with rats in your shower. I woke up early at 4:30 and decided to go to the bathroom and as I was doing the business I heard a small scratching and straining coming from the shower drain that was basically a hole knocked in the wall at the bottom of this shower. As I stared at the noise wondering what the heck was that, I saw a nice size very black rat head stick out to see who had turned on the lights so early. Should I tell Midori or not...? She did take a shower in there yesterday afternoon when we got to the dive. We ... read more

I thought Panama City was fantastic, I'm just not exactly sure why. Maybe in the process of writing this blog I'll figure out what I liked about it, but maybe not. I think it was just the 'vibe' of the place. In some parts, the standard big city hustle and bustle was there to be seen, but in Casco Viejo (the old town) where I stayed and mainly hung out, life seemed to move pretty slow. I think part of the reason for the laid back attitude of the Panamanians is the canal. Handling around 40 ships a day with an average toll of more than US$50,000 (yes, I went to the Panama Canal Museum), it is a handy little money spinner for the country, especially considering that it was built mainly with American finance ... read more
Pure genius Bradfield
View from Paseo las Bovedas
Up on the Paseo las Bovedas

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