Blogs from Capital Region, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 21


....this one is going to be longggg. I realized that every time I get on her and update I forget half the things I wanted talk about. So yesterday and today I wrote it all down when I remembred something I wanted to write about. Im warning you all now, its going to be long, and very random. It will also jump from subject to subject with no transitions. But it should be semi interesting. haha. So lets see...I realized I havent been noticing the poverty of the country so much anymore. I guess its just because I live here so Im obviously getting more used to it. But I am wondering if I should continue to remind myself of it. I dont know I just hate to forget about it. I knew I would get ... read more

Okay first of all. Sorry that I didnt think to put my address in that last entry. Silly me!! So here it is! Sabana Grande del Cementerio 4 Cuadras abajo Pablo Tellez/ Chelsea Dill Managua, Nicaragua, Central America So I celebrated my first birthday not with my family on Thursday and actually had an amazing time!! Hermana Connie and her son David gave me a pinata as my present because Connie makes them. So we had pizza and the most gorgeous cake Ive ever seen in my life and the pinata and we played musical chairs and did the limbo. haha it was such a great time. Most of the youth came and we just all hung out and goofed around and then spent a while smearing icing all over each others faces. I dont think ... read more

Howddyyyy, I am still adjusting from my stint to the the campo, there were many things experienced that I have yet to process, but on to other things. This week was pretty regular. There was a theater festival this week and I went to two plays; one on AIDS and the other on CAFTA. To tell you the truth they weren't very good. The one on CAFTA had lots of cheesy singing and lounge type music, which is the worst when it is live. On Friday I went to a nicaraguan punk show. Half of the bands were awful. The others were hardcore punk and metal. During one band that sounded like incubus I witnessed a very odd spectacle. There was a mosh pit created in the middle of the crowd and kids would gather in ... read more

Dont have time for a huge update but I could use some help from people. I know not everyone has money and all but if any could send me some of these things it would be a god send. Black and green pipe cleaners. Food coloring. Corn starch. Large popsicle sticks. I could really really really use them for my classes. Esp the food coloring. I am good. Having the time of my life actually. Just so you all know. This country and its people have pretty much stolen my heart. Again. Te amo!... read more

Howdy all, I recently returned from the country side where I was living with a family of 10 on their coffee farm. At this moment I do not have time to write about my experience but I will try later today. However a friend here pointed out that the video for the band perrzompopo on youtube is partly shot near my neighborhood in Managua. So I am uploading the link for you all to check out. There are some parts on here like, jesus on the ball, which is right down the corner but I don't think that is the official Nica name. Also there are shots of graffiti which are on the walls of the university that i go to here se llama universidad de central america. Check back soon there will be more. ... read more

Yo tengo tiempo ahora. SO i recently returned from the community of el tepayac in the campo(country side) outside of a little division named San Ramon. It was at the top of a mountain in a beautiful cloud forest and magnificent tropical hill side. Where there were banana leaves nearly as big as me and foliage everywhere. It had been raining recently and there was mud up to your ankles everywhere you went. Really it was one of the most beautiful places I have been. Pictures soon to follow. I was in a family of ten members, mostly young adults and two parents. There was a main house with a living room and sleeping room and a kithen/storage room in the side yard. There were also two other buildings across the road where two yound couples ... read more

Charito is getting married in my church this Saturday. OH MY GOSH! I saw a pig get run over on a main highway today. Ugh. My birthday is in one week and were having a party with all the youth. And a PINATA!!! WOOO! You really should all download Skype so we can chat. I was sick for a few days. Not fun. But it gave me a lot of time to rest and feel way better. I still want a motorcycle. Im also becoming more girly still. Whats happening to me!?! haha I start teaching art classes on Monday. If someone really loves me and wants to send me black and green pipe cleaners and well other colors too that would be amazing. But I really need black and green. I dont know what else ... read more

So I just thought I would fill everyone in one some cultural differences I have noticed that are rather interesting. Men here seem to be much more polite to women but it has its ups and its downs. For example, on the bus its wonderful because a lot of guys give up their seats to them women on the bus and stand so that the women dont have to. When I go out with the guys from the church, they always let me sit first. Also even though I am fully capable of climbing in and out of the back of a truck, one of the guys will always help me. Theyre juts very polite towards women in this country. Heck, the guy who runs this Cyber Cafe pulled my chair out for me before ... read more

HOla todos, Que tal. todos bien? Whats good here? Lots of stuff, but not much is happenin´. Thursday the group is going to the campo which is like ¨the country side¨really we are going to live with the poorest of the poor in latin america for a week. Pretty exciting. They are going to be our mentors, pretty much we will work with them in the fields and cook beans and rice with them in their kitchens and sleep in hammocks in their trees. SO i will tell you all about that when we return The past few days we have been taught by Dora Maria Tellez who is the president of Movimiento Renovación Sandinista The newest movement of sandinista actions. She was a commandante in the revolution. She was the #2 commander in the takeover ... read more

Today there is no school for us, and for kids who go to secondary and primary school here, they have off til wednesday because this weekend is the celebration of independence for Nica. So I have more than ample time to write before the power goes off. The victor jara concert i was at a couple nights ago opened up my eyes to the accesability art gives to revolutionary movement. Although I could understand very little of what was being sung by the groups at the concert there was a feeling of unity amongst the crowd singing along with the songs that is not apparent to me at other sing-along concerts. It could however also have been the amount of rum in my system, but i think not. within the youth of nicaragua there is a ... read more

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