¿Who wants a bite?

Published: September 19th 2007
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HOla todos,
Que tal. todos bien?

Whats good here? Lots of stuff, but not much is happenin´.
Thursday the group is going to the campo which is like ¨the country side¨really we are going to live with the poorest of the poor in latin america for a week. Pretty exciting. They are going to be our mentors, pretty much we will work with them in the fields and cook beans and rice with them in their kitchens and sleep in hammocks in their trees. SO i will tell you all about that when we return

The past few days we have been taught by Dora Maria Tellez who is the president of Movimiento Renovación Sandinista The newest movement of sandinista actions. She was a commandante in the revolution. She was the #2 commander in the takeover of the national palace in 1978 and also led the brigade that took Leon the next year. Very cool. in 2005 she was appointed visiting professor of Latin American studies at Harvard, but was refused entry because the current government has barred her as a terrorist. Muy loco.

SO i think that bugs and the like have an affinity for me. I have been able to handle the hormigas(ants) and geckos that are usually in my room. But lately I have had cucarachas in my room, which are damn hard to kill. However last night was the worst. I was getting ready for bed and sweeping of the sheet with my hand when a scorpion started scurrying across my bed. chinga chinga chinga... Thus i yelled, my mom came in and she yelled. I swipped it off my bed with my shoe and accidently launched it at my mom. That moment was very funny, but only for me. those of you buddhists shouldn´t read the next part.

Then i had to smash it with my shoe. que triste.

sO care for a bite?


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